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macrumors member
Aug 11, 2012
Very pleased they've brought back the option for voice volume. Now they just need to change the tiny touch targets for changing voice>alert>silent.
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Red Oak

Jun 14, 2011
Las Vegas strip. Per callout from another reader. Amazing


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macrumors 68000
Sep 9, 2020
Although I despise Google and would be happy to dump Google Maps and start using Apple Maps, I cannot do so yet because I've found Google Maps to still be more comprehensive and reliable than Apple Maps. If anyone can prove me wrong, I'd be happy.
I certainly can't prove you wrong for your usage.

But, as I've posted before, a part of very road I live on is omitted from Google maps (the bit that serves me), and a bit further down, the road is shown entirely incorrectly. Apple is absolutely correct to well within 3 metres.

This is not a brand new road - at least 10 years old. You can see the mismatch between Google maps and their own satellite/aerial view.

Indeed, if I go round my town using Google maps overlaid with satellite/aerial, I can see lots of places where they diverge. Sometimes only slightly, often a whole lane (e.g. the right lane appears where the left lane is, and the left lane is shoved over onto the pavement/whatever is alongside). And sometimes worse.

The accuracy of Apple is stunningly good.

I've seen both Apple and Google camera cars in town within the past few years.


macrumors newbie
Jul 9, 2008
Phoenix, AZ, USA
The biggest thing I’m missing from Apple Maps is the ability to lock North as “up“ when navigating, which is a feature in every other GPS app or device I've ever used. Having the map instead constantly rotate around me is admittedly prettier, but it’s way more cognitive load when actually trying to use the map as a map and not just blindly following directions.


macrumors newbie
Nov 5, 2018
After few years I tried Apple Maps → I really like the fresh interface, but … the traffic information is sadly not even close to Google maps. I use it daily to choose the route to commute, so it's essential to me.
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macrumors 604
Aug 20, 2015
Unfortunately Apple maps is still tied to Yelp (unless that is gone in 17). Anytime I'm looking for restaurants I only use Google maps, since Yelp is brutally dated.
Apple Maps is excellent for navigation and has a much nicer UI than Google Maps, but Apple needs to buy some big database and merge it into their own to at least try to match what Google has.


macrumors 601
Jun 16, 2009
Brooklyn, NY
Apple Maps has definitely come a long way. I would use it over Google maps, but for me I find it a bit distracting with the 3D buildings. Is there a way to turn it off?

Google maps is more clean and easier to see during navigation for me at least.


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macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2011
The reason I don't use the maps app is because while I'm driving and zoom out, to get a wider view, from the zoom setting that Apple wants me to use, it zooms right back into what Apple wants.
In other words I can't use it like I want to. They should leave it alone and let me use whatever zoom I want.
But hey, Apple always knows best...


macrumors G5
Seriously, I wish Apple would just kill-off Siri and Apple Maps. I wish Google would kill off Waze and improve Google Maps. I swear, Google must be using AI with Google Maps and it's becoming really dumb now.

BTW, I also wish an end to poverty and inequality. I also realize that whatever I wish for, will never happen.

Could you wish that Apple will stick with the same base specs in the next generation of Macs then? And wish against an iPad Mini Pro? And that I won't win the next Powerball? Supermodels won't bang on my door looking for love? My DNA won't spontaneously reset to about 25 years old to effectively de-age me physically? Foolish wars keep raging? Cures won't come in favor of forever treatments? Star Trek replicators & transporters (or very similar) will never come? The planet's own health won't have some kind of miracle reset to as it was pre-industrial revolution? The wealth of the world will keep consolidating to fewer and fewer people? ;)

That's a good start!
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macrumors regular
Aug 2, 2023
Unfortunately Apple maps is still tied to Yelp (unless that is gone in 17). Anytime I'm looking for restaurants I only use Google maps, since Yelp is brutally dated.
when i visited Denver CO a month ago, Google maps recommendations was freaking amazing, it was showing me lots of options for restaurants and places to visit, Apple Maps didn't do anything, very boring.


macrumors newbie
Jul 24, 2023
One thing I’ve always hated about AM… you’re on a route and realize you need to go somewhere after your set destination and want to know how long it’ll add to whole route… add stop only allows something to be added before your currently input stop, not after. So you have to cancel current route, recreate it, and add the other stops you want. Wish they allowed rearranging stops while in middle of a current route.
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macrumors 6502a
Nov 3, 2008
I use Apple Maps daily & welcome all of these changes (esp. travel mode as buttons, rather than a drop-down - I walk, cycle and drive!)

I far prefer the interface to all others, but Google does - perhaps understandably - always have better commercial listings for shops, bars, restaurants etc.
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macrumors 68000
Sep 9, 2020
Was well impressed with Apple maps today. Went to two places - one we visited several years ago, the other we've never been to. The maps showed the narrow roadway into/out of the car parks accurately. These are fairly small car parks - not like big supermarket or public car parks. The only mistake it made was saying that the place was on the right of the road when it is on the left! But the map was correct.

It isn't so much that the navigation was so important, but I was reassured that when it told me to turn left, it knew that I had reached the public road. In the past, with various satnavs, it has not always been clear whether it thinks you are still in the car park or not.
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