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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 13, 2012
Can we please revisit this discussion? It seems that changes have been made to the plans recently and I'm curious as to everyone's opinions on which plan now provides the best overall insurance coverage.

AppleCare - $99
- 2 years full coverage (including accidental)
- Up to 2 accidental damage incidents
- each incident subject to $79 service fee
- provides repair or replacement, parts and labor
- mail-in repair or carry-in repair

SquareTrade - $99
- 2 years full coverage (including accidental, and overlaps with apple's 1 yr limited warranty)
- Up to 4 replacements and/or repairs over the life of the plan
- Genius Bar repair reimbursement or next-day replacement
- $75 deductible per claim

Is it just me, or does squaretrade seem like a better deal, as long as they're around for the next 2 years?
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If you take it yourself to apple so they can replace it, they won't charge you the deductible. You pay 199.99 for new one and squaretrade will reimburse you quickly. Done this twice.
They'll be around. Squaretrade warranties are legit. They have great customer service and do exactly what they state.

It's a toss up.
Gone with squaretrade for various products over the past few years, plan on doing it again for my iPhone 6+. Customer service is great, and as you said, it's a better value than AppleCare+.
Can we please revisit this discussion? It seems that changes have been made to the plans recently and I'm curious as to everyone's opinions on which plan now provides the best overall insurance coverage.

AppleCare - $99
- 2 years full coverage (including accidental) added onto the end of the 1 yr limited warranty
- Up to 2 accidental damage incidents
- each incident subject to $79 service fee
- provides repair or replacement, parts and labor
- mail-in repair or carry-in repair

SquareTrade - $99
- 2 years full coverage (including accidental) beginning from the device purchase date (overlaps with apple's 1 yr limited warranty)
- Up to 4 replacements and/or repairs over the life of the plan
- Genius Bar repair reimbursement or next-day replacement
- $75 deductible per claim

Is it just me, or does squaretrade seem like a better deal, as long as they're around for the next 2 years?

Applecare is the better deal. Better to get service/replacements from the legitimate source. I used it a few times with my iPhone 4, got three replacements over the course of two years and didn't have to pay anything extra.
Applecare is the better deal. Better to get service/replacements from the legitimate source. I used it a few times with my iPhone 4, got three replacements over the course of two years and didn't have to pay anything extra.

But that's just it, you can get "service/replacements from a legitimate source" using Squaretrade. You just take your phone to the Apple Store and Squaretrade reimburses you whatever the cost.
7ate9 I looked into that, but squaretrade will reimburse the costs of having it repaired at the apple genius bar, up to 4 times, so.... what am I missing?
Is the only advantage to squaretrade the 2 additional claims and a $4 difference in deductible? I appreciate the thread since this is the first time I'll be getting one of these plans.
My only concern now is that having your iPhone replaced by squaretrade is a potentially bad idea. May good reviews on amazon, but some people have allegedly received "dud" replacements from ST. It would seem much smarter to in fact have it repaired at the genius bar and then have ST reimburse your fees.
Is the only advantage to squaretrade the 2 additional claims and a $4 difference in deductible? I appreciate the thread since this is the first time I'll be getting one of these plans.

As if that's not significant?
7ate9 I looked into that, but squaretrade will reimburse the costs of having it repaired at the apple genius bar, up to 4 times, so.... what am I missing?

I don't know I guess that's a personal choice. I like how Apple has advanced replacement. You tell them there is an issue with your phone, they send you a 'new' (new like refurbished anyway) phone and you send your old one back.
I have had Square Trade on my 4 and my 5....4 years of coverage and probably 6 repairs/replacements. Every time things went smoothly and painlessly. I actually bought my policy for 6 for $93 last night so it will start the minute I receive it.

There is absolutely nothing wrong with AC+. I just think Square Trade is the better value and my past experience has earned them my business.
Is the only advantage to squaretrade the 2 additional claims and a $4 difference in deductible? I appreciate the thread since this is the first time I'll be getting one of these plans.

Yes those are the obvious differences. Other than that, AppleCare does extend your warranty up to 3 years (1 limited, 2 full coverage) where ST is only 2 years full coverage (it overlaps). Whether that's important to you depends on whether you plan to have this phone for 3 years.
My only concern now is that having your iPhone replaced by squaretrade is a potentially bad idea. May good reviews on amazon, but some people have allegedly received "dud" replacements from ST. It would seem much smarter to in fact have it repaired at the genius bar and then have ST reimburse your fees.

You can actually call apple, get an out of warranty replacement from apple for ~$270 and have Square Trade reimburse you if you do not trust Square Trade's in house replacement.
So...with AppleCare+ you get three years coverage and two claims, and with SquareTrade you get two years and four claims? Hmm, toss up methinks.
So...with AppleCare+ you get three years coverage and two claims, and with SquareTrade you get two years and four claims? Hmm, toss up methinks.

No, AC+ is only two years coverage.


Yes those are the obvious differences. Other than that, AppleCare does extend your warranty up to 3 years (1 limited, 2 full coverage) where ST is only 2 years full coverage (it overlaps). Whether that's important to you depends on whether you plan to have this phone for 3 years.

AC+ only two years actually.
As if that's not significant?

I think it just depends on the person. I'd put money down that I don't use more than one claim based on my track record, but you're right that it's definitely significant if you end up needing them.

If I can take it to the genius bar a few miles away and you guys say ST is the best deal, I'll go with them.

If you need a replacement, is there any difference between the phone you'll get from Apple or ST, or is it all handled through Apple and ST just reimburses the costs?
Apple care + is the best option as Apple always had the best after sales service and support.

Never had any luck with third party repair warranties
I love SquareTrade, I buy a warranty for every single tech piece I own. Also, I've made a few claims and they're fast with no hassle. However, when it comes to the iPhone, I always go AC+ since I like the benefits of it better. Also, I have several Apple Stores near me, so it'll be way simpler, faster and easier when I need to use it.
Long time squaretrade user and can't say enough good things about them. Every claim I have I call them to initiate the claim and take my phone to the apples store for repair. Once work is complete I simply email the receipt for the repair to squaretrade and within an hour the money is reimbursed back to my PayPal account. Always super smooth. One thing I can't figure out is that I have never payed more than $50 for the deductible. Not sure if it's because I have been a long time customer or what but just had my wife's phone replaced a week ago and only paid $50 for the deductable.
So, if I pay $99 for SquareTrade and break my No-contract tmobile iPhone 6 purchased from Apple. Then go to an Apple Store and get a replacement phone:
1.Will SquareTrade reimburse me for the replacement?
2. Will SquareTrade charge me a $75 deductible?
3. Can I do this if I pay only $5/month and only want to pay $5/month for 11 months?
4. Are Apple replacement phones New?
So, if I pay $99 for SquareTrade and break my No-contract tmobile iPhone 6 purchased from Apple. Then go to an Apple Store and get a replacement phone:
1.Will SquareTrade reimburse me for the replacement?
2. Will SquareTrade charge me a $75 deductible?
3. Can I do this if I pay only $5/month and only want to pay $5/month for 11 months?
4. Are Apple replacement phones New?

1. Yes
2. Yes
3. Not sure on the installment plan. I have always paid up front for the whole plan.
4. This always goes back and fourth on whether they are new just in plain packaging or refurbished unit. Either way every replacement I have had has been flawless and if you have an issue apple will replace it.
Long time squaretrade user and can't say enough good things about them. Every claim I have I call them to initiate the claim and take my phone to the apples store for repair. Once work is complete I simply email the receipt for the repair to squaretrade and within an hour the money is reimbursed back to my PayPal account. Always super smooth. One thing I can't figure out is that I have never payed more than $50 for the deductible. Not sure if it's because I have been a long time customer or what but just had my wife's phone replaced a week ago and only paid $50 for the deductable.

They just increased the deductible. My previous two policies with them for my iP4 and iP5 were both $50. I figured they would have to increase it eventually. Still the best value I have found.
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