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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 10, 2014
I purchased my 6S+ a few days ago with the intention to get better battery life - I got it. I still wanted more juice - I got it. I disabled these system services (as pictured below) and my battery indicator was hardly dropping.


Any other battery saving tips?
I purchased my 6S+ a few days ago with the intention to get better battery life - I got it. I still wanted more juice - I got it. I disabled these system services (as pictured below) and my battery indicator was hardly dropping.


Any other battery saving tips?

I have every last one of those system location services toggled off and can still operate my phone in the manner I need to. Any apps that use GPS are set to 'whilst using the app' and I also have reduce motion on & background refresh off. I had this same set-up on my 6+ so I'm in a 'like for like' situation with my 6S+ and can gauge battery life between the two accordingly. I get around an extra hour from my 6S+, but doesn't iOS9 have some say in that? It's supposed to give 'up to an extra hour' of battery life and my 6+ was running iOS8...
This is a good post. For some reason it made me go and turn everything on lol. Will see how this goes for a few days...
I purchased my 6S+ a few days ago with the intention to get better battery life - I got it. I still wanted more juice - I got it. I disabled these system services (as pictured below) and my battery indicator was hardly dropping.


Any other battery saving tips?
Only ones I have on are find my phone and location sharing. You can turn the others off as they do little for you and serve to provide location info to others. Gps uses lots of battery. Their are several articles that go into detail as to what these setting do. I also have screen motion turned off. Are you using the ad and tracker blocking feature of iOS 9 for Safari. Speeds up downloads, reduces data usage, it makes this site for Instance, load almost instantly.
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I use HomeKit, so I can't disable those. Same with Frequent Location: it show me how's the traffic near my commute time.
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Makes sense if you never take advantage of those services. I do and like the added functionality. Battery life is as good as ever even then.
If my user user name is based off an extended battery, I wouldn't tell people how to use their phones.

Try to do a little research. My username is actually based on Motorsport not the battery. They came up with the battery name way after that.
Its Just a phone? Tired of reading that here. If its just a phone, how does it take pictures, internet, gaming, and more? My house phone that you pick up, call someone, then set it back on the receiver is just a phone.

Indeed. If it's just a phone then why are there whole forums dedicated to it, and why do they cost so much to buy?:rolleyes:
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