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macrumors 6502
Sep 11, 2014
So far I love the Face ID. I am not missing the fingerprint which I liked at all. I️t does seem to have an issue with my sunglasses on at the beach though.


macrumors G5
Nov 29, 2011
Boston, MA
Every person who bought the X said that but I don't get it. Touch ID always worked perfectly for me since 6S.
Said what? That it’s an upgrade?

As far as authentication Touch ID works fine. As far as an overall space savings it’s undeniable Touch ID takes up more space than does faceid in these newer devices.

For me a happy medium would have been Touch ID on the back. But I have absolutely no complaints regarding the usability of Touch ID.


Aug 4, 2011
Every person who bought the X said that but I don't get it. Touch ID always worked perfectly for me since 6S.
So much better, works even with damp hands. Works way more reliably, and faster.

Its kind of a throwback. Raise phone and swipe to unlock straight to home screen.

Rather than click and hold until homescree.


macrumors G3
Apr 27, 2015
Philadelphia, PA
Face ID has been amazing for me so far. Hasn't failed once and has worked in all the scenarios I hoped it would. I also really like the attention aware features. From the charger on my desk, I tap to wake and then all my notifications open. Really cool. Face ID is something I don't even think about anymore, just pick up my phone and swipe.
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macrumors 68040
Feb 28, 2009
face ID has been great and super fast for me. no complaints here.
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macrumors regular
Nov 14, 2016
Leiden, Netherlands
Face ID works very well for me, including when in the dark and when wearing glasses/sunglasses. I like it more than Touch ID because you just have to glance over.
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Jul 12, 2016
Every person who bought the X said that but I don't get it. Touch ID always worked perfectly for me since 6S.

The Reality is touch ID was not perfect, but it was consistent. Just as Face ID will be consistent, but not perfect. It's really a matter of preference what somebody wants in terms of security.
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macrumors regular
Sep 21, 2016
Everbody, just because Face ID works, doesn't mean it's better. Face-ID was a workaround because they couldn't get Touch-ID to work on iPhone X. Enjoy the substandard implementation that is Face-ID.
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macrumors member
Sep 17, 2014
United Kingdom
I have to say Face ID is absolutely amazing I’ve had zero ZERO requests for my passcode sometimes I’ve just glanced over at my phone on the side when a notification flashes up and it unlocks! It’s blown my mind!
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macrumors 6502
Oct 31, 2017
Everbody, just because Face ID works, doesn't mean it's better. Face-ID was a workaround because they couldn't get Touch-ID to work on iPhone X. Enjoy the substandard implementation that is Face-ID.

Yes, we get this is your opinion. You have stated it many times. It is also one shared by a limited few who seem to enjoy these odd conspiracy theories that rely on claiming a more advanced technology was actually the solution to not using a simpler and tried technology Apple has been using the last few years.

Face ID is hardly a workaround - they could have rammed Touch ID into back if they wanted. They didn’t because Apple considers Face ID the next step. I agree.

My own opinion is Face ID is awesome because it just works seamlessly. That is all I need of it. I wish it was on all my other iDevices instead of Touch ID too.
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Newtons Apple

Mar 12, 2014
Jacksonville, Florida
Every person who bought the X said that but I don't get it. Touch ID always worked perfectly for me since 6S.

It IS an upgrade because it even worked today when my hands were wet. It has worked every time so far and you do not even have to think about it. I know you will miss finger ID but sooner or later it will be history.
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macrumors 6502
Mar 21, 2011
Works about 85% of the time for me. Most of the failures occur while laying in bed (as has been mentioned). Overall I like it.


macrumors newbie
Nov 7, 2017
Face ID works better for my then Touch ID. I even wanted to see what Face ID couldn’t do before I bought the phone and I found this video.



macrumors member
Jun 9, 2009
Everbody, just because Face ID works, doesn't mean it's better. Face-ID was a workaround because they couldn't get Touch-ID to work on iPhone X. Enjoy the substandard implementation that is Face-ID.

Why do people keep spreading this garbage? People that say Face ID is a workaround obviously have never done any coding in their life. Face ID is a technology that Apple has been working on for at least 3 years most likely. This wasn't a last ditch effort because couldn't get Touch ID under the screen.
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macrumors regular
May 15, 2017
Unsurprisingly I will be one of the few people to tell you Face ID isn’t perfect. Shocking, I know.

It doesn’t work as well when it’s sitting flat on my desk and to my side. I have to hover my head over instead of simply puttinf my finger on the phone. It also doesn’t work well when I’m just waking up and wanna check my phone while lying sideways and my face is half sunk into my pillow. Occasionally I will also be holding the phone at awkward angles to cause it to fail.

All of these situations are expected to not work with Face ID, but they are also situations where Touch ID have no problem with.

With all that said, Face ID is still an amazing piece of tech. When it works it’s just smooth, natural, and elegant. It also has additional benefits other than unlocking the phone. My favorite feature is how my messages are displayed on my lock screen when it recognizes my face, but hides the contents when someone else picks up my phone. Convenience features like this has a lot of potential and will make using the phone a more pleasant experience.

TL, DR; Face ID isn’t always better than Touch ID, but it has a lot of potential that makes it feel like an upgrade.
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macrumors 68040
Feb 1, 2008
Touch ID is faster and a bit more reliable. Face ID is better than I thought it would be but the more ambient light the closer I have to hold it and it can take a little longer to open the Touch ID. I prefer Touch ID but Face ID has the atvantahe to preview messages and sign into bank apps etc by just opening them.


macrumors member
Oct 26, 2017
It’s great. I love it. All you have to do is pick up your phone and swipe up. Much faster than Touch ID
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macrumors 68020
Jan 30, 2008
Washington DC
There are always pros and cons to any new technology.

1. You can unlock the phone with either hand. TouchID allows for one fingerprint. With FaceID you can hold the phone in either hand and unlock it, so it doens't matter which pocket you place it in.

2. Faster unlocking. While it is only a few seconds FaceID is faster than TouchID because you do not need to adjust your hand to get the thumb over the scanner. You can look at the iPhone regardless of how it's being held and it unlocks.

1. Sometimes it unlocks too fast. I'll look at the phone for the time and it unlocks.

2. I have the black (okay, space gray...but it's black) X. It's hard to tell which side is upright without the button. Sounds silly, but now I have to feel for the speaker holes or look for the ear hole.

Overall, it's a wash. There are pros and cons to both.


macrumors 6502a
Sep 17, 2012
Long Island, NY
I loved using FaceID all weekend during everyday use. Then I got to work today and it wont read my face when laying on my desk which means I need to wait each time for the passcode option to display to unlock. This is really annoying.
There are always pros and cons to any new technology.

1. You can unlock the phone with either hand. TouchID allows for one fingerprint. With FaceID you can hold the phone in either hand and unlock it, so it doens't matter which pocket you place it in.

2. Faster unlocking. While it is only a few seconds FaceID is faster than TouchID because you do not need to adjust your hand to get the thumb over the scanner. You can look at the iPhone regardless of how it's being held and it unlocks.

1. Sometimes it unlocks too fast. I'll look at the phone for the time and it unlocks.

2. I have the black (okay, space gray...but it's black) X. It's hard to tell which side is upright without the button. Sounds silly, but now I have to feel for the speaker holes or look for the ear hole.

Overall, it's a wash. There are pros and cons to both.

Touch ID allows you to register 5 fingerprints. Ive always had 2 fingers on each hand registered.
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