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Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


PC World has posted a video of iPhone 3G stress tests including:

- Simulated Pocket Test
- Direct Key scratching
- Dropping in Milk
- Washing under Faucet
- Drop Test

The iPhone seemed to hold up well, but after multiple drops, the screen did crack in the end. PC World performed similar (but less intense) tests on the original iPhone.

Article Link


macrumors member
Jun 5, 2008
PC World? M-M-Massive fail. Not giving them even one website hit.


macrumors regular
Jul 10, 2008
Virginia Beach, Virginia
i guess they figured out really quickly that the battery life sucks very quickly and this is what they wanted to do!

or better yet, i wonder if they have a better battery life now


macrumors 601
Jun 22, 2006
The thick of it
What I would have preferred is that the tester took an LG or other comparable phone and done the same thing with it. Would any other phone stand up to the same beating? Just as the new iPhone's battery life can only be judged in relation to other 3G phones, so should the abuse test (I guess with the exception of the blender, which is just silly...).

edit: I was really impressed at how little damage the new plastic back exhibited. So many people were concerned that the new iPhone felt "cheaper" but it seems to stand up even better to scuffs and scratches.


macrumors 6502
Mar 8, 2005

I couldnt believe that after being dropped in a bowl of cereal, and WASHED under a running faucet, that the iPhone kept working. Thats incredible


macrumors 604
Feb 7, 2002
I don't see anyone complaining in this thread like the Will it Blend thread.




macrumors newbie
Mar 10, 2008
For those of us still waiting for AT&T to ship our 3G iPhones to us, I speak for us all when I say...

That hurts us more than it hurts the iPhone. Make it stop.


Amen! So far I've seen one put in a blender, two disassembled beyond the point of reassembly, and this one tested to destruction. Oh, sure - you laugh. You've already got your 3G. And still I wait...


macrumors 6502a
Jun 20, 2008
Bay Area
Can't they do a little more info, like after the screen cracked, how much it would cost to get it repaired from apple, or even suggest that if you did drop it into a liquid, to shut it down for a while to let it dry just incase some got in the case.

And yeah, I agree with someone that we needed a comparable phone to test this against. I mean, are we suppose to be impressed it survived a liquid test? If you spill liquid on a laptop keyboard, that doesn't spell the end of it. So how do we know if this iPhone is above average or not in durability.

I guess the point to know is, for something that looks so delicate, it can survive a few accidents, but always the chanced of a cracked glass cover, and a good case can help prevent that by absorbing the impact.


macrumors newbie
Jun 22, 2008
Well what case

Can't they do a little more info, like after the screen cracked, how much it would cost to get it repaired from apple, or even suggest that if you did drop it into a liquid, to shut it down for a while to let it dry just incase some got in the case.

And yeah, I agree with someone that we needed a comparable phone to test this against. I mean, are we suppose to be impressed it survived a liquid test? If you spill liquid on a laptop keyboard, that doesn't spell the end of it. So how do we know if this iPhone is above average or not in durability.

I guess the point to know is, for something that looks so delicate, it can survive a few accidents, but always the chanced of a cracked glass cover, and a good case can help prevent that by absorbing the impact.

do u know that can do that. If you know please tell me because i need to get that case when i buy my iPhone 3G in a month! ;)
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