I love the cellphone and car comparisons. A transportation vehicle and a cellphone are the same thing I guess

So you buy a brand new 2017 Toyota and off course you get the standard manufacturers warranty on it.
2 years later and about 30k miles or so the transmission ends up dying on you.
You bring it back to the dealer and normally it has plenty of use over time. It has many dings and scratches on the doors, the tires are kinda bald, the brake pads and rotors are worn out. The back seats got a little bit chewed up by your dog. The front seats and carpets have coffee stains, dirt and spills over time. The drivers side mirror is missing a big chunk from that time it got scrapped at a McDonald's drive thru. Rear bumper has a small dent on the corner.
But it's ok, you walk in and demand another brand new 2017 Camry with 0 miles on it. Just a completely brand new untouched replacement right?
Why would you think that handing in a used device any time before the manufacturers warranty is up would entitle you to a brand new one in return?
It doesn't, wether you like it or not. That's the warranty policy.
Within 2 weeks you can return it for a full refund.
Any time between day 15 and 365 you will receive a fully functioning replacement unit that looks and works as new. Any warranty remaining on the original phone will transfer to the replacement unit. If the remaining time is less than than 3 months you will receive a minimum 90 day warranty on the replaced device.
If you buy a brand new car at full price and found out it had issues. Would you accept a used one as its replacement?
If refunded and charged the price of a used car, maybe. Otherwise likely not.
The same principle applies. If I’m charged new item rate. I want a new item.
When items appear in the refurbished store they are offered at s discounted price, correct?
[doublepost=1507946288][/doublepost]Where you able to replicate the audio cracking sounds and issues you were experiencing to show the Apple rep?
Or does it happen sometimes and not always?
So, just got home from the Apple Store with the same phone. The “genius” ran some tests and said that everything checked out fine. Basically told me I didn’t know what I was talking about. I’m on the phone all day for work and it’s been a pain in the butt to deal with the audio issues through the headset. Then he told me it could be the case I was using, which I told him it was one of the Apple cases for the iPhone 8 Plus. He still went with it and I literally wanted to call BS but was nice and let him finish.
Then with the heat he told me the tests came back normal but I’ve had an iPhone since the original and I know what normal heat is and what is abnormal. It is not normal for my phone to get as hot as it does.
I wiped the phone out 6 times, both over the air and via iTunes and he told me to try it one more time. You know, because the 7th time is a charm. I specifically go through all these steps multiple times to AVOID having to take a trip to the Apple Store. Then he told me to use it for 24-48 hours and see if the issue persists and to bring it back if it does. What a pain in the butt. Sometimes dealing with Apple is so stressful, but other times it’s a relatively good experience.