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macrumors member
Original poster
Jun 10, 2015
Hi all,

I have set up a new Mac Mini M1 computer with macOS Ventura as a file server. I have created shared only users and I can mount the shared folders on the connected macs. They get properly shown first in the list after clicking on the Mac Mini on the Finder's sidebar. But after some time (10 hours in general), the shared items disappear from the list and instead it shows "connect as" in the right upper side. Clicking on that does not trigger a user/password field at all. However, if I connect to the server via Finder menu directly the share is available and gets mounted but not shown. Here is a screenshot what I am talking about:

Bildschirm­foto 2023-02-23 um 22.18.08.png

I have read a lot of network issues coming up with macOS Ventura but I didn't find any fix on that. Only a server reboot fixes it. I have tested it with two Macs an both show the same behavior after the same time.

Is there a trick to get it to work? I have already tried a clean install of both the server and one of the clients without success!



macrumors 65816
Apr 30, 2008
USA (Virginia)
I have read a lot of network issues coming up with macOS Ventura
Yes, me too!

Is there a trick to get it to work?
I have a similar situation where after a few days the client machine can no longer connect to the server Mac running Monterey. What I’ve found is that disabling and re-enabling the File Sharing checkbox on the server fixes it… for awhile...
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