I finally got a Quad after my 3 years of PPCing (I guess to call it) which isn't that long, but it feels like yesterday that I got my PowerBooks G3's, I still have the original box that they came in the mail from, it serves as my "Box of Stuff" which is one of my parts bins. But to get back on topic, I got a Quad for 125$ with free shipping, it's missing the graphics, RAM, and HDD but I'm ordering the parts along with a spare HDD and a power cord this weekend. I'm actually away at a camp for the week, the computer was estimated to come on Saturday but is now, according to FedEx, coming on Friday. I'm really excited and this camp is passing time quite well, as its computer programming and I'm doing the electronics portion
just a little thing I programmed and built today(before I found out it was gonna be early of course!) when I get home I'll be sure to post pics and hopefully shipping treated the computer well!