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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 8, 2010
South Carolina
It's only been 2 days of use, but beta 5 has been extremely solid thus far. I'm not saying it's completely bug free, but it's by far the best iOS7 release to date.

Very fluid, fast, and responsive!

Only wish Apple would increase animation after unlock/log in.


macrumors 6502
Jul 24, 2011
I think so too. My iPad Air was crashing and freezing a lot(!) on beta 4, but I've had no problems thus far on beta 5.


macrumors 68000
Oct 11, 2011
I have the beta on my iPad Air and my iPhone 5S. It is really very stable. No reboots, no Safari crashes, everything works great.
I think Apple fans will be extremely pleased with it.

Not quite there yet on my iPad Air. I got a Safari crash yesterday. Also the pinch to close animation glitches from time to time.


macrumors 603
Jul 20, 2006
Munich, Germany
Not quite there yet on my iPad Air. I got a Safari crash yesterday. Also the pinch to close animation glitches from time to time.

Yes, Safari can crash on some sites, but compared to 7.0.4 it's like night and day. I might get two weeks without a single Safari crash. The websites I visit don't cause any issues.
If I want to crash Safari though I can go to and Safari will indeed crash, even with the last beta.


Sep 22, 2012
Just out of curiosity, which iOS version do you guys think has been the most solid and smooth?

I've personally been using the 4 and 4S and I think iOS 5 has been the smoothest experience. iOS 7 on the 4S is also like butter but not as I felt 5 was.
Last edited:


macrumors 603
Jul 20, 2006
Munich, Germany
Just out of curiosity, which iOS version do you guys think has been the most solid and smooth?

I've personally been using the 4 and 4S and I think iOS 5 has been the most smooth experience. iOS 7 on the 4S is also like butter but not as I felt 5 was.

I have good memories from iOS 5 & 6. The worst version was iOS 1, especially Safari.
iOS 7 (prior to 7.1) is also one of the worst releases ever (from a stability point of view).


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
Which begs the question, why did Apple back themselves into a corner and release a buggy OS just because it was time for 5s launch?

How did they back themselves into a corner?

There's an expected annual release for new OS software nowadays. Couple that with the fact that everyone expects these for free and are clamoring for them a least a few months before release, and Apple really had no other choice but to release SOMETHING.

Would they have rather waited until 7.1 was ready and released it as 7? I have no doubt they would. They internally weighed the options and decided releasing 7 in its current state would incur less wrath than not releasing ANYTHING until Feb/Mar 2014.

It also happened to work well with the 5S's 64-bit chip and the port of iOS to 64-bit arch.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 8, 2010
South Carolina
Which begs the question, why did Apple back themselves into a corner and release a buggy OS just because it was time for 5s launch?

Remember pre-iOS 7? The masses were contemplating lynch mobs if iOS didn't drastically change. Add to the fact JI took the reins from Scott F.

I think Apple under estimated the time required to iron out the drastic changes. In terms of Android, it's always been rock solid.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 15, 2012
Traveling @ Warp Speed ...... USA
How did they back themselves into a corner?

There's an expected annual release for new OS software nowadays. Couple that with the fact that everyone expects these for free and are clamoring for them a least a few months before release, and Apple really had no other choice but to release SOMETHING.

Would they have rather waited until 7.1 was ready and released it as 7? I have no doubt they would. They internally weighed the options and decided releasing 7 in its current state would incur less wrath than not releasing ANYTHING until Feb/Mar 2014.

It also happened to work well with the 5S's 64-bit chip and the port of iOS to 64-bit arch.

That is my point exactly. They released it because of a time schedule, not because it was ready for prime time.


macrumors 603
Aug 23, 2012
McKinney, TX
That is my point exactly. They released it because of a time schedule, not because it was ready for prime time.

A time schedule set by the industry and consumer expectations.

They either release something that disappoints a handful of people or WAIT to release and disappoint everyone.

Personally, I've been very happy with iOS 7, despite the bugs. I'm glad they released it when they did as opposed to waiting. I'd hate to still be on iOS 6 - even with iOS 7 in its current state. I MUCH prefer the UI and I use things like AirDrop, Control Center and shared photo streams (multiple persons able to add) daily.

The UI and features are worth a few months of bugs IMO. I get some people don't feel that way - but remember. The negative group is always the most vocal, but is usually the minority. There are countless millions of silently content iOS 7 users out there - my mother, wife, wife's mother and wife's grandmother included.


Remember pre-iOS 7? The masses were contemplating lynch mobs if iOS didn't drastically change. Add to the fact JI took the reins from Scott F.

I think Apple under estimated the time required to iron out the drastic changes. In terms of Android, it's always been rock solid.

Don't know they underestimated as much as they had a specific timeline to get a lot done in and couldn't quite do it - so they got to a point where they felt like it would work for a majority of people and went with it.

Apple didn't set this annual release time frame. And at this point, consumers have come to expect it. See my post above.


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Nov 8, 2010
South Carolina
A time schedule set by the industry and consumer expectations.

They either release something that disappoints a handful of people or WAIT to release and disappoint everyone.

Personally, I've been very happy with iOS 7, despite the bugs. I'm glad they released it when they did as opposed to waiting. I'd hate to still be on iOS 6 - even with iOS 7 in its current state. I MUCH prefer the UI and I use things like AirDrop, Control Center and shared photo streams (multiple persons able to add) daily.

The UI and features are worth a few months of bugs IMO. I get some people don't feel that way - but remember. The negative group is always the most vocal, but is usually the minority. There are countless millions of silently content iOS 7 users out there - my mother, wife, wife's mother and wife's grandmother included.


Don't know they underestimated as much as they had a specific timeline to get a lot done in and couldn't quite do it - so they got to a point where they felt like it would work for a majority of people and went with it.

Apple didn't set this annual release time frame. And at this point, consumers have come to expect it. See my post above.

Yes, but Apple doesn't release stuff unless it's ready. Remember the original white iPhone4. The problem with iOS7 was they introduced it at the WWDC in 2013 with a fall release timeframe. As that time got closer, they had to pull people off the OSX project to help finish it to a state it would be acceptable.

So yes, a timeline was self induced at WWDC AND under-estimating required them to pull resources to get a public release version.


macrumors G4
Jan 8, 2012
Can you still only have about 5 tabs open in safari before they refresh every time you click on them on the iPad Air?

That and crashing was the reason I returned mine.
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