The prior responses here reveal a distinct lack of knowledge of Apples policies. Clearly stated in numerous Apple materials and on the Web, here is the facts.
All products ordered via or via the mobile app, or via the phone, will be shipped to the Apple Store per your request. It's been like this for years.
I have always had every order, especially my many $3,000+ special order MBP'S and Mac Pro's delivered to the store. Here's why...
With the decline in Apple quality had I not had my 2015 fully maxed out MBP Retina laptop delivered to the store where I requested an Apple employee to witness the unboxing, I would have been screwed.
The sealed box was in perfect condition, yet inside was a dinged dented laptop with a broken, yes multiple breaks in the display glass. As it happened an Apple manager just walked by as I removed it from the box, the expression on his face said it all.
So back it went. A new order was placed meaning two charges on my credit card since Apple doesn't do replacements on the same order number. They're Pro Apple not Pro Customer, but I'm used to that.
A very long six weeks later, I finally got what I paid for.