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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 6, 2012
I just don't see Apple updating the iPad mini when there's nothing wrong with the current one, especially if they don't want to eat more into iPad Air sales. I think Apple are making the iPad mini like the iPod touch: only updating it every two years with a mix of last and this years technology.

Come back to this thread and mock me if I turn out to be wrong.


macrumors 603
Sep 4, 2006
I just don't see Apple updating the iPad mini when there's nothing wrong with the current one, especially if they don't want to eat more into iPad Air sales. I think Apple are making the iPad mini like the iPod touch: only updating it every two years with a mix of last and this years technology.

Come back to this thread and mock me if I turn out to be wrong.

I'll just mock you now ahead of schedule. I think the iPad Mini will get the same update as the iPad Air as this is an iPad event after all and the Mini is one too.

Also, I've been thinking if they're going to just rename the iPad Air 2 to just "the new iPad." Because if you think about it, the iPad Air is the new version of the iPad and its not like its going to be its own category. They're not going to create new iPad versions that is non air. Anyone else think about this?


Aug 21, 2014
They'll definitely update it. The question remains whether or not they'll once again make it as attractive a proposition when compared to the Air. The Air became a joke to me when I saw the specs of the Mini with Retina last year. If they do that again, I wouldn't see any reason to get the Air 2.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 6, 2012
so you are basing nothing on facts.... just out of the blue...

I'm basing it on... well, the lack of facts. We haven't seen a single leak or heard anything about it.

What's more, almost everyone predicted the retina mini would get the A6X processor and the Air the A7X, yet they both got the A7. They did this so that the retina mini would last two years as the 'new' mini model, rather than giving it last years processor that has to be updated every year.

Kind of like what they did with the 4th and 5th gen iPod touch's: stretch the product life, maximise profit, yet regular consumer doesn't care.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2014
I'm basing it on... well, the lack of facts. We haven't seen a single leak or heard anything about it.
I guess you didn't hear a single leak of iPhone 6 Plus prior to launch, either. Well, there is also bunch of "6+ delaying a quarter" news ahead of the eventual launch. It is not really no leaks, anyway. The Internet is an astronomical premise that you might have always missed some stuff in the air. :p

What's more, almost everyone predicted the retina mini would get the A6X processor and the Air the A7X, yet they both got the A7. They did this so that the retina mini would last two years as the 'new' mini model, rather than giving it last years processor that has to be updated every year.

Kind of like what they did with the 4th and 5th gen iPod touch's.
You compare what people predicted with what Apple acutally did to construct your argument. Hmm, it doesn't sound fair. The market position of these two products are vastly different either: iPod touch overlaps with smartphones (as a WiFi-only version) for many years already, while iPad mini is still of its own category with key differentiators (screen size, screen aspect ratio, software). Moreover, with this logic, Apple shouldn't have rolled out two iPhones together as they will eat into each other as always. *cough*

By the way, IMO Apple starts taking iPad mini serious with the mini2. Higher price point, better display, and most importantly, the same processor as the full-size iPad. The last one is fairly important, as it means an equal ground for developers to build fluid apps. If they don't wanna make the mini better, the mini can simply stay with A6/A6X as its non-retina brother, and stand still at the original price point.
Last edited:


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2012
I am with the OP.

There will be no mini update on Thurs. No parts leaks hence not yet in production.



macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Aug 6, 2012
I guess you didn't hear a single leak of iPhone 6 Plus prior to launch, either. Well, there is also bunch of "6+ delaying a quarter" news ahead of the eventual launch. It is not really no leaks, anyway. The Internet is an astronomical premise that you might have always missed some stuff in the air. :p

You compare what people predicted with what Apple acutally did to construct your argument. Hmm, it doesn't sound fair. The market position of these two products are vastly different either: iPod touch overlaps with smartphones (as a WiFi-only version) for many years already, while iPad mini is still of its own category with key differentiators (screen size, screen aspect ratio, software). Moreover, with this logic, Apple shouldn't have rolled out two iPhones together as they will eat into each other as always. *cough*

By the way, IMO Apple starts taking iPad mini serious with the mini2. Higher price point, better display, and most importantly, the same processor as the full-size iPad. The last one is fairly important, as it means an equal ground for developers to build fluid apps. If they don't wanna make the mini better, the mini can simply stay with A6/A6X as its non-retina brother, and stand still at the original price point.

To be fair, I only believed the 6 Plus existed a week or so before it was announced. But as far as I'm aware, there haven't even been rumours of this new mini. Just people assuming that because the Air will get Touch ID, the mini will do at the same time as well, and therefore that there will be an update this year.

But I suppose we'll just have to wait and see. :D


macrumors 6502a
Jul 6, 2009
My bet is on new rMini with TouchID as well. Split on the 1GB or 2GB of ram. Might keep it to 1 on the mini. Not upgrading yet this year either way.


macrumors Nehalem
Feb 19, 2005
There was nothing wrong with the iPhone 5S and yet now we have two new phones. Apple doesn't release based on there being something wrong with the current model.


macrumors 6502
Oct 6, 2014
My bet is on new rMini with TouchID as well. Split on the 1GB or 2GB of ram. Might keep it to 1 on the mini. Not upgrading yet this year either way.
Let's not forget 1.5GB RAM... ehm, if Apple sources 6Gb chips from Hynix or Samsung.


Aug 21, 2014
LOL the latest story on Macrumors now is that there *IS* going to be a Mini with Retina update.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 9, 2012
Thanks, my plan worked.

Now for the big one...

"I firmly predict that there will be no possibility of a mac mini update on Thurs"

... sometimes you gotta take one for the team. :):)


macrumors 68030
Jun 20, 2010
Another story, another thread, my friend. :)

On topic, gold seems inevitable. I don't like it but it's quite popular.

I think you're right that we'll see gold available for iPads this time around. I don't quite get the gold me, it's a "settle for" color...sort of like settling for the black iPhone 4 when the promised white failed to materialize at launch. When the time comes to update my phone, I'll take the gold if silver's not available and I can't wait around for some reason, but it's not my first choice by a long shot.

I'm kind of surprised it's so popular. I must be missing something. :rolleyes:

Cool Pup

macrumors 6502a
Jun 18, 2010
Dallas, TX
There's plenty "wrong" with the current iPad Mini as well as issues with the iPad Air.

There's a lot they could upgrade in the next model. Spec bumps, more RAM, Touch ID, and possibly a way to make it lighter (like the first Mini) and thinner.

Sure, they aren't huge upgrades, but that's how these things go.


macrumors 6502
Jun 11, 2012
There was not much rumors on iPad Mini retina last year but still APple came up with retina Mini that has the same spec like iPad Air. And ipad mini has good sales. It appeals to those who needs portable tablet. NO reason APple would not update it regularly.
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