Seriously it's time to upgrade if you're still using the iPhone 4S. You cannot expect a buttery smooth iOS 8 experience on hardware that old. I think it's incredible that Apple is trying to support the device, and it's why I love Apple they never abandon their customers, but really forget about it and buy the next iPhone when it comes out.
It's a current product so Apple should be offering support for the device.
The iPhone 4s can still be purchased new, and if someone wants one for "free" they may end up with a 2 year contract. Not everyone purchases products at launch.Seriously it's time to upgrade if you're still using the iPhone 4S. You cannot expect a buttery smooth iOS 8 experience on hardware that old. I think it's incredible that Apple is trying to support the device, and it's why I love Apple they never abandon their customers, but really forget about it and buy the next iPhone when it comes out.
Seriously it's time to upgrade if you're still using the iPhone 4S. You cannot expect a buttery smooth iOS 8 experience on hardware that old. I think it's incredible that Apple is trying to support the device, and it's why I love Apple they never abandon their customers, but really forget about it and buy the next iPhone when it comes out.
On my 4s iOS 7 is pretty fast and smooth, iOS 8 has stuttery animations which makes it feel slow, and apps take about a second longer to open, it isn't as fast as it is on iOS 7. This could be fixed though, beta 4 and 5 improved performance.
I was really hoping that iOS 8 would bring back some of the speed that iOS <7 had. iOS 7 is still sluggish during its animations, and now I'm hearing that 8 has no intentions of making it any better.
iOS 8 animations are definitely faster than on iOS 7.
No they are the exact same, except maybe the app switcher.
Yeah, I'll Give iOS 8 more time. I trust Apple.
Probably won't happen until 8.02 / 8.03. 7.02 really made a big difference in performance for the 4/4s.
iOS 7.0.2 is not a performance update, only 7.1 was.
So changing the text size on iOS 8 resprings your device now?