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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001

LoopRumors claims that Apple is in the early stages of developing "a new hybrid display"
This new display is supposedly capable of two different methods of inputs; electronic and physical. The displays will be unlike traditional offerings where the screen only shows what the keyboard and mouse tell it, but will also be interactive, like Apple's iPhone. Users will be able to 'touch' the screen to input and control information on the display.

No further details are available.

Article Link


Administrator emeritus
Jan 15, 2006
The Kop
I stop reading Loop rumors a long time ago because the weren't very accurate, how has their record been lately.


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
Regardless of the source of this rumor, I think it is highly probably that Apple is indeed working on this type of technology in one form or another. It's a logical technological progression in my mind. I think the iPhone is only the beginning of multi-touch technology and in a few years we will see it being deployed across all of Apple's offerings. The technology of Minority Report is not that far away! ;) :cool:


macrumors member
Mar 2, 2007
Vancouver, BC, Canada

Regardless of the source of this rumor, I think it is highly probably that Apple is indeed working on this type of technology in one form or another. It's a logical technological progression in my mind. I think the iPhone is only the beginning of multi-touch technology and in a few years we will see it being deployed across all of Apple's offerings. The technology of Minority Report is not that far away! ;) :cool:

hehe... good ol' minority report. We always joke around the office about how tired we would get if we had to edit our commercials standing up and moving our arms like crazy! lol


macrumors 6502a
Apr 13, 2002
Cold Spring Harbor, NY
Multi-touch displays and iMacs, Leopard support

I've been saying this here all year, it makes perfect sense. A line of displays with multi-touch capability. The display could be moved from vertical to almost horizontal. And, iMacs with multi-touch, also able to go almost horizontal. And of course, multi-touch built into Leopard.

Why do you think there have been no display updates for so very, very long?


macrumors P6
Jun 4, 2003
hehe... good ol' minority report. We always joke around the office about how tired we would get if we had to edit our commercials standing up and moving our arms like crazy! lol

You'd definitely build up stronger arm muscles though! Just as the Wii is turning video games from a more passive physical activity to an active one, perhaps general computing will follow suit! :p ;) :D


macrumors 65816
Oct 21, 2005
Wait are you telling me Apple is developing the long lusted after touchscreen that also is compatible with a keyboard! I mean I never thought we would have the technology to do both at once but Apple never ceases to amaze me. :rolleyes:


macrumors 65816
Apr 15, 2006


macrumors 6502
Apr 28, 2005
Austin, TX


macrumors 68030
Jul 17, 2002
Corvallis, OR
hehe... good ol' minority report. We always joke around the office about how tired we would get if we had to edit our commercials standing up and moving our arms like crazy! lol

You know, the way that computers make everything so easy is not necessarily a good thing. Back when we had typewriters that required a degree of strength to press the keys down, there was no carpal-tunnel. It was the advent of the light touch keyboard that introduced that problem. And do you really believe that we were designed (euphemistically speaking) to sit in front of a computer all day, barely moving a muscle? No, we were designed to be out on the plains, running, digging, climbing, etc. So, adding a little required exercise to the daily grind is never, from my perspective, a bad thing.

Of course, we also seem to try to be as lazy as possible, so I doubt it would really catch on. Oh well.


macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2007

I like how "ground-breaking" they make the new display sound. "Users will be able to 'touch' the screen to input and control information on the display." I remember being able to "touch" a screen 10 years ago at Taco Bell using the self-ordering machines in line. I realize Apple's displays will be much more amazing than that, but the wording...

Mmm taco bell.

Clive At Five

macrumors 65816
May 26, 2004
St. Paul, MN
What?! This is ridiculous!! This isn't a revolutionary product! Target has "Club Wedd" consoles that respond via touch and keyboard!

This report is a crock of ****.

Loop Rumors should be shot.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 29, 2004
SF Bay Area
You know, the way that computers make everything so easy is not necessarily a good thing. Back when we had typewriters that required a degree of strength to press the keys down, there was no carpal-tunnel. It was the advent of the light touch keyboard that introduced that problem. And do you really believe that we were designed (euphemistically speaking) to sit in front of a computer all day, barely moving a muscle? No, we were designed to be out on the plains, running, digging, climbing, etc. So, adding a little required exercise to the daily grind is never, from my perspective, a bad thing.

Of course, we also seem to try to be as lazy as possible, so I doubt it would really catch on. Oh well.

I believe that Apple will provide MultiTouch screen input in addition to the traditional keyboard and mouse, not as a replacement.

There are times where MultiTouch gestures are the best UI (manipulating pictures on a light table, for example)... while typing descriptions for pictures can best be done with a traditional KB.

I also think we will see inexpensive MultiTouch display (Tablet?) devices that lay flat on the desk and can assume any configuration of keys/buttons/sliders/wheels, etc. that are meaningful to the application and can be customized by the user-- a piano keyoard, equalizer sliders, etc.

For some users and applications these devices will be an alternative to the mouse and keyboard... kiosks?

It will be your option to select the devices that best suit your needs.
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