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macrumors newbie
Feb 14, 2008
I've always wanted a camera on my laptop, imagining all the cool stuff I'd do. Then I got a MacBook Pro, and so far, I've never used my iSight.

I wonder if they are more people out there who've had the same experience.

Yep, same here. I have a MBP for a few years now w/built iSight and prob. have used less than a dozen times in as many years. If I want to talk to someone I call them on my mobile, free long distance you know etc..I've used iChat or gTalk or Yahoo video chat to chat with friends overseas a few times but not enough to make the iPad sans camera a deal breaker for me. When I talk on the phone I'm usually walking around doing tasks anyway. No camera on iPad is no biggie for me. Would it be nice, sure, it would be a very cool feature to have but it's certainly not a deal breaker IMO for my needs anyway. :eek:)


macrumors 68000
Oct 1, 2003
Because of AT&T...... Bandwidith issues.

It's gotta be more than just that, though I'm sure that's part of it.

I would think they could have made the Camera a Wifi only feature. That's how most people would be using it anyways and would be great.

Man I really hope & wish the iPad has a camera that alone would make it worth buying for my mom, mom-in-law, my wife, me, grandparents, and so many more. But without it, I could maybe see my wife and I getting one to share. and non of the others would want it. In short, the Camera may not be a killer feature for a lot of people. But, it sure would increase the potential people that would (want to) get an iPad.


macrumors 65816
Oct 6, 2008
If they include a camera it would need to be at least a 5MP camera in order to deliver enough resolution to fill a screen of that size

Oh please NO!

even a 3g takes pics at 1200x1600 and half a meg a go!

All it does is clog up the bandwidth and storage with pics you will never print.

I remember the days when you could download desktop images that looked just fine at less than 200KB

The last thing we need is wasted bytes.


macrumors member
Mar 8, 2004
Not a deal breaker for me. Sure, it would be nice to have video chat and so on and who knows, with all this conjecture floating about, maybe it will manifest itself, but ultimately it wouldn't be the reason for mine getting one.



Staff member
Feb 1, 2005
Twin Cities Minnesota
If they include a camera it would need to be at least a 5MP camera in order to deliver enough resolution to fill a screen of that size. I am hoping the new iPhones have an updated 5MP camera on them as well as the current cameras are just too low res. I still think using the iPad as a camera for pictures seems awkward given the size of the device. However, I would not be surprised for Apple to introduce some new last minute features to further entice people to purchase.

1024 x 768 = 786,432 not 5,000,000 (aka 5 Megapixel)


Jul 25, 2007
Someone check my math here, because I'm no genius. But isn't a 1024x768 screen less than 1 megapixel? ;)

LOL. Yep. Obviously anything less than 1024x1024 is less than 1 megapixel.

Math illiteracy is the same reason people believe that "A4 cost Apple $1B" nonsense. No wonder there are so many tip calculators in the app store.


macrumors 6502
Oct 5, 2008
I bet Apple releases a camera that is external, and plugs into the USB port. It'll have a swivel so you can have it front facing or face the back to take pictures.

Something like this makes the most sense to me. Maybe a $99 (sorry, but it's Apple..) videoconferencing docking station. With a *high-quality* camera (maybe something like the original iSight) having autofocus, face recognition, lighting, etc. And maybe including a better microphone or speakers or remote, if necessary.

This way, people who are interested in videoconferencing can have a much better experience than they would if there were a built in camera, while people who aren't interested in voicechat don't have to subsidize those who are.

This would also allow apple to differentiate the iPad from a netbook or other laptop with built in camera. And while this solution is not as portable as a built in camera, Apple may have determined (or Steve may have decided) that most people will videochat at home.

Also, the docking solution makes sense because you will need some sort of stand anyway for the camera to work properly. Maybe the docking stand will have an extender to avoid the double chin effect. :)


macrumors 6502a
Apr 19, 2005
You don't need an AIM account to use iChat. It's just one of the ways to access it.

The other ways being a private Jabber server, Bonjour local networking, a mobileme account presumably also. Sorry but everybody outside the USA pretty much uses MSN which iChat does not support.

There's a reason people use Adium instead.

Saying that, I find less and less people using IM at all.

I don't know. I remember my old windows mobile phone and it was so annoying to see applications still running in the background. The phone would come to a halt and i'd have to 'end processes'. I'm rather happy its one application at a time. However, there are times I wish they'd just allow 2 at a time. (max) I'm sure multitasking isn't a kind to the battery.

I've highlighted the relevant bits that indicate your problem.

The iPad isn't some ropey old crappy HTC/Moto/Samsung low power CPU Windows mobile phone. It's a 1Ghz ARM Cortex based CPU with a discrete GPU and plenty of RAM. It's not running WindowsCE.

My 369Mhz ARM CPU powered Nokia phone multitasks perfectly and it's battery lasts 2 days+ of email/phone/browsing/twitter.

My Mac SE/30 with a 16Mhz 68030 multitasks (pre-emptively). It's 20 year old. The iPad is a step backwards.


macrumors newbie
Oct 9, 2008
Boulder, CO
This way, people who are interested in videoconferencing can have a much better experience than they would if there were a built in camera, while people who aren't interested in voicechat don't have to subsidize those who are.

This would also allow apple to differentiate the iPad from a netbook or other laptop with built in camera. And while this solution is not as portable as a built in camera, Apple may have determined (or Steve may have decided) that most people will videochat at home.

Something else that the commenters on this board may or may not have noted upthread (tl; dr) is that if Apple is positioning this as a healthcare / business thin client type device, then there are very compelling reasons to leave a built-in camera OUT; and/or build various specs.

Many corporations (mine included) and hospitals/healthcare facilities have very stringent privacy guidelines. I am required by work to turn off my iPhone in all meetings and cannot take it out to the manufacturing floor owing to confidentiality standards. They don't allow the operators to carry camera-equipped cell phones at all; if it's a personal device it must be switched off and left in their lockers before they go on shift.

There are a LOT of companies that operate this way. I think the lack of a camera in the 1G iPad could point to several things:

1) as noted above; Apple's 2G/3G release strategy - camera enabled for Xmas or whatever.
2) a potential to make the device more alluring as a device for sensitive business applications (engineering, manufacturing, healthcare, etc...)
3) maybe a way to differentiate various iterations of iPad devices? you already have the wifi-only vs. 3G tier. Perhaps there could be additionally a tier of onboard camera vs. no camera models as well. Granted Apple doesn't have a strong history of BTO / flexible options, but it could happen.


macrumors 68020
Dec 25, 2006
Honestly people? This IS Apple...

The only other time there has been a large gap between introduction and shipping has been the original iPhone. Apple withheld features and let them slowly trickle out closer to release to maintain/boost hype of the device.

- Glass Screen instead of Plastic
- Better battery life than first reported
- Native YouTube Application

What is keeping Apple from doing the same there here? Would you honestly be surprised if, with the announcement of the shipping date there are also new features?

- Dashboard
- Camera / Video Support

Yes it has happened before and could happen again. I am hoping for that, BUT I really am not holding my breath!

Hearing things like this makes me want to sit back and wait for the second revision, regardless of how much I would like to purchase an iPad.

This may make me forgo the first gen models in lieu of a second gen model that has the camera.

Me too! I have gone from VERY EXCITED before launch, to kind of unsure and on the fence, to now pretty much decided to wait till the 2nd gen! :(

What are you guys seriously going to do with a camera on this thing?

If it's a front-facing camera.. then I understand, use it for Skype or whatnot, but a camera with flash? Are you telling me you'll be walking around with this thing and taking pictures? Then coming onto MR and complaining about the camera quality?

Do you now how many apps use the camera for great purposes besides just taking pictures? There could be LOTS of convenient uses for it!


macrumors regular
Mar 7, 2007

Given the size of these buttons, they were intended for use on the the iPad's screen rather than the iPhone. We're not sure why these features were dropped on the first version of the iPad, but we hope to see it again in future versions of the iPad or even iPhone.

Perhaps, in the end the processor couldn't keep up with video conferencing?

Whatever the reason, I know I will wait for desktop-equivalent iChat features, including video and screen sharing -- so I can remote admin a Mac from the iPad. That way the iPad becomes truly viable so that I never need to get up and go touch my main Mac. The iChat and screen sharing are most important for me...the video conferencing is just a nice to have.

I think for video conferencing to be useful, one would have to be able to have the iChat window open at the same time as another App -- there's that M(ultitasking)-word again, but to video chat and do something else would take more processing power. That is why I am speculating that maybe this first run of procs didn't quite have enough horse-power to do it all at the same time.

In any case, I'll wait for all those things to come together before I will buy. I *can* wait because otherwise it's just a toy (as far as I'm concerned).


macrumors member
Mar 8, 2004
I'm suspicious... in a good way. Apple would fight tooth and nail not to let fake or before due information leak out that could harm initial sails of a flagship product.



macrumors 6502a
Jul 30, 2009
What about image editing applications? With all this talk about cameras, and the fact this thing is getting an adaptor to transfer data from SD cards, will we be able to run photoshop-like apps on this thing?


macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
I waited 2 generations and got an iPhone 3GS, it was well worth the wait.

And I had two generations of iPhone which I loved before you bought and started enjoying your first. I'm sure it'll be that way with the iPad, I'll buy a first generation version and enjoy the hell out of it every day while those who want other features not in the first generation version will not. I'm just hoping the second generation version doesn't come so soon that I haven't yet saved enough for a new one! :)

Sometimes waiting for the perfect device never allows you to enjoy today's devices (or forces you to go to other inferior devices in protest!).


macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
Well this article will just kill sales of the iPad, just wait for the next release guys!

Unless you don't give a rat's ass about a camera. There are those of us who have cameras in every single device and *never* use them.


macrumors newbie
Feb 24, 2010
It's Amazing how short sighted most people here are.

Apple has been pathetic lately

Think about it, why would Apple put a front facing camera on the iPad when the experience of using it would be terrible? Think of the form factor of the tablet! One would be so limited by this alone in terms of having to hold the tablet a certain way in order for the person on the other end to always maintain a good view of you. Also it is a tablet so even if you did put it down to rest on lets say..the accessory keyboard you would still have to move yourself to frame properly.

It seems that almost everyone in their haste to start bitching about what the iPad does or does not do, completely over-looked the little 30 pin-USB connector along with the 30 pin-SD card slot version. YOU ALREADY HAVE SOMETHING BETTER THAN A BUILT IN CAMERA, IT'S CALLED THE iPHONE!

When connected to the iPad you will have the best camera for video conferencing, taking photos or pretty much anything else you'd need from a camera, only you have it all rolled into one small, universal device that you can move and position anywhere you like!. My guess is that it's only a matter of time before you don't even need the wire, you'll be able to use them both together in ad-hoc mode over wifi or bluetooth (if it's fast enough).

Why would Apple include a front or rear facing camera in the iPad that would serve as a horrible picture taking experience considering you'd have to hold the iPad out in front of you like a complete idiot? It's about form factor! Also this way it gives people who haven't bought an iPhone more incentive to get one.

Once again, the common mistake is being made here. It's not what Apple gear does or doesn't's HOW IT DOES IT!


Banyan Bruce

macrumors regular
Jun 8, 2009
Devon, UK
Just one more reason to wait....

IMHO the iPad is not the must have device that the iphone was, it just seems to have too many bits missing. No doubt I'll get one of these one day, simply because I find the iphone screen too small to read newspapers and watch videos, but I'm also willing to wait 6 months or a year for the FULL fat rather than the semi skimmed version. I'm not willing to pay another £500 for an essential camera and more memory, just because SJ want an extra marketing play. He'll get my money, but not till I feel I'm getting the REAL deal.


macrumors 68000
Dec 8, 2006
How many people actually use iSight? I've used mine a couple times for profile pictures, but the quality is terrible and no one ever good looks on a webcam.

I don't really see the point. I certainly wouldn't pay extra for it and I would actually prefer an iPad without it.

I used it once when I first got my computer - the morphing of my image was humorous for a few minutes, but then got old. My family and many friends live in another country and they all have computers but we never do video calls. I even worked for a company that was all about video conferencing and mine at work I turned toward the ceiling, probably because I'm so ugly it must be known. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68040
Mar 24, 2003
Did everyone forget about the next gen. iPhone? Who says all these new camera details were made for the iPad (unless I missed something)?
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