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whocares said:
Considering Mac boxes currently sport PowerPC logos (at least last time I bought a new Mac), I'm quite sure the boxes will sport some kind of Intel/Intel product logo.
They don't currently. At least my G5 (which has nothing written on it) hasn't. The iBook and Powerbook have "G4" after their name printed on them, but no PowerPC logo.
Maybe Apple should make deals with every manufacturer of every part of every Mac, and put a sticker for each on the outside. If you're gonna pollute the clean look of a Mac with labels, you might as well go all the way.
New logo - better. No more crayon.

New CPU names - I like them. Core Duo sounds better than Pentium to my ears!

Intel logos on Macs - highly unlikely unless intended to be easily removed. Maybe small on the back by the barcode!

Intel logos on Mac marketing - count on it. On Apple's home page, product pages, magazine ads, store signage, product boxes... everywhere BUT messing up the product design itself. Why not? It's good for Apple AND for Intel to promote this arrangement.

If the logos help sell Macs--and if they make Intel subsidize my purchase!--than they're OK by me. Just nothing permanent on my Mac.

Or Griffin will have to sell the iChisel.
My guess is there will be discreet Intel branding - e.g. an "Intel Inside" logo printed one-color in grey on the underside of the new PowerBook. No stickers - that just isn't Apple's style. I suspect that Apple would choose to forgo some Intel marketing bucks in order to avoid this kind of stickering. Apple managed without co-marketing bucks from IBM/Freescale, so anything they get out of Intel will just be a bonus.
I think some of the negative reaction to having a next generation Intel sticker on a Mac is from a leftover dislike of the opposing camp. I wonder how the reaction would differ if Apple was going to use an amazing new IBM processor and planned to put that chip's logo on new Mac cases. Probably fewer complaints.

I'd still rather not have any stickers, not just because Macs should have the cleanest look possible, but for another reason as well: While the brain of a Mac might be the processor chip, it's the heart and soul that makes it what it is, and that's Mac OS X.
portent said:
The sticker was just there because PC makers got a price break for putting it there. There's no reason to believe that Apple would have used them, anyway, given Apple's obsession with clean design.
Last time I checked, Apple was rolling in money - if all they get is marketing $$$ from having the little sticker on their stuff, I too doubt they'll do it. I suppose there's always the chance that Steve would negotiate something different from every other PC maker to still get this cash, but it just doesn't seem within the realm of possibility that all the new Macs will be sporting the Intel stickers.

And if they do, so what? Peel it off and take off any residue that remains with a little nail polish remover and cotton swabs. Works like a charm on every other PC - those stickers get nasty over time, so I always peel them off while the machine is new.
Do Not Panic - Relax - No Problem Anyway

People, grow up!

It is utterly irrelevant if Intel changes or not the "Intel Inside" stickers.

It is utterly irrelevant if Apple uses or not the old or new stickers in the Mactels.

But it is not irrelevant if whatever of that means that Macs are cheaper or that the Mac and the Mac OS X expands its market share because 95% of potential consumers out there FEEL MORE CONFIDENT IF AN INTEL STICKER IS ON THE MACTEL THEY MAY PURCHASE!!!

Apple needs to increase the Mac and Mac OS marker share. It is either that or the incredibly irrelevent OS story that will go away eventually. Apple cannot afford that the Mac OS goes from 3 to 2 to 1 to 0.001 market share in the future...

Can you get it?
Josh396 said:
I could maybe see a logo or something on the box but I also agree that there is no way Jobs will let an Intel sticker on any mac product.
Yeah, that would be really sick if there was a sticker on the computer.
dubbz said:
I agree. No stickers.

They'll probably be imprinted on the side of the Mac itself. I figure they'll replace the glowing Apple on the Powerbook with a Intel logo instead.
Ew. Ew. What an utterly repulsive thought. *shivers* Joking? Right? God, I hope..
~Shard~ said:
You mean something like this?

no, it's the "intel inside" logo that's used with the centrino logo.

Looks a lot like the stem for Apple's "Apple" logo. Can't remember who did the mockup, but it was pretty neat.
~Shard~ said:
You mean something like this?

Apple: go for it. Not for me or us (Mac uers) but for that 9%% out there that will purchase such Macs with such logo. Boost worldwide market share from the current 3% to 20% or more!!!
Peel and Stick

I would do with an Intel sticker on my Mac just like I did with the Intel sticker on the PC I was given to use at work. Peeled it off and stuck it on flush sensor on the urinal. As long as they are easy to peel and don't leave residue, I don't care.
liquidh2o said:
no, it's the "intel inside" logo that's used with the centrino logo.

Looks a lot like the stem for Apple's "Apple" logo. Can't remember who did the mockup, but it was pretty neat.

I knew that wasn't the one you meant, I was just offering an alternative. ;) :)
mac 2005 said:
...I'll just remove the sticker.

I have to agree with you. Maybe it will be as simple as one of those transparent plastic stickies that fit on screen or case. I don't believe that it will be a 'hard to remove' sticker with some kind of superglue.

And I am willing to remove this stickie if it saves me some money (and it doesn't leave traces.)

CmdrLaForge said:
I could accept them on the box their are coming in, but not on the machine itself.
And what exactly will you do when Apple desides to put a sticker on it? Not much choice, is there?
amateurmacfreak said:
Yes! Hated that sticker! Will the annoying sound on commercials go away too? Gosh, I hopes so...

That 'dong!' sound always did bug me a bit. I agree with earlier posts about Intel logos on the underside of new laptops, but suspect that full-colour versions will be used. In not allowing their decals to be employed elsewhere, they sacrifice visibility; this would make a decent compromise. I really, furthermore, have few qualms about sacrificing the nicenice of the look of the underside of my machine--I'd find it more convenient to have the entire machine's product specs printed there then have nothing. That's beside the point, though.

I suspect, however, that those removable decals--the kind that stay on from static electricity and/or air compression (I never quite knew which)--will make an appearance--next to the keyboard, say, of your new laptop. You could remove it in five seconds if you so desired, and most people would.

I doubt that Apple would agree to 'glued' logos as have been discussed, save for on the base, since it does seem to violate their design principles.
dr_lha said:
They don't currently. At least my G5 (which has nothing written on it) hasn't. The iBook and Powerbook have "G4" after their name printed on them, but no PowerPC logo.

No, not on the machines themselves, but on the boxes they ship in. Hell, even the machines at one time carried the PowerPC logo (my old 7500 did). That was pre-Steve though.

I highly doubt we'll see intel logos anywhere on the machine itself. This processor deal is very lucrative for Intel as much as it is for Apple. They suddenly have the 4th or 5th largest computer producer (yes, Apple was in the top 5 last time I checked; in terms of numbers of units sold) buying chips from them. That's a dramatic increase in sales for Intel from out of nowhere. Not to mention with Apple's growth surpassing the rest of the market, it makes the deal all that much sweeter. Apple is probably getting a very sweet pricing deal from Intel. Not to mention that it looks like Apple may be sharing some R&D costs with Intel...
raggedjimmi said:
I hated the fact that stickers seemed to be compulsory on intel machines, but I didn't mind the old logo too much. where can I find this new? took a quick look at that site but couldn't find much. that italian site didn't have the image.

besides who needs a sticker when a powerful laptop alone acts as the intel badge ;)

I would not accept a sticker on the machine. I want the simple clean design and lines that Apple makes. People can stick their own stickers on if they want but no ads on mine. Apple does that and they're going to lose customers over style.
I think that the new stickers look like they are going to be placed at the back of computer since they are BW.
Now that PowerPC and AMD are almost killed why should Intel keep the old marketing paying a lot to PC manufactures to put the stickers?
I think they are going to lower the amounts paid to PC manufactures and put BW stickers on computer's back. Share holders would love it.
redAPPLE said:
as long as the sticker can be removed (and no sign on tampering would stay) let them stick a sticker on the macs.

I have had tons of trouble getting those stupid things off PCs that I work on; they leave a very messy residue... but Goo Gone usually does the trick.
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