That’s like asking why some people don’t use cases.Always wondered, why don’t people put a screen saver on it? If they value their expensive smart phone they would. That’s what I’ve done and it’s no biggie, nor expensive, and doesn’t take away the feel in my opinion.
We don’t like them, and choose to take the risk. It’s as simple as that.
Now granted, I don’t tend to drop my phone, I don’t have little kids, and I am a person who treats my stuff carefully (while not being anal). I’d rather enjoy the look and feel of my phone as I see fit than wrap it up just in case.
I have friends who drop their phone on a regular basis, or who have toddlers who would be grabbing and dropping, or who don’t want to have to think about into which pocket they’re putting their phone. They’re smart to use cases and screen protectors.