This discussion began in my other, unrelated, thread, but I'd like to get more feedback. I am meeting someone to purchase an XS (not pro) this Saturday. The price is ridiculously good. In my area (a rural area), prices are pretty low for iPhones, relative to other areas of the country. The only phones that are selling for a high price are the 11s. Anyway, the price didn't raise alarm bells for me, but it did for others in the group here. The owner of the phone said that they sent their XS in for a claim and Apple sent a replacement, but in the meantime they bought the new 11, so are selling the replacement XS. I want to make sure I am covering all my bases before buying it. Here's what I've done in preparation for meeting on Saturday. Is there anything else I could/should do prior to meeting? I don't want to be annoying and have the seller bail, but also want to make sure I'm not buying a problem phone.
- I've checked the IMEI on a couple of sites and it looks fine, but I don't really know what I'm looking for.
- I asked the seller if she had receipts for the replacement and she sent me screen shots of the confirmation emails from Apple. However, they were really blurry so I can't make out the numbers, but can see that there is a repair number, etc. Is this enough to prove it wasn't stolen, or should I ask for clearer pictures? Attached is one of the three screen shots she sent.
- The documents show that the replacement was issued on Nov 14th. But when I look up the IMEI number, it says it's not under warranty and is not eligible for warranty. Is that unusual?
- Anything else I should do?
- Checking the battery health %
- Making sure volume etc work correctly
- Checking for cracks, scratches, etc (would it be totally weird if I brought my jeweler's loupe to inspect closely?)
- Anything else I should do?