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macrumors bot
Original poster
Apr 12, 2001


BusinessInsider relays an analyst report from Avian Securities which claims that the iPhone 5 won't start production until September and that this suggests that next generation iPhone won't make it to the market until the end of the year or even early next.
Supporting out comments over the last month, conversations with yet another key component supplier indicates that production for iPhone-5 will begin in September. This is consistent with Avian findings in the supply chain in recent months and we believe the consensus view is moving towards this scenario.
Avian cites "key component suppliers" as the source of the information. They also revive the possibility of a cheaper/lower cost iPhone also in the works, but no new details.

While some may tire of the on-again/off-again nature of these rumors, the information from Avian is consistent with previous claims that no new iPhone hardware would be coming in June as well as claims that due to part production timelines, the iPhone 5 won't be shipping until Fiscal 2012 (after September 2011).

Article Link: iPhone 5 to Start Production in September?


Moderator emeritus
Sep 8, 2010
Well that would fit nicely into the convergence of the ATT & VZW product launching at the same time, rather than two different phones and launch dates.


macrumors member
Jun 23, 2009
My 3Gs contract ends in June and Apple will be pushing it's luck for me to go half a year without me being tempted to jump platforms instead of waiting for the iPhone 5.


macrumors 65816
Mar 8, 2009
They should stick to the June update each year. I know it may not be their fault but Apple need to keep the iPhone up to date, otherwise they will lose ground. Mobile phones are very competitive.

iPad 2

macrumors regular
Mar 4, 2011
If they're going to make us wait an extra four months for the iPhone with a 4" screen and 4G, I'm hoping that atleast the iOS overhaul will be worthwhile.

iOS desperately needs a file system that you can use to drag and drop media into. Not like on a Mac where you see system files and other stuff, but just a users home folder. A place that all apps can access and load and save files from/to. That way if I have a document it doesn't have to exist inside of each app in order to access it. (1 copy in DropBox, 1 in Pages, 1 in DocsToGo, etc.) Also it means that Apples apps would be able to share files with DropBox or any other file syncing service. Then get rid of the file sharing in iTunes and instead just have the disk show up as an external drive. And please let us drag and drop videos and photos from any PC directly into the iPhone's video/photos folder without having to go through iTunes and syncing everything. It sucks that we can't just simply drag and drop a photo from a friend's computer into the Phone. When plugged in, allow W7/OSX to recognize and use the iPhone as a 32GB/64GB Mass/USB Storage Device with access to the file system.

Adding a file system would let us Add (via Bluetooth, iTunes apps, Dropbox and other Apps), Delete and Rename Music, Videos from our iPhones directly. It would let us download files from Safari(or other apps) and store them on the phone in a centralized location, then be able to access them without Safari on my Mac/PC for easy file sharing/swapping. And it would let us organize the 100+ photos and videos on our iPhones into separate folders/albums. It would even let us delete individual text messages and phone calls. And most importantly it would let us organize videos, music, photos (into albums), and documents (PDF, DOC, PAGES), and other files and easily add them as email attachments directly on the phone itself.

iOS also desperately needs an overhaul of notifications...

Regarding notifications, how about something like this:

iOS notifications concept
by Andreas
March 18, 2011

There are a lot of really great concepts for iPhone notifications, but they all seem to stray away from what is the look and feel of iOS. So my idea is pretty simple, I have created a concept using only the existing graphical resources of iOS, short of a few few exceptions. But I still feel that they are in bounds of the visual philosophy.

Let’s get the obvious out of the bag first, the notification system in place today is kind of intrusive. The popups are so in my face that I have pretty much opted out of every notification I can. There is however another way to inform the user of an event such as an incoming message. The app switcher popup isn’t quite as intrusive as the current popup. It would be great to use for notifications.

Note that this popup is smaller then the app switcher and it doesn't grey out the rest of the interface

Today apple use it to display active applications and if you scroll left they show controls for the iPod app. I think there is room for the last notification you received also.

The app icon is basically a mash up of the settings icon and the current notifications symbol in settings. The reason for this that I feel that notifications is system service.

When I started thinking about how to improve the notification system I felt almost immediately that Apple is all about apps, so why not make an app that handles this task.

Take Settings for example, one would think that the entrance to this would be more integrated into the system, but in Apples case they view it as just any other app. Therefore you as a user can choose whether this is important to you or not, i.e. noteworthy of a first page placement or even quick launch bar.

Having one app that handles all notifications also reduce the time you have to spend hunting them all in various apps.

iPhone with notifications

Notice that it summarize all the notifications and then present them in the red indicator badge. The great thing about having notifications in an app is that you can move it around just as you can with all other standard apps.

The app itself is very straight forward. Your notifications is structured in three simple views. The first is a list view in order to get an overview. The second is an extended view where you can read the full messages just like in an RSS news feed. And the third is notifications grouped by app, this way if you get 10 mails and 15 Facebook wall posts you can still find your 2 SMS messages quickly.

In all views you can also clear all notifications. Note that this only clears the notification, the actual messages is still there. You can also choose edit and delete specific notifications or groups.

When you press (or touch) any of the specific notifications you will automatically activate the appropriate action. For example:

A message will show you the message.
A missed call will call the recipient.
A program update will bring you to the program page in the Appstore.
A wall post in Facebook will bring you to that specific wall post thread.

You can’t answer a message directly from the app, because that would simply destroy the purpose of every other communication app and it would also add to complexity of this app.

Settings for notifications is located inside the Settings app where it currently resides. I have a few additions, first of all, better security with the option of not displaying notifications on the lock screen. Right now (4.3), if you get an sms message it will show up on the lock screen in the form of a popup for all to see (if they have direct access to your phone).

Note that Angry birds is the beginning of your app list

I’ve also included the setting of turning off popup notifications for full screen apps. I define a “full screen app” as an app that covers up the operator bar. This usually means games, but could be others also. You can also turn of notifications on a app to app basis, as you can today.
Lock screen

I thought long and hard about notifications on the lock screen. Apple is doing it already, only it’s one at a time and you can’t really act on it (that I know). I felt that the space between the clock and lock bar could be used more effectively. So I started adding more notifications in almost the same style as the app. I took away the time and date to clean up the impression a bit. It’s just glanceable information, and it’s also in chronological order.

These are the four latest unattended notifications.

I was looking at the lock screen and felt that you simply had to be able to act on the individual notifications, but how? Just enabling the ability to click a notification seems dangerous. Pocket calling would increase ten fold ;) Then it dawned on me, why not slide the app icon in the same way you slide to unlock. This way it’s a reduced risk of accidentally calling your boss at a Friday night.

Do all that and then I think people could wait on the iPhone with the 4" screen and 4G for a few more months.
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macrumors 603
Mar 22, 2010
Makes my recent iPhone 4 purchase look like a good decision. Sorry for those who are waiting for the 5 :eek:


macrumors 604
Jun 26, 2009
long island NY
Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 4_2_1 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/533.17.9 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/5.0.2 Mobile/8C148 Safari/6533.18.5)

I dont want to wait :(


macrumors 68040
Sep 6, 2007
Cool... I'll wait. Nothing wrong with my iPhone4 and in September/October I'd have a better chance of an early out with AT&T.

Besides... with it being delayed until September, maybe we'll get more than we think with the iPhone 5 update? iOS5 should keep us busy over the summer anyway with new toys for our current iPhones. :)


macrumors 65816
Feb 27, 2007
Hopefully the additional wait time will result in a more revolutionary than evolutionary device.


macrumors 68040
Sep 6, 2007
They should stick to the June update each year. I know it may not be their fault but Apple need to keep the iPhone up to date, otherwise they will lose ground. Mobile phones are very competitive.

Apple has never been one to react to competition in the recent years. They seem to do what they think is best and let others follow them.

I think they know that if they bring out the best one when it is released, they will sell as many as they can make for a long time.

iPad 2

macrumors regular
Mar 4, 2011
I think this is misdirection on Apple's part to increase iPhone 4 sales.

There's a ton of people who got the 3GS and are waiting on the iPhone 5 to make an upgrade. They are not going to upgrade to an year old model with the tiny 3.5 screen, no LTE and an outdated cpu and an extremely outdated gpu. If they are made to wait too long, they'll go to one of the many competitors offering great smartphones with dual core cpus, cutting edge gpus, LTE/4G and a nice 4" screen. Apple is already making A5 socs for the iPad 2. Why not just stick one of those into the iPhone 4's body and call it a day for now, and release the iPhone with the 4" screen and LTE in January?

The iPhone 4 has a lot of flaws that people are waiting to see improved. Look at this thread...
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macrumors 68040
Jul 6, 2008
Atlanta, GA
If it's been pushed that far back, LTE better be included.

I can't imagine we see our first LTE iPhone in 2013.


Mar 26, 2008
"analyst" needs a new meaning in the dictionary right next to "source"

i'm now an analyst and say it'll come out at some point before iPhone 6


macrumors 601
Oct 20, 2008
Looks like we'll be waiting in line in the cold instead of the heat. Can't really complain...


macrumors 6502a
May 27, 2009
If it is going to be a 4g/LTE iPhone then this works for me. I have no complaints with my iPhone 4 so waiting another 4-6 months is fine with me.


macrumors member
Nov 26, 2008
iPhone will get left behind


With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

iPhone 1 - 2G
iPhone 2 - adds 3G
iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.


macrumors G5
Jun 27, 2007
We'll see in a few months.

Apple has never been one to react to competition in the recent years. They seem to do what they think is best and let others follow them.

I think they know that if they bring out the best one when it is released, they will sell as many as they can make for a long time.



macrumors 601
Mar 29, 2004
Boston, MA
i've been eligible for an upgrade since November and my contract ended in March I think.

But what really matters is that my 3GS shows low battery life and I don't know if it holds up till next year.

Delaying the release date would suck because many users feel they "need" to upgrade after their contract is up and the they feel they are "cheated" if they have to stay on a contract for more than 2 years without upgrading.

From a marketing perspective this would be a bad move.


macrumors 601
Aug 8, 2008
If the iPhone 5 has a bigger screen and 4G connectivity it will be worth it. I can't imagine Apple will release another phone with only 3G with all these Verizon 4G phones coming onto the market.


macrumors member
Nov 26, 2008
Also... with many people on 12 and 18 month contracts, mobile carriers will be wanting to keep customers by signing them to new contracts and in doing so, a new phone. There will be no new iPhone and people will have 'beaten up' 18 month old equipment which they will want to renew and there will be no iPhone, so Android could be onto a winner here!


With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

iPhone 1 - 2G
iPhone 2 - adds 3G
iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 29, 2008
U S of A
I was already pushing it to wait this long with my 3G. I don't think I can wait another 4 months+ from June.

When does the EVO 2 come out?


macrumors 603
Mar 22, 2010
If the iPhone 5 has a bigger screen and 4G connectivity it will be worth it. I can't imagine Apple will release another phone with only 3G with all these Verizon 4G phones coming onto the market.

Right. If their going to wait until late summer or fall, it will surely be 4G.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
Dallas, TX

With all the Android phones coming out and manufacturers having no specific cycle, the iPhone is really out of date already!

iPhone 1 - 2G
iPhone 2 - adds 3G
iPhone 3 - adds 3GS

Therefore the above three phones are all 'old' regarding what was released around the same time.

iPhone 4 - will be about 18 months old by the time the iPhone 5 comes out.

People will loose interest in Apple iPhones with so many other new releases coming out on a regular basis.


Apple may innovate and capture an audience at the start of the race, but boy do they sure tapper off in the long stretch and lose market share over time. They should really be pumping out multiple iPhone versions in 6 month increments...same for the iPad. Upgrades don't need to be major, but enough to keep people on the hook for their products.
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