Im a noob to the forums.......
I know its an old post but I wanted to add something. At the end you will see why I came to this very thread.
I have owned several PC's over the years, IBM, Gateway, Acer, etc. At work I owned a Dell because the company bought it and before that it was another brand I cant remember...
Anyway I finally went back to college in 2002. I was attending Boise State University. Soon after I bought an iBook. I also purchased an Apple care plan for my iBook. First semester no issues. Then one day I had some issues with it booting up. I called apple and it was the battery. I called that evening when I got home from school. The next day in the afternoon I had a new battery sent via airmail.
Then it happened again the battery messed up and they sent me another battery. At this time the iBook as getting very hot. I called Apple and the tech told me to send it in. The next day there was a guy from the same airmail company with a box. I placed my iBook and stuff in the box and gave it back to him. That was around 10am. The next evening I had my iBook back.
About a month later I had to send it back in to get the mother board replaced. After that I had no issues. And it did not cost me anything and the customer service is better then any company I have ever delt with. Awesome!
Then I my PC died. I decided to replace it with an eMac. So I bought an Emac G4 1ghz. That is the Mac I am typing on at the moment. It is still working top notch. I have never seen a PC last this long.
The next year I purchased a second eMac 1.25Ghz G4. That eMac I still have and last week the hard drive died. That is how I came across this thread as I was looking for the commands to hack into the old HD. Was it Mac's fault that my HD died? Nooo..... But one thing that must be taken into consideration..... I have never ever had an Issue with any of my eMac's. Ever! The eMac that just died due to HD failure was rarely turned off. Its average day would be from 7-8am to 2-3am and some times just left on over night for Five Years. It was under constant use between myself, my wife, and my three girls. That eMac was a pack mule in our home. And after I try to hack into the HD to see if I can retrieve any data..... guess what... I have another HD to go right back into the same eMac and back into service it goes.
Now.... lets see a PC do that....!
I have never had an eMac crash on me..... even after the three year Applecare was up and I had a couple of the capacitors start t leak Apple replaced them free of charge. I get regular software and virus updates at no charge. There is an extensive data bank on Apples website to help with just about any need one might have.
Our lives have been nothing but positive since converting over to Mac's. We dont even worry about having an issue like we did with PC's. They were always crashing, blue screen of death, freezing, etc..... We will be buying three more Mac's this year to replace the eMac's. I will be giving the eMac's to my mom and dad as they will serve them well for their needs.
Sooooo 2002 to 2009.... some 7 years of nothing but awesome service from my Mac's.
I think the guy that started this thread is nothing but a trouble making Troll!
Sorry but thats my own opinion. I can say with full confidence that this guy has never even owned a Mac. He also must be from another dimension as all those things he claims to have never experience with an IBM or IBM clone... are the reasons many people decide to try a Mac and end up being hooked for life. I have worked for three companies and we were always having issues with the PC's and network crashes. As a federal employee we had the same issues with the PC's and many of the IT people actually own Mac's. I worked as a semiconductor engineer. So I know full well about computers. PC's are trying to be something that they can never become... a Mac. They copy everything we have, and do a lousy job at it, as well as many companies writing their software on Mac's for PC's.
Ok I am finished with my rant.