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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Nov 13, 2013
Nice job, Apple. The first iPad Mini 4 that I picked up in the Apple Store has the screen distortion when you mildly press the back, just like the Air 2.
I have a Mini right here, with no case on, and there is no distortion when holding it.

Either you were squeezing it like a crazy person, or you're just trying to get attention.

I'm guessing the former. If he hadn't been specifically trying to test for this distortion he probably never would have experienced it under normal use. When you look for problems, you will find them.
Nope, I was not pressing hard on the back by any means. No mistake, the distortion is there. What I don’t understand is why Apple did not make the aluminum stronger – like in the 6s to prevent any flexing of the outer case. None of the previous Minis have this problem, only the new iPad Mini 4. This was one of the reasons I returned my iPad Air 2.
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Nope, I was not pressing hard on the back by any means. No mistake, the distortion is there. What I don’t understand is why Apple did not make the aluminum stronger – like in the 6s to prevent any flexing of the outer case. None of the previous Minis have this problem, only the new iPad Mini 4. This was one of the reasons I returned my iPad Air 2.
I've got no idea what you're talking about Bonehead, I'm sitting here pressing the back of mine pretty hard and no distortions and I'm not a small guy, you haven't got a bionic arm have you.

I can tell you now, if you were correct I would return it in a flash, I'm looking for any excuse to return this little beast, so far I can't find any reason to return it.
Mine does when I hold the mid-bottom area of the front side and the back simultaneously pretty hard. Yea pretty hard. So that's not an issue for me.
The display iPad Mini 4 at the Apple Store did not have to be pressed hard at all for it to distort. Maybe some do not distort as bad as others. It is Apple’s obsession for thinner devices along with aluminum that is too flexible.
Come on Bonehead just come out and tell us you're Arnold Swarzenegger,s son we won't hold it against you that you're going out with Mylie Cyrus.
I was one the original people and went through three Air 2's before I found one not as bad. The mini 4 isn't even close to having the same issue. The Air two you just had to hold it, to get close to the same effect you have to press down as hard as you can. This was the first thing I checked, and its not an issue at all on mine of the other 4 in the store I held. I'm calling BS as well.
As always, some people are cut out to own and use Apple products while others, simply are not. No big deal. Just move on to a product that meets your tests/needs.
Maybe you just tried a bad unit. I haven't seen anything close to the Air 2 issue and I tried it on 5 so far.
I'm not even going to test my mini4 for this. My Air 2 purchased at launch had this when I pressed on the back and it has never been a problem.
My first-hand experience yesterday at the Apple Store is enough for me to conclude the iPad Mini 4 is not for me. Enjoy yours – my decision to purchase one is completely off the table.
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