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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001
The new IMac apparently does sport a fan:

As for noise, the new iMac does have a fan to cool the G4 and the NVidia GeForce 2MX graphics card. We're told that the design goal was to ensure the fan is no noisier than the hard disk, and Apple tells us the noise emission is a reasonable 25 decibels.


macrumors regular
Jan 5, 2001
Sydney, Australia
From Apple Resseller employee

According to my Learn and Earn course the iMac's new fan is a variable speed fan, which will increase in speed as required by the temp inside the iMac.

Smart, huh?


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2001
Denver, CO
If you look at the pictures, there seem to be some vent holes arranged around the neck, so that the heat can flow out in the direction heat is inclined to go. I would imagine there are some intake vents near the bottom too.


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by Gelfin
If you look at the pictures, there seem to be some vent holes arranged around the neck, so that the heat can flow out in the direction heat is inclined to go. I would imagine there are some intake vents near the bottom too.

On a slightly different note, why doesn't apple offer the combo version of the imac with the 800Mhz G4 instead of just the 700Mhz. I want the extra speed!


macrumors regular
Oct 23, 2001
superdrive = combo

Originally posted by Falleron
On a slightly different note, why doesn't apple offer the combo version of the imac with the 800Mhz G4 instead of just the 700Mhz. I want the extra speed! [/B]

aehh ... the 800 mhz has the superdrive and that is in fact a combo ... did i understand your question correctly? ... otherwise accept my excuses


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Re: superdrive = combo

Yes, all I was wanting was a combo version (not superdrive) of the imac that had a 800Mhz processor and not a 700Mhz

I have no need for a dvd writer + want the cheaper model.


macrumors newbie
Dec 26, 2001
If you don't want a Superdrive then go with the middle version. It's is a combo drive. It's got the 800 G4. You'll just have to suffer thru being able to watch DVD's


macrumors 68000
Nov 22, 2001
Originally posted by boomertim
If you don't want a Superdrive then go with the middle version. It's is a combo drive. It's got the 800 G4. You'll just have to suffer thru being able to watch DVD's

The Combo version has a 700Mhz G4 NOT a 8OOMhz G4 (I just checked at the apple store)


macrumors member
May 8, 2001
Re: ZDNET!!!

Originally posted by kaneda,10738,2836842,00.html

Why do we bother reading this article. This just gives the writer more exposure than he deserves. He doesnt say anything that other Pro-PC users havent said in the past. I say we boycott anything this Coursey guys writes in the future.


macrumors member
May 8, 2001
Cube technology?

Has anyone peaked inside the new iMac? I bet it reuses a lot fo the Cube's parts and technology... (Course with the fan being the addition since the ATI cards never did needed additional cooling as do the NVIDIA's.)


macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2002
A PC user's view on the article

Did it blow you away? I'm betting it didn't.

No not really. I did think it was pretty cool.

APPLE ALSO MISSES the point by not allowing users to have two drives. I find it very convenient to be able to copy files from one CD to another without having to copy them to the hard drive first. Apple's unwillingness to support this is a major shortcoming.

Even I know that it is "supported", yes you do have to buy a firewire or USB drive. I don't see that many PC's with a second drive either. But really how often do you copy a CD?

From a PC user perspective, the new iMac screen alone is a nice design. If someone offered me that screen--without a computer hidden in the base--I'd consider it a neat mounting scheme. But having the large PC system unit hidden under the desk isn't a big deal for me, especially since it gives me easy access to multiple USB, serial, and 1394 ports, something the new iMac doesn't offer.

Sorry but he's on drugs here. Crawling around on the floor is "easy access." And what the heck is he still using a serial port for if he's so hip to USB?

BUT HERE'S THE KICKER: Despite Apple's reputation for innovation, its most outrageous designs don't sell. Steve Jobs's cube-shaped CPUs from two years ago reportedly still fill warehouses (those that haven't been scrapped), and iBook sales didn't take off until the machine was redesigned to look like a traditional laptop.

LOL a cube shaped CPU is outrageous design?

And I won't mention Lisa, the machine that became the Mac, or any of the zillions of design projects that, wisely, never made it to market.

LISA? A 20+ year old machine? What does that have to do with the current status of Apple or the new iMac?

I would go on but I have to get back to work. This is one sad article.


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2001
New iMac

Honestly, I think the new design is really cool. This is the first computer sporting a flat screen that allows you to swivel it in so many different positions. Not to mention the small footprint! I really agree with Apple's tendency to make their machines all-in-one's as well - I think the idea of the "tower" is becoming somewhat antiquated, as computer parts are getting smaller and cheaper...

Plus, this new iMac just seems to have a certain character to it that I think will make it attractive and "cute" to the masses of new PC buyers out there, much as the first iMac did. This is a machines that deserves to enjoy great sales.


macrumors newbie
Jul 10, 2001
Re: Re: ZDNET!!!

Originally posted by udannlin
Originally posted by kaneda,10738,2836842,00.html

Why do we bother reading this article. This just gives the writer more exposure than he deserves. He doesnt say anything that other Pro-PC users havent said in the past. I say we boycott anything this Coursey guys writes in the future.


Jerry Spoon

macrumors 6502a
Jan 8, 2002
Historic St. Charles
Hurt Feelings

It seems like this poor guy got his feelings hurt because Apple didn't give him the exclusive look at the new iMac. Instead they gave it to Time magazine, one of the most read magazines in the U.S. Where does Apple get off giving this powerhouse of a magazine the exclusive and not inviting David Coursey in on the fun. Then, when David asked them about it, Apple didn't tell the truth. I bet he won't be Apple's friend anymore and won't go play over at their house! What a jerk.


macrumors regular
Dec 20, 2001
Just to come back to Imac fan,

I feel it appropriate. It just normal, well look at the his shape, it not exactly the same one than the cube... it need a fan just to blow the warm air out... vents holes are not enough efficient... but of course they help.

my tought about the iMacs still pretty positive... I've been so impressed just by his new look, and now, these are so powerful... we can actually purchase the same power for much more expensive, i' m just speaking s
about the tower, they cost around 1000 higher than the iMac... so I bet they might change the tower soon!!! ( february or march????? )



macrumors newbie
Jan 8, 2002
ZDNET Article Offers Fuel for New Rumors

There are very few reasons to read the ZDNET article - and frankly I don't really find it amusing. It does sound like the author does have a serious case of sour grapes. Yet there is something interesting in the article - the author insuniates that Time's cover story does seem to break from media traditional norms. Time has been very supportive of Apple in its technology section (there is an author who includes somethng about Apple in all of his columns) and Steve Jobs himself (the did a very nice look at Mr. Jobs a few years back). But does the new iMac really warrant a full feature cover story - considering all that is going on in the world and the fact that few products really get that kind of spotlight? Is it so revolutionary that it would change the computer industry? Jury is out, but it is weird. The story is a fluff piece, not that Time is above that or capable of much more these days. Then you say well Apple and Netscape just set up a deal around Apple's default homepage and so let the rumors begin to swirl. AOLTW took a big hit this week with the devaluing of their stock by almost $40 per share. So could there be something brweing between AOLTW and Apple? Jobs said the PC is not going to replace the TV and not to look for set top Macs on (from his Moneyline interview), but hints about other digital hub devices...hmmmm

Its important to remember the old saying- the enemy of my enemy is my friend - Apple and AOLTW are strange bed fellows but not in today's murky times.


about this guy at zdnet...

"But having the large PC system unit hidden under the desk isn't a big deal for me, especially since it gives me easy access to multiple USB, serial, and 1394 ports, something the new iMac doesn't offer."

I agree with Pcuser007, this is easy access being under a desk? This guy is nuts. Oh by the way how many pcs ship with usb and firewire (IEEE-1394 is firewire mr. zdnet)My Dad just ordered the top of the line Dell with DVD CDRW for 2400 bucks and it only has two USB ports, on the back mind you! OH Wait here is the kicker no 1394 or firewire( same thing in case you missed this zdnet) I am sorry but I think that ZDnet and its employees should be knowledgable enough to know about 1394. New G4 imac has.. 3 USB ports (2 cntrlrs) 2 Firewire on back and two more USB on keyboard(1 for mouse)
nuff said...
graphic design :: logo specialist


macrumors 68030
Aug 1, 2001
Santa Cruz Ca

Yes. TW/AOL is a De-Facto ally in facing off with M$. Take a look at the new SW bundle: AOL instead of Netscape. I get the feeling Apple may drop IE if AOL improves enough (and takes the "blinders" out).


macrumors newbie
Jul 10, 2001
aol and apple?

it all may happen but i hope not.....I hope that apple just sticks with has too much goin on....


macrumors 6502a
Aug 7, 2001
return of the fan

I'm glad to see the return of the fan. I was curious if the new iMac would have one or not. I saw the holes, and assumed they were for heat to rise. However, I have a G4 and original iMac, and they barely make any noise. The fan in my iMac is nearly inaudible. However, my girlfriend's PC gets pretty loud, especially the CD player which is possessed and continually (and quite loudly) spins up and down.

Does the new iMac have an internal speaker still? I'm assuming there is no internal microphone provided anymore, right?
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