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Original poster
Jun 15, 2017
Rockville, MD
I have inherited an iPhone 6S from a family member and the phone needs a new battery. The reason it needs a new battery is that it doesn't hold a charge even when the phone is shut off. It loses 20% battery charge every 12 hours.

I am planning to go to local Apple store in the next few days and ask them to replace the battery. I have spoken with Apple Customer Service and was told that it would cost $80 to replace the battery.

My question is.
Has anyone had a battery replaced for free in an iPhone that's around 2 years old??

I don't mind too much paying $80 but, it would be nice if it was replaced for free.

Thanks in advance.
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How many cycles does the battery have on it? You can check the cycles and battery health using a program called CoconutBattery on Mac/PC.
I have inherited an iPhone 6S from a family member and the phone needs a new battery. The reason it needs a new battery is that it doesn't hold a charge even when the phone is shut off. It loses 20% battery charge every 12 hours.

I am planning to go to local Apple store in the next few days and ask them to replace the battery. I have spoken with Apple Customer Service and was told that it would cost $80 to replace the battery. The CSR did sound like she was fresh out of Apple CSR school, so im not sure she knew all th

My question is.
Has anyone had a battery replaced for free in an iPhone that's around 2 years old??

I don't mind too much paying $80 but, it would be nice if it was replaced for free.

Thanks in advance.

Possibly of use:
unfortunately if it's out of the one year warranty it will be at the cost of $79. consider it a new phone at the cost of $79 not too bad. lately a lot of those battery replacements have had failed repairs so they replace the phone at cost of the battery if you're in the US.
How many cycles does the battery have on it? You can check the cycles and battery health using a program called CoconutBattery on Mac/PC.

This is true. Apple also has their own battery diagnostic which they can conduct for free. They also state on their site:

"Your battery is designed to retain up to 80% of its original capacity at 500 complete charge cycles. The one-year warranty includes service coverage for a defective battery. If it is out of warranty, Apple offers a battery service for $79, plus $6.95 shipping, subject to local tax."
I have inherited an iPhone 6S from a family member and the phone needs a new battery. The reason it needs a new battery is that it doesn't hold a charge even when the phone is shut off. It loses 20% battery charge every 12 hours.

I am planning to go to local Apple store in the next few days and ask them to replace the battery. I have spoken with Apple Customer Service and was told that it would cost $80 to replace the battery.

My question is.
Has anyone had a battery replaced for free in an iPhone that's around 2 years old??

I don't mind too much paying $80 but, it would be nice if it was replaced for free.

Thanks in advance.

I had a battery replaced in an iPhone 5 that was 2.5 years old and it made it like new phone.
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I have a 6S+ with 161 cycles on it. Coconut battery says the capacity is 82.1. The battery life has been all over the place the last two weeks. After a 7 hr shift at my job, the battery is down to 67% and all I did was use it in the car to listen to music via BT as I normally do. Weeks ago, I would barely use 2-5% so it would be not lower then 95% when I got home.

It's also sucking the battery life out of my Apple watch when it has these wild battery drainages. I'm taking it to Apple soon. Mine is out of warranty as well.
I also think my 6s plus need a new battery but I’m wondering if I can go to an Apple store with my phone on iOS 11 beta of they’ll want to diagnostic my phone or they’ll tell me its normal if battery don’t work as espected on a beta and tell me to come back when Im on a normal iOS version.

The thing is, I know my battery is not really good for quite some time now. Coconut battery shows 81% capacity after 250 cycles.
I also think my 6s plus need a new battery but I’m wondering if I can go to an Apple store with my phone on iOS 11 beta of they’ll want to diagnostic my phone or they’ll tell me its normal if battery don’t work as espected on a beta and tell me to come back when Im on a normal iOS version.

The thing is, I know my battery is not really good for quite some time now. Coconut battery shows 81% capacity after 250 cycles.

Apple will not even diagnose if your running a beta, you have to restore back to iOS10.
I also think my 6s plus need a new battery but I’m wondering if I can go to an Apple store with my phone on iOS 11 beta of they’ll want to diagnostic my phone or they’ll tell me its normal if battery don’t work as espected on a beta and tell me to come back when Im on a normal iOS version.

The thing is, I know my battery is not really good for quite some time now. Coconut battery shows 81% capacity after 250 cycles.
Actually i brought my iPhone SE running IOS 11 and he ran the gignosis on it, lol the software system test showed a fault lol

Went to Apple store today...glad I made an appointment ahead of time, it was only a 5min wait past my shedules appointment time, which is great even though the store was packed on Friday evening.

The tech checked the phone's battery and it was like new; 191 charge cycles and 92.7% health. So after discussing the technical issues and variations on the issue at hand, I was given an option I couldn't pass up. The downside, the iPhone was out of warranty by 10 no freebies.

I went ahead and traded the iPhone for exact same one 6S Plus. Apple gave me $260 for mine even though it's an AT&T 16GB model, in return I got a brand new 32GB model with a full 1-year warranty, carrier free and for only $390 + tax. And just to be clear, original iPhone is 6S Plus as well.

Loving the iPhone. Now I just need to sell my almost new Galaxy S7 Active to recover some money.

And the new migration app tool for Android is good. Copied almost everything from my Galaxy to iPhone in 15min using stores wifi. Unfortunately, most pics and Notes weren't copied over.
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Went to Apple store today...glad I made an appointment ahead of time, it was only a 5min wait past my shedules appointment time, which is great even though the store was packed on Friday evening.

The tech checked the phone's battery and it was like new; 191 charge cycles and 92.7% health. So after discussing the technical issues and variations on the issue at hand, I was given an option I couldn't pass up. The downside, the iPhone was out of warranty by 10 no freebies.

I went ahead and traded the iPhone for exact same one 6S Plus. Apple gave me $260 for mine even though it's an AT&T 16GB model, in return I got a brand new 32GB model with a full 1-year warranty, carrier free and for only $390 + tax. And just to be clear, original iPhone is 6S Plus as well.

Loving the iPhone. Now I just need to sell my almost new Galaxy S7 Active to recover some money.

And the new migration app tool for Android is good. Copied almost everything from my Galaxy to iPhone in 15min using stores wifi. Unfortunately, most pics and Notes weren't copied over.

Did your phone show up as eligible at that link several people posted above?

Mine did, so I just had my 6s battery replaced free yesterday under that program. Their diagnostics showed my battery was still healthy, but since I told him it occasionally shut down unexpectedly he agreed to replace it. Now my phone has shut down unexpectedly, but only a few times really. But since I think I'm going to keep my phone another year, figured why not try to get a fresh battery.
Did your phone show up as eligible at that link several people posted above?

Mine did, so I just had my 6s battery replaced free yesterday under that program. Their diagnostics showed my battery was still healthy, but since I told him it occasionally shut down unexpectedly he agreed to replace it. Now my phone has shut down unexpectedly, but only a few times really. But since I think I'm going to keep my phone another year, figured why not try to get a fresh battery.

It wasn't eligible unfortunately.
One thing I dont understand with my 6s plus battery is sometimes, coconutbattery tell me that my health battery is at 75% when fully charged, and sometimes it shows 84% when fully charged.

What is that mean? Problem with battery? phone itself? I can't go to an Apple store until mid-september (not anough time) so just trying to figure it out.
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