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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Sep 14, 2010

Please report bugs to (a developer account is not required to do this).

Previous threads:
Beta 1, Beta 2

Build: 13C5071/13C71


  • iPhone 6s requires less time holding the power button to turn the device on than previous versions (iPhone 6s used to need longer presses on power to turn on than other devices on the same version).
  • App Switcher – if a card that is blurred in the background is tapped, only a portion of it appears on the screen before the whole app comes to the foreground.
  • Provisioning profile - fixed the issue where it sometimes would not appear in settings when loading apps from Xcode.
  • AirPlay video/audio no longer stops when iOS device screen is locked
  • 'Show Complete Album' showing again in Music app

  • After updating to Public Beta 3, another PB Beta 3 update appears. (resolved server-side; no longer a bug)
  • Messages – animation missing when tapping on Edit and then Cancel (the messages will just pop back).
  • If an iPhone in landscape mode (sleep/wake button facing upwards) with keyboad on screen is turned for 180 degrees to alternative landscape mode, keyboard rotating animation executes in an oposite direction than other UI elements.
  • Dark keyboard flashes when changing capitalization.
  • Stuttering present in Messages list view, Control Center, Music app, when scrolling through wallpapers (iPhone 6).
  • Music – ability to swipe between Library/Playlists and All Apple Music/My Music is missing.
  • Music – Bluetooth connection with the (Apple Music/iCloud Music Library) intermittently disconnects when changing songs requiring restart of the bluetooth device to fix
  • If you have "Back to App" option on the left top corner, then swipe up CC and turn off Do Not Disturb, the "Back to App" option disappears (goes back to showing the carrier). But once you slide away CC, it shows "Back to App" option again.
  • Gray app icons in Update tab
  • If you "reduce transparency": ON, you can´t see the tapping indicator when you write in a white keyboard. No issues with black keyboard. This bug is present since ios 8. (as seen here: Youtube) (This issue is only present in the iPad)
  • If you slide down NC and then press the sleep button and then wake up the iPhone NC shows up for a brief second.
  • If you slide down NC all the way, move it back up, and press the home button before it's done with its animations, NC, CC, Siri, and single presses on the home button don't work. Issue known since 9.0 and somehow unfixed.
  • If you hold the home button for Siri and pull down NC at the same time, Siri gets cut off.
  • Doing a combination of the two bugs above gets you this crazy mess that requires a hard reset to get out of:
  • If you turn on reduce motion and then turn it off. The bars where the name of the widget is located is much darker than usual in NC. ( To fix you have to do a hard reset)
  • 3D-Touch lag on homescreen in light and medium settings is back (was fixed in Beta 2).
  • Safari – a black rectangle appears during fade out animation when you're in landscape favorite bookmarks view and tap outer area in order to close it.
  • Animations are disappearing again (Homescreen,app switcher just pop back) specially occur after pulling down spotlight search too many times.not able to fix by turning reduce motion off and on, happening since 9.0, the only workaround is rebooting the device (may be a bug on assistive touch)
  • News app will not be able to fetch new stories either under Wi-Fi or under cellular. And when reading news, if user switch to somewhere else, such as home screen, and switch back to news app, app will eventually freeze, and after a couple of minutes, quit. Reopening news app will lead to another frozen state for another couple of minutes before refreshing the news you are reading. Clicking news in Spotlight search to open news app seems OK so far.
  • Touch ID sometimes don't recognize you put your finger on the sensor (No unlocking and no "Retry" on screen response) (Bug present since 9.1)
  • Music - When pressing the "next song" button (>>) the current song simply starts over. Happens when listening to an album/playlist or when on shuffle.
Performance adjustments
  • Camera launches faster (iPhone 6).
Last edited:


macrumors 6502
Jun 8, 2008
Applied update 1.4BGB iPhone 6s, Checked for updates again and same update available. Currently showing iOS 9.2 (13C71).


macrumors 6502a
Jul 8, 2013
With dual release dev and public, the build number and the difference in sizes I'm leaning towards this being a GM candidate more than a beta. Could be completely wrong of course!


App Switcher is now super-fast on my 6s


macrumors 6502a
Aug 6, 2015
God help me for saying this lmao I hate this topic more than anything.

Seems I don't have an ounce of lag or stutter.
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