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Apr 12, 2001

Last week, we shared a brief video showing that LG's revisions to the shielding in the UltraFine 5K display have successfully addressed issues with the display flickering and disconnecting when in close proximity to Wi-Fi routers. Apple and LG had temporarily pulled the display from the market while LG adjusted its manufacturing processes to incorporate the fix and push the new stock into sales channels, and sales of the revised display began earlier this month.

At the time of last week's post, we noted that customers purchasing the UltraFine 5K display should check for serial numbers beginning with 702 or 703, as these indicate manufacturing dates of February or March after the fix was put into place. Several MacRumors readers subsequently reported, however, that they have recently received units shipped from Apple with serial numbers starting with 612, indicating manufacturing dates in December 2016.

These readers have been uncertain as to whether their units have the revised shielding in place, or if they should be testing their displays to see if the flickering issue can be induced. One reader noticed that the label on the box of his December UltraFine 5K included a black circular sticker at the top left, a sticker that was not present on our original UltraFine 5K display that was manufactured in November and shipped in December and which was susceptible to the interference issue.

December 2016 unit retrofitted prior to sale (left) vs. March 2017 unit properly shielded from the start (right)

Newly manufactured UltraFine 5K units include a black square printed directly on the label in the same location, and LG has confirmed to MacRumors that the presence of a circle or square does in fact indicate that the unit has the revised internal shielding and should be protected from the interference issues.

While LG did not explicitly confirm any difference between a circle and a square, it appears that the square is indicative of a unit that was originally manufactured with the proper shielding, while the circle is used on earlier units that were subsequently retrofitted with the shielding before sale. There should be no difference in the performance of the two versions.

For those users with units lacking a circle or square on the label and thus susceptible to the Wi-Fi interference, LG is conducting free repairs to install the proper shielding. Users are advised to contact LG to arrange for the repair, which can take up to 7-10 business days once the display is received by the repair facility.

Customers interested in purchasing the UltraFine 5K should remember that Apple's 25 percent discount on USB-C and Thunderbolt 3 accessories is still scheduled to end on March 31, so they have just over a week to order the display at its discounted price of $974 before it goes back up to its regular price of $1299.95. It is possible Apple could extend the discount as it has done once already, but there are no guarantees.

Article Link: How to Tell Whether Your New LG UltraFine 5K Display Has the Shielding Fix
Yes, this thread has had many a conversation about this:
LG UltraFine 5K - Owners Thread

I had two December-builds (SN "612") with NOTHING on the box label. Then I re-ordered and received two new ones in mid-Feb with February-builds (SN "702") and they have the black SQUARE on the box label. (then returned the Dec ones, obviously!)

File 22-03-2017, 19 40 42.jpg File 22-03-2017, 19 37 05.jpg

Same on the back of the displays:
612.jpg 702.jpg

Nice for chasing this MR. As many have been left confused as to whether they do/don't have shielding fixed ones.

They're really splendid displays when you have ones that work. The few other minor issues hopefully can be fixed with software updates – PLEASE Apple + LG!
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Thanks for writing about this. I pick up my fourth display (third replacement) tonight. Hoping for a square!
That's the definition of insanity. Doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result.

You're a lot more patient than me!
That circle / square sticker thing seems to stack up. As expected, my 701s are both circles. But yeah, I still won't be returning them, as there are no obvious indicators now that these displays are inferior in any way to "square" models. Maybe when I go to sell these on eBay in 5 years, my dreaded "circle sticker" will knock $50 off the price though ;)

Still, it's dubious that LG / Apple are selling these circle models as "new". This is almost the very definition of manufacturer-refurb right? Apart from the fact that they weren't necessarily "returned" by customers (unless you count Apple as LG's customer). They've still been opened, refurbished in-a-sense, and repacked.
That circle / square sticker thing seems to stack up. As expected, my 701s are both circles. But yeah, I still won't be returning them, as there are no obvious indicators now that these displays are inferior in any way to "square" models. Maybe when I go to sell these on eBay in 5 years, my dreaded "circle sticker" will knock $50 off the price though ;)

Still, it's dubious that LG / Apple are selling these circle models as "new". This is almost the very definition of manufacturer-refurb right? Apart from the fact that they weren't necessarily "returned" by customers (unless you count Apple as LG's customer). They've still been opened, refurbished in-a-sense, and repacked.
I think as long as they are "unused" then it's okay to sell as new, even if they were upgraded and repacked.
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I think as long as they are "unused" then it's okay to sell as new, even if they were upgraded and repacked.

For something this expensive and new, they should cut their losses and sell them as refurbished units.

Though I remember in the days of (Leopard/Snow Leopard) Apple retail would sometimes repackage systems and include a OEM Drop-in disc for systems preinstalled with a prior version. But the hardware was never changed. So its a bit different but I see your point.

Waiting for a set of replacements myself, we'll what they bring.
All the circle means is that they likely retook the backs off, added insulation material during a second round of fitting, before packing/shipping. Hardly classed as 'refurbished', as the square ones just had the material done in one fitting session.

Complaining about one or two fitting sessions during manufacture is getting petty – they work exactly the same regardless.

Buy and enjoy usage.
I would love to know exactly what components were retrofitted to fix this issue. As I've mentioned on another thread, I have seen inside a 702 display and I could see nothing that looked like it was retrofitted. So either that means the display I looked at is not upgraded or the new components look like something that you would expect to be there from the outset.
Gotta check my box now. I wonder if I never noticed the issue because the fix was already under way in January.
This would have been nice to know.....a week ago....

Oh well, at least we know now. I don't understand why LG couldn't have told us this.
That circle / square sticker thing seems to stack up. As expected, my 701s are both circles. But yeah, I still won't be returning them, as there are no obvious indicators now that these displays are inferior in any way to "square" models. Maybe when I go to sell these on eBay in 5 years, my dreaded "circle sticker" will knock $50 off the price though ;)

Still, it's dubious that LG / Apple are selling these circle models as "new". This is almost the very definition of manufacturer-refurb right? Apart from the fact that they weren't necessarily "returned" by customers (unless you count Apple as LG's customer). They've still been opened, refurbished in-a-sense, and repacked.
I see your point. If I were in the market for these, I'd probably insist on square-sticker units.
Great, but Apple should make brand new Thunderbolt displays for brand new Mac Pro and brand new Mac mini. Yes, the current LG UltraFine 4K and 5K displays are ugly.
Great, but Apple should make brand new Thunderbolt displays for brand new Mac Pro and brand new Mac mini. Yes, the current LG UltraFine 4K and 5K displays are ugly.
They're not going to, as they've confirmed they're out of the display business. So no amount of repeating this comment is going to make it true.

The old Apple displays actually look quite dated now in design, when sat next to the 5K's (I have both).
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