Anyone else ingrained in Google's ecosystem but not a fan of android?
I personally don't use Apple's ecosystem but I prefer iOS and the iPhones hardware.
For me Google's ecosystem is more universal and easier to access. I never ever go on Safari on my Mac and / or when I use a computer anywhere else. I usually use Chrome if I can. All my bookmarks are in Chrome. I prefer Google Maps. I also never use Pages but use Google Drive a lot.
Really the only thing I find useful is iCloud for backing up photos.
(Since I'm ingrained with Google the Pixel looks very promising but held off since it's 'first generation'. I feel the Pixel will be on par maybe the next generation or two). I like the seamless way Google works on the Pixel since I am ingrained with Google more than Apple.
What I like about the iPhone is Apple Care. I have a handful of Apple Store near me and like the fact that if something happens to my iPhone I can get it taken care of faster with a Genius Bar appointment.
Anyone else?
I personally don't use Apple's ecosystem but I prefer iOS and the iPhones hardware.
For me Google's ecosystem is more universal and easier to access. I never ever go on Safari on my Mac and / or when I use a computer anywhere else. I usually use Chrome if I can. All my bookmarks are in Chrome. I prefer Google Maps. I also never use Pages but use Google Drive a lot.
Really the only thing I find useful is iCloud for backing up photos.
(Since I'm ingrained with Google the Pixel looks very promising but held off since it's 'first generation'. I feel the Pixel will be on par maybe the next generation or two). I like the seamless way Google works on the Pixel since I am ingrained with Google more than Apple.
What I like about the iPhone is Apple Care. I have a handful of Apple Store near me and like the fact that if something happens to my iPhone I can get it taken care of faster with a Genius Bar appointment.
Anyone else?
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