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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Apr 26, 2014
I finally got a Quad after my 3 years of PPCing (I guess to call it) which isn't that long, but it feels like yesterday that I got my PowerBooks G3's, I still have the original box that they came in the mail from, it serves as my "Box of Stuff" which is one of my parts bins. But to get back on topic, I got a Quad for 125$ with free shipping, it's missing the graphics, RAM, and HDD but I'm ordering the parts along with a spare HDD and a power cord this weekend. I'm actually away at a camp for the week, the computer was estimated to come on Saturday but is now, according to FedEx, coming on Friday. I'm really excited and this camp is passing time quite well, as its computer programming and I'm doing the electronics portion
just a little thing I programmed and built today(before I found out it was gonna be early of course!) when I get home I'll be sure to post pics and hopefully shipping treated the computer well!
I finally got a Quad after my 3 years of PPCing (I guess to call it) which isn't that long, but it feels like yesterday that I got my PowerBooks G3's, I still have the original box that they came in the mail from, it serves as my "Box of Stuff" which is one of my parts bins. But to get back on topic, I got a Quad for 125$ with free shipping, it's missing the graphics, RAM, and HDD but I'm ordering the parts along with a spare HDD and a power cord this weekend. I'm actually away at a camp for the week, the computer was estimated to come on Saturday but is now, according to FedEx, coming on Friday. I'm really excited and this camp is passing time quite well, as its computer programming and I'm doing the electronics portion
just a little thing I programmed and built today(before I found out it was gonna be early of course!) when I get home I'll be sure to post pics and hopefully shipping treated the computer well!

Congrats Mr. Cubed ;) You never mentioned in the group chat that you've been PPCing for 3 years. That puts you ahead of me, lol. Frankly, I think you are ahead of @bunnspecial too, being that he started shortly after I did (or earlier, I don't remember lol)
Nice! I want a Quad, but too expensive, and I got to worry about the seller not packaging it right.

What laptop is that? Looks nice:eek:
They're really iconic to me, my brothers friends dad had like 5 and they are really close and still are so I've seen a few. Don't like the Lenovo take over though
They're really iconic to me, my brothers friends dad had like 5 and they are really close and still are so I've seen a few. Don't like the Lenovo take over though
The IBM ThinkPads are a lot better, but even the first few generation of Lenovo ThinkPads are nice too. The new ones are nice too, don't get me wrong, but they are a far cry from what they were, with their rugged business class design.
Also anyone have suggestions on graphics cards? I plan to stay stock but hey, if I'm gonna upgrade might as well do it now. I'm bumping the RAM to 8 GB and getting another 1 TB HDD
For PCIe G5s, you have three options-the 6600, the 7800GT and the FX4500. I'd skip considering the 6600 unless you just want the cheapest card you can get, and instead go with the 7800 or 4500.

I'm planning on doing an upgrade soon, and will likely be going with the 4500 just because the cost difference between the two isn't that great on Ebay.

Both these cards came in both a Mac Pro version and a G5 version-obviously be sure you get the G5 one. Also, these come in flashed and OEM versions. Either should be fine, but the OEM ones have the extra support bracket while many flashed ones don't. Also be sure you get the power cable.
The IBM ThinkPads are a lot better, but even the first few generation of Lenovo ThinkPads are nice too. The new ones are nice too, don't get me wrong, but they are a far cry from what they were, with their rugged business class design.

Not a fan of the really new ThinkPads. Spent a couple of hours this morning ripping brand new X240 models apart to install SSD and WWAN upgrades. Older X-series were a single screw for the SATA sled, and a couple to unhook the keyboard and access the WWAN slot underneath (similar to PowerBook RAM). X240 is eight screws then a load of fiddly panel clips to remove the entire bottom clamshell, to unveil an interior mostly made up of haphazardly routed antenna wires and sticky tape.

Most of the current series have the worst touchpad I've ever had the displeasure to use, although after 18 months of stinky feedback from the customers they're finally re-instating physical mouse buttons on the next range.
that quadro is missing the RAM chips on the back side... it would Flash fine into a quadro for a Mac Pro but not for a G5 PCIE (if you want one for a G5 PCIE find one that has a heatsink on the back covering the ram chips)
It took me a while to post this, but this morning I got an email saying that the package was coming in on Thursday! So it should be at my house when I get home on Friday! I'm gonna see if I can potentially order the parts from here. Sadly I have to go with the 6600 as most of the parts money is for the RAM ($50 for 8 GB) this Quad has the potential to be better speced than my MBP which is crazy
Full confession-I'm going to have to eat my words and say that I bought a 7800GT on Ebay for $40 shipped earlier today.

This is a true Mac-edition G5 card, and comes with the power cable.

Most of the FX4500s I was finding(or at least the G5 ones) were $20-50 more depending on whether they were flashed or OEM.

It's a shame that the Mac Pro ones are effectively useless these days...I have the low-end factory card in my 1,1 but also a second(non-flashed) GEForce 210. A high end 1,1 factory card wouldn't really give me any benefit, as a more modern card is needed for anything beyond 10.7. Fortunately, at least, you don't have to mess around with flashing on newer cards with newer versions of OS X(unless you want a boot screen).
It's here! My mom sent me pictures from home and it looks great there are some stickers and scratches but the main issue is that the handle in the back appears to be bent a bit

Here are some pics, from the side view you can see that the handle in the back is a bit popped out, I think it can be riveted back into place, but I'm not too sure
Nice! No video card though? Did it come with the power plug? I read that they use a special shape for some reason.
Basically no parts came, no ram no graphics, no HDD, no power plug. I'm ordering those this weekend
Interesting Wikipedia entry. I had no clue there were so many different standard plugs, or even that some of those were standard.

I had no idea either before looking up the page. I actually use a bunch of these on a pretty much daily basis-C1/C2, C5/C6, C7/C8, and C13/C14
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