At this time, iPhoto version 9.5.1 is the best Apple solution to handling and managing photos in Mac OS X 10.9. The new Photos app will not be coming to 10.9.
Download it from the Mac App Store. If you already have iPhoto on your 10.9.5 machine and you do not have any pending updates, then you are already on the latest version of iPhoto for 10.9.
Search for iPhoto in the Mac App Store. Do you have the option to download it?
Yes, that will be iPhoto version 9.5.1.
is there any way I can get microsoft word back or maybe you can suggest a similar substitute
no one is responding to my question
Where was that question do you have a link? Thanks.
Where was that question – do you have a link? Thanks.
Microsoft Word is installed with the rest of the Office package.
Do you not own the installer for MS Office?
I think iPhoto 9.2.3 was iPhoto '11 and came on disc. Sometimes the Mac App Store doesn't pick disc installed versions of iLife and iWork and doesn't prompt to update them. You should be able to download Pages, Keynote, and Numbers for free from the App Store. They are Apple's Office suite apps.
iPhoto is a large application. Depending on the speed of your internet connection, it can take awhile.
You should be able to access your old iPhoto library. Depending on what version your previous version was, you may have to download an iPhoto library migrator application from Apple.
I don't suppose you would have an idea where the old library is?
I am assuming the old photos must be on the computer some place. I looked for a migrator application like you suggested but I can't find the old library to migrate into the new one
Your iPhoto library is in your user folder (your hard drive/Users/your user name/Pictures folder, then Right-click on the iPhoto Library, and choose Show Package Contents.
That will take you inside your iPhoto Library, and all your pictures will be in one of the folders - probably named Originals, or Masters.
Ah - OK!
You did say earlier that you also lost your Microsoft Word when you upgraded to Mavericks.
Does that also mean that you ERASED your hard drive when you upgraded to Mavericks?
In that case, anything that was not part of the OS X system is gone, unless you backed up your files to another drive before you upgraded.
That would also explain why you don't find an older iPhoto Library file.
If you did NOT erase your hard drive first, then I think your old pictures should be somewhere, and the ONLY place that iPhoto would put those, by default, is in that Pictures folder. Older iPhoto versions have an iPhoto folder, but that would be a version older than (I think) iPhoto 6, from 8 or 10 years ago. If your previous iPhoto was much more recent, version 8 or 9, then the pictures must be somewhere in the iPhoto Library file.
Look through your iPhoto Library file again. Look into EVERY folder that you see. Look for jpg's that are as old as you expect. You can do a "quick look" of any picture file (select the file, then press your spacebar for a "quick look" then press again to close the file.
Do not ignore a folder, even if the folder has a newer date. Check the actual .jpg files, which may be older than the folder appears to be.