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macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
Hey everyone,

I have been reading everyone's post about having "yellow" iPhone 6 screen but no one has seemed to post pictures. I too was blessed with receiving a "yellow" screen iPhone 6. I have attached a picture of my iPhone 6 compared to my old iPhone 5S. This is the difference between a warm and cool screen. I don't think I will have it replaced because I have read of too many other problems but I wanted to share this with those who are curious as to how different displays can be.


  • photo copy.jpg
    photo copy.jpg
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macrumors 6502
Jul 31, 2008
Hey everyone,

I have been reading everyone's post about having "yellow" iPhone 6 screen but no one has seemed to post pictures. I too was blessed with receiving a "yellow" screen iPhone 6. I have attached a picture of my iPhone 6 compared to my old iPhone 5S. This is the difference between a warm and cool screen. I don't think I will have it replaced because I have read of too many other problems but I wanted to share this with those who are curious as to how different displays can be.

Unless you're using f.lux, that is not right at all :p. I would recommend going and getting a replacement. Despite what reading things on this forum might make you think, I am sure if you get a new phone it will be flawless. People only complain if they have something to complain about. Much fewer people are saying how great their phone is.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
Yeah here is another shot of it. The more I look at it the more "yellow" it is. I hate making a trip to the Apple Store for this though.


  • photo copy.jpg
    photo copy.jpg
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macrumors 68030
Nov 7, 2010
It looks normal... I think. Previous looks at iPod Touches, many of them were just warmer in screen. It could be a whole lot worse.


macrumors 6502
Apr 18, 2008
Get that yellow POS iPhone swapped out, I had a 4s and NOTHING fixed it, if some say to try things, trust me and do not pass your time doing them because only a swap will fix it, I hate yellow screens with a passion.


macrumors 65816
Feb 26, 2011
left the forum
Hey everyone,

I have been reading everyone's post about having "yellow" iPhone 6 screen but no one has seemed to post pictures. I too was blessed with receiving a "yellow" screen iPhone 6. I have attached a picture of my iPhone 6 compared to my old iPhone 5S. This is the difference between a warm and cool screen. I don't think I will have it replaced because I have read of too many other problems but I wanted to share this with those who are curious as to how different displays can be.

You are gonna hating me for it but I have to say it: On my calibrated screen your photo shows 2 things:

1) The right display looks fine
2) The left display has a mighty blue cast...


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
You are gonna hating me for it but I have to say it: On my calibrated screen your photo shows 2 things:

1) The right display looks fine
2) The left display has a mighty blue cast...

Funny you said that. I know people refer to the right displays yellow but I can understand your reasoning to think the left display is "blue" and this display is more correct.

In my experiences I have had the "blue" displays on my iPhones so that is normal to me. How can you look at a "calibrated" screen?


macrumors 65816
Feb 24, 2008
Be interesting to see four or five iPhone 6s (or pluses) next to each other.


macrumors 68040
Sep 10, 2013
You are gonna hating me for it but I have to say it: On my calibrated screen your photo shows 2 things:

1) The right display looks fine
2) The left display has a mighty blue cast...

OP noticed the warm tone in person, though.

Your screen calibration is even less relevant because the colour temperature of the photo can be just about anything the JPEG engine used, so we can't determine anything from it other than its relation to the phone on the left.

It's certainly warmer than the phone on the left. If this bothers you, OP, then I recommend having it replaced. Warmer tones can be a tad easier on the eyes, but it will reduce colour accuracy and make photos/scenes that are meant to look cold (blue tone) warmer.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2011
You are gonna hating me for it but I have to say it: On my calibrated screen your photo shows 2 things:

1) The right display looks fine
2) The left display has a mighty blue cast...

YES! Watch a calibrated TV done the right way and the left phone will give you the chills. It's fine! :)


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2011
So you think the phone on the right (my iPhone 6) is actually more of what a true picture should look like?

Yeah. I'm not saying there is perfection there but I'd rather a warmer picture. If you ever have a TV calibrated it will take some time to get used the correct temp. Once you do you'll never go back to that blue screen.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
Yeah. I'm not saying there is perfection there but I'd rather a warmer picture. If you ever have a TV calibrated it will take some time to get used the correct temp. Once you do you'll never go back to that blue screen.

Thanks for your help. All of my other Apple products tend to have the screen temperature to the left which to me looks more like a true white then the screen on the right. It is odd going back and forth between my iPhone and my iPad and seeing a noticeable difference in the colors I am looking at.


macrumors 6502a
Mar 16, 2011
Thanks for your help. All of my other Apple products tend to have the screen temperature to the left which to me looks more like a true white then the screen on the right. It is odd going back and forth between my iPhone and my iPad and seeing a noticeable difference in the colors I am looking at.

I hear what you are saying. Just to be clear I'm not saying liking the cooler screen is wrong if that's what you like. I just want to point out that a calibrated screen will tend to look yellow if that's what you are used too.


macrumors 6502
Nov 13, 2008
Hey everyone,

I have been reading everyone's post about having "yellow" iPhone 6 screen but no one has seemed to post pictures. I too was blessed with receiving a "yellow" screen iPhone 6. I have attached a picture of my iPhone 6 compared to my old iPhone 5S. This is the difference between a warm and cool screen. I don't think I will have it replaced because I have read of too many other problems but I wanted to share this with those who are curious as to how different displays can be.

That would bother me a lot. One of the reasons I like the iPhone display so much is how white the whites are. It's also one of the bigger turn offs about the Galaxy S phones. They seem to have a greenish/yellowish hue to them which I find unappealing.


macrumors regular
Jul 14, 2012
Thanks for your help. All of my other Apple products tend to have the screen temperature to the left which to me looks more like a true white then the screen on the right. It is odd going back and forth between my iPhone and my iPad and seeing a noticeable difference in the colors I am looking at.

That last part may be true, different white points on different devices suck. But your new iPhone is probably better calibrated than the rest of your devices. sRGB has a 6500K white point: that's a good bit warmer than most iPhones and iPads out there.

Taking images to compare white point is pretty useless: it only shows that one device is warmer and the other one is cooler, not which one is accurate. Adjust the white balance on your camera so your right screen looks white and your left screen will look downright blue. And vice versa.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Sep 12, 2014
That last part may be true, different white points on different devices suck. But your new iPhone is probably better calibrated than the rest of your devices. sRGB has a 6500K white point: that's a good bit warmer than most iPhones and iPads out there.

Taking images to compare white point is pretty useless: it only shows that one device is warmer and the other one is cooler, not which one is accurate. Adjust the white balance on your camera so your right screen looks white and your left screen will look downright blue. And vice versa.

Yeah the differentiation is a pain. After using my iPad the phone colors look off. Then after using my iPhone for a while and going to my iPad the iPad looks off.
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