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Dec 23, 2016
Friends, i am really sorry if my question kinda ridicilous and pardon my somewhat bad english. I just purchased brand new Iphone 7 Plus today :) I've never used any apple product before. Now i registered in icloud and so on, but i want to factory reset the phone (don't ask me why,i always reset new machines when i buy them from store), and i want to create new icloud email and so on. However, i am afraid not to mess something up. If i now reset the phone (erase everything and so on), when i do it can i simply create new icloud account and use it? Will it become my new Apple ID, or i am stuck with the first one? Also, when i registered i gave my phone number, if i now reset the phone and create new account can i use my number again, or do i have to remove it somehow from the frist one? I hope you got my point here. Thanks in Advance!
[doublepost=1482535029][/doublepost]And just one more thing, if i reset the phone can i lose some important updates/system confrigurations and so on? Because on android i was reseting my phone basically every few months, but something tells me the iphone is different.
Reset all settings and clear all data and start fresh if you want. Create a new Apple ID and use that when you are setting up.
Thanks C DM, just few more quick questions :)
Can i use my same number on the new account again? Is there any danger to the phone? Erase all content and settings- thats the option i need to tap if i want everything to be erased right (like if something was installed and so on)?
Thanks C DM, just few more quick questions :)
Can i use my same number on the new account again? Is there any danger to the phone? Erase all content and settings- thats the option i need to tap if i want everything to be erased right (like if something was installed and so on)?
Yup, that's the option. You should be able to use the same number as I recall.
Friends, hi there again :) I bought Iphone 7 plus, and since i never used Apple products before, i need to ask a few questions :) One of the concerns i have is for the Icloud account. I try to activate my Visa card in payment but it keeps declining it? I also tried to use my cousin's Visa but it denied it as well (although at first it seemed to except it). Can the reason be that the phone number i registered my Visa card is different from the phone number i registered my Icloud? Or could it be because i have only few dollars right now in the card.

Also one more very important thing, if i use friend's credit card (or my own, but lets assume someone knows my card numbers/serials/PIN codes and so on), can he somehow access my icloud account without knowing my passwords and so on? In other words, can the owner of the credit card- registered in the account- get access to the icloud/itunes account wihtout knowing gthe password of the account itself. I know the question is bit stupid but it freaked me out since i dont trust my cousin that much and i tried to use his Visa- at first it seemed as if excepted it but then declined it as well.
Thanks again in advance!
Guys i have one more question. As a newbie with Apple, i already created 3 icloud accounts, without the knowledge that i have limit. Now last night i factory reset my Iphone 7 plus and i wanted to create one final account, but it told me account limit was reached, so i had to sign in again with the last one (i used the dumbest names possible). By now i only used to use Android and i was changing my account non- stop then. My question is is there a way i can erase my accounts, so my device is no longer attached to them, so i could create one final one to use, with proper name :) Please share if it's possible. Thanks :)
Friends, does anyone know how to erase icloud account? I unfrotunatelly made 3 of them (since new to iphone), and now i am unable to create any more. I know i am limited but can i somehow completely get rid of those privious accounts and create brand new final one? I factory reseted the phone but still they remain and i can't create new one? Is there any possible way?
[doublepost=1482620075][/doublepost]Or, in other words, can i still download from app store without icloud, can i register with another email or so on?
Guys, i am sorry i've asked numerous questions here and probably annoyed some of you. I am doing this final thread to clear something up. I am completely new to using apple and iphone. I purchased Iphone 7 plus just few days ago. Since so far i've been only using andorid since now, so when i first started my iphone, when it asked me to register i simply filled the blanks without remembering anything, thinking that i could easily just crerate new account. I realized that was mistake and i reseted my phone to factory setting (something i used to do quite often before with my android). However, in the hurry of creating a new account after the reset, believe how stupid i am i forgot the second one's password again. I reseted it again and created third account on icloud. This time i kinda remembered it and i asked my cousin to give his visa credit card so i can purchase a few things from the apple store thorugh my account. At first it seemed that it excepted the visa card but than it turned out i cant use it- probably because it is not mine. However i paniced that since i used his credit card he can somehow find out my password (although i was later told by forum members that he cant get my password like that), so i changed the password again and in a hurry i forgot it as well. Now i know it stupid, i reseted the phone for third time and- it says i cant create more apple id's. I dont remember the passwords and even the id's of the previous accounts. What can i do now. I dont really need this icloud space, can i create another email- like gmail or so on, and use apple store again? Please explain to me this because i feel super stupid now..
[doublepost=1482621613][/doublepost]Now i did not fully explained- i do remember the passwords of the last two accounts so i can relog to them, but i dont want to use any of them? Can i restore the phone again to factory and skip the icloud register, use other email (like gmail) and join applestore from there>
When using an iPhone you only need one iCloud account to be logged in, not need to have multiple iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone. Also if you are running out of space, Apple now offers a 50GB plan for $0.99/month.

Now if your other two iCloud accounts have been compromised, you'll need to call Apple customer support and they'll delete them for you after making you acknowledge a disclosure like (you'll loose everything all your date, paid movies, apps, shows, music, access to iTunes, etc).
When using an iPhone you only need one iCloud account to be logged in, not need to have multiple iCloud accounts linked to the iPhone. Also if you are running out of space, Apple now offers a 50GB plan for $0.99/month.

Now if your other two iCloud accounts have been compromised, you'll need to call Apple customer support and they'll delete them for you after making you acknowledge a disclosure like (you'll loose everything all your date, paid movies, apps, shows, music, access to iTunes, etc).

thanks chestvrg.. i've buyed nothing and i haven't used any of the strorage. I just rushed to fast and created them way to quickly, on one of them i tried to use m friend's visa card (i did not knew i need to use only mine). All i want i s to delete those accounts - to unlink them from me, and create one last one that i can use. How can i call apple suppport?
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In the US you may call:
(800) 275-2273 or (800) 694-7499. Also the iTunes number: (512) 674-2000

But I believe they are closed for the holidays.

Let me see what I can figure out because I have never logged in with more than one iCloud account into my iPhone.
chestvrg i am far away from USA :( I am in Bulgaria (in EU). Again, i dont really need icloud storadge, i only need to have access to apple store :(
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chestvrg i am far away from USA :( I am in Bulgaria (in EU). Again, i dont really need icloud storadge, i only need to have access to apple store :(

Ok I found a number in Bulgaria, I'm sure they'll be able to help you.
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Thanks chestvrg, i will call them as soon as the holidays end. But can you advice me what to i tell them. When i give them my phone serial, can i simply askthem to delete my old accounts so i can create new one. Will they need reason for why i created so many accounts (because i did it out of stupidity?)
You can register with another email if you want but why not just pick one of the existing accounts and use it? That way you'll be able to download apps now and you can ask Apple to delete the other, unneeded accounts later.
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I really don't know what they'll ask you as long as you bought your device and is legit you should be ok. I once had to delete my old iTunes account b/c it became compromised. I never went into details why, they just read to me a buch of disclosures and attempted to persuade me not to delete it and instead leave it dormant.

If you purchased any apps, movies, music on any of those accounts you will lose them.

Also it would be advisable your cousin or other family member for which you created the account using his credit card is there with you so he can also explain the reason.

Have you tried doing a full erase on your iPhone and set up as new device? Since you told me you created three iCloud accounts, the iPhone is going to ask you to log in with one of those three so have all passwords handy.
Thanks chestvrg, i will call them as soon as the holidays end. But can you advice me what to i tell them. When i give them my phone serial, can i simply askthem to delete my old accounts so i can create new one. Will they need reason for why i created so many accounts (because i did it out of stupidity?)

Since "chestvrg" already found the phone number for you why dont you have him call them for you too.
Since you dont know what to say.:D
[doublepost=1482624503][/doublepost]Friends, here is the deal. I bought the phone without the knowing that there is thing like Apple ID and so on. I've used to change many accounts and different credit cards on my old android phones. When i unpacked my iphone few days ago i registered on icloud (it kinda forced me to) just to see how iphone works. I was planing to erase the phone to factory settings because i always do that when i buy new phone, no matter what. So i simply didn't memorize what i was typing. Then when i erased it i created a new one but again forgot the passwords soon after i created it. I did not bother to remember the questions and so on and i simply erased and reseted it again (i know how stupid this is). On the third attempt, i asked my cousin to give me his credit card so i could purchase an app from the app store, he gave me his visa card because mine was empty but we failed to purchase anything. However i though that i dont want my account to be assoisated with his credit card (although i belive the payment registartion failed), so i simply reseted the phone again :( Then when i tried to register it told me that i cant register any more. I read a lot about iphone in the last two days and if i understand it right, i can now register on Itunes with different email and still use it? Am i right? I dont really need icloud for it's memory. Also i fear my cousin may know the password of the second account i did, because he was there when i was creating it. Yes it's totally messed up. All i want is my phone to be free of those old accounts and set one last one to use my device, because now i am using it with any registration. I don't want to waste the money i gave because here in Bulgaria its two salaries for me.
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I hope so too, i am sure if i was in USA it would've been easy, here is a bit different story but let's hope. But again i did not understand this- can i still use itunes somehow with other email (like gmail for example)?
You can register with another email if you want but why not just pick one of the existing accounts and use it? That way you'll be able to download apps now and you can ask Apple to delete the other, unneeded accounts later.

BorderingOn i just saw your comment. So it's possible to use new email?
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But will it be a problem, since i already signed in and out with three iclouds before that? Will i be allowed to sign to itunes again. I have hard time understanding what this Apple id is. I am afraid to try not to mess anything up even more
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