I’m already on the third one and I’m not yet satisfied. The first one was a silicone case in pine green. After a week of usage I noticed that the areas where I grabbed it the most were turning into a different kind of green, like a washed out green. I put it away and I went for the Clear Case. Horrible! It’s a fingerprint magnet and after a few hours of usage it looks like you’ve spread butter on it! Disgusting. I just threw it in the garbage which is where it belongs. I then decided to just go caseless. However, I dropped the iPhone on a tile floor and it got two or three almost invisible and tiny scratches on the display. I went for another Clear Case because I wanted to be able to see the iPhone color but I regretted it immediately. Besides the fingerprints and buttery feel, the Clear Case also got scratched (actually I think it was scratched right out of the box). So, now I’m thinking about getting the leather case in forest green! How does it hold up? Do you think I’ll like it? Please don’t recommend any third-party cases, I only buy Apple.