I have a 2.0 GHz Dual Core Power Mac G5 (the one in my signature) that I think I would like to part with. Back when I acquired it a year or two ago, it was damaged in transit. I ended up using a bolt to drive through the case do the bent handle would be fitted back into place. It restored functionality of the handle and stopped it ripping your skin off when you walked by it, but it only looked slightly better aesthetically. The small frankenstein style bolts on either side of the front handle aren't the prettiest.
As I would seriously contemplate killing a man for the chance to own a G5 Quad, so over the summer I will try to earn enough and make this a reality. This 2.0Ghz works perfectly and has 2.5GB Ram, an nVidia 6600LE and a 160GB HDD. As a collector I think I will just keep one Power Mac G5, so why not just the best one? I might contemplate a 2.3GHz as the air cooled model might be a little more reliable in the long run, but there is something cool about the quad. The most power PowerPC Mac. It's a part of a collection, but I like to use my items from time to time. And I like them to be as pretty as possible while doing it.
So what do this is the best way to go about selling this rig? All together, parts, or not worth parting at all? (Keeping in mind I hardly ever use this no due to it's ugliness. Whereas I would cherish a mint G5 like my Quicksilver everyday.)

As I would seriously contemplate killing a man for the chance to own a G5 Quad, so over the summer I will try to earn enough and make this a reality. This 2.0Ghz works perfectly and has 2.5GB Ram, an nVidia 6600LE and a 160GB HDD. As a collector I think I will just keep one Power Mac G5, so why not just the best one? I might contemplate a 2.3GHz as the air cooled model might be a little more reliable in the long run, but there is something cool about the quad. The most power PowerPC Mac. It's a part of a collection, but I like to use my items from time to time. And I like them to be as pretty as possible while doing it.
So what do this is the best way to go about selling this rig? All together, parts, or not worth parting at all? (Keeping in mind I hardly ever use this no due to it's ugliness. Whereas I would cherish a mint G5 like my Quicksilver everyday.)

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