I have no doubt the phone will debut this fall. i do suspect there may be a slight delay by a month or two along with the usual, characteristic shortages as well. I'm using an iPhone 6 so I am eager to upgrade. My contract expired at the end of 2016 and
I decided to wait for the next gen iPhone. All I have to say is I hope Apple gets it right this time. If not, I might just move over
to the Galaxy S8. The iPhone 7 was just a recycling of previous technology. Little if anything was substantially different or better.
I found no reason, at all, to upgrade to it.
It's past time Apple moved to OLED and away from LCD. It'll be interesting to check out wireless charging IF Apple includes it.
What was with the 'red' iPhone 7, anyways? I'm sure they call it an 'innovative' color. Let's hope they bump up the base storage
as well, other than giving the consumer a paltry base amount.