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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
is there a certain way to setup Continuity from my iPhone 5 to my iPad 3?

And when my iPhone 6+ comes in around October 1st, will it be easy to change?


macrumors regular
Apr 15, 2013
is there a certain way to setup Continuity from my iPhone 5 to my iPad 3?

And when my iPhone 6+ comes in around October 1st, will it be easy to change?

Same question here. I thought it would "just work" if I was signed into icloud on both devices. If I've got safari open on my iphone, shouldn't I see a safari icon on my iPad's lock screen or something, so I can open the same page there?


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Same question here. I thought it would "just work" if I was signed into icloud on both devices. If I've got safari open on my iphone, shouldn't I see a safari icon on my iPad's lock screen or something, so I can open the same page there?

i'm more concerned about sms text, and phone calls.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Feb 3, 2012
Yes, and making them. Works fine on mine

once the yosemite update comes out, we can get that on there too right?

sorry for all the questions. The iPad must be on wifi to do this right? do the devices have to be connected via bluetooth?


macrumors member
Aug 6, 2014
I didn't have to pair them or anything like that. I think it took a reboot of one or both devices for it to start working.


macrumors member
Jan 28, 2010
I got iphone 5s and and ipad to show active apps.

Has anyone got the ability to use the LTE from iphone on their ipad yet? What they are calling instant hotspot. This is what I really want to figure out.
Last edited:


macrumors regular
Nov 7, 2013
My 5C and Ipad 4 won't connect over BT unless I set up a hotspot. Any ideas? Or do I have to set up a hotspot for this to work?

EDIT - To be honest if it requires BT I probably won't bother with it much as BT gives me a massive headache.


macrumors regular
Sep 10, 2014
Just tried it out...

No bluetooth is required.

you just have to be in close proximity... its 1 am here so i didnt test out the distance.
You have to have both connected to wifi and
both logged into same apple account

thats it no advance set up required

you go to facetime on your ipad and type the number you want to call and it asks if you want to call with cellular or facetime audio. then you'll be able to see it making the call on your phone and you'll hear it on the ipad.

EDIT: actually i am not sure on the bluetooth as i now see both my ipad and iphone have bluetooth on. this must of happened during the update as i never have BT on my phone.


macrumors 68030
Mar 28, 2008
Manchester UK
What happens if I want to be able to use continuity for phone calls from my wifi-only iPad but I don’t want to use my iPad for FaceTime?

It is possible to use continuity without my iPad intercepting FaceTime calls?


macrumors 68030
Mar 28, 2008
Manchester UK
“Hey Siri” also can’t make a continuity calls from iPad to iPhone. She says she can’t make phone calls only FaceTime calls. Think that’s a bug.
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