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Apr 12, 2001

The iOS Camera app will finally be able to recognize QR codes within iOS 11, as was discovered yesterday during the developer-focused beta launch of Apple's new mobile operating system. On current iterations of iOS, users have to find and download a third-party QR code scanning application if they wish to use their iPhone, iPad, or iPod touch to scan a code.

When iOS 11 launches in the fall, the Camera app will natively provide a QR scanning function to all users. Some beta users have taken to Twitter to share a glimpse of the feature in action, and it appears expectedly straightforward: open the Camera app, point the iOS device at a QR code, and tap on the drop-down notification to act upon it.

A few examples of iOS 11 QR code scanning via @daytonlowell and @theronster

The QR code reader in iOS 11 knows when it's a WiFi network and offers to join. - Dayton Lowell (@daytonlowell) June 5, 2017
Some examples that have been shared include joining a Wi-Fi network, adding someone to your contacts, and -- presumably -- any other scanning opportunities currently offered by QR code technology. The feature is turned on by default, but can be toggled on/off within the Camera section of the Settings app.

Check out the MacRumors iOS 11 tidbits post for more information about what can be found in the newest version of iOS.

Article Link: iPhone Can Scan QR Codes Directly in Camera App on iOS 11
Two thoughts:
#1 - QR Codes became a thing about 9 years ago, and then stopped being a thing (at least outside of package tracking) around 5 years ago. So Apple is quite late to this party. Maybe it'll come back now that iPhones support it.
#2 - At least it's coming at all. During the keynote it was only mentioned on a Chinese specific features slide, so I thought it would be handled like Emojis were initially, where it was limited to specific regions for no technical reason.
I’ve never used QR before in my life am I missing out?

No. When they were a thing, they were just an image you could point your iPhone at so it would visit a website. Normally the URL for the website was written out next to the image. Just for some URLs, it's quicker/easier to use the QR reader then to manually type out the URL.
Using QR for wifi password is genius. How would one create the QR that it'll recognize as a password?
Two thoughts:
#1 - QR Codes became a thing about 9 years ago, and then stopped being a thing (at least outside of package tracking) around 5 years ago. So Apple is quite late to this party. Maybe it'll come back now that iPhones support it.
#2 - At least it's coming at all. During the keynote it was only mentioned on a Chinese specific features slide, so I thought it would be handled like Emojis were initially, where it was limited to specific regions for no technical reason.
These are still a thing? I guess much more useful now that I don't have to find an app to read them first.
I’ve never used QR before in my life am I missing out?

QR codes are still used, and are handy. I use a QR code any time I go to the movies or to a sporting event as my virtual ticket to display on my smartphone. I see QR codes on development notices that go up around me that can link to more detail about what the development will entail. I also see stores display them with more information about a product, etc... I don't personally use those, but I see them.
In 2007 my two biggest gripes about the original iOS were no built-in QR code scanning, and the inability to sort notes by title. It only took about 8 years for Apple to figure out how to sort notes alphabetically. What would be really handy is if everyone had a QR code on the back of their business card that could be scanned to create a new contact. Would be so much better than OCR.
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I find QR codes interesting, but hardly ever used them do to needing an extra app to read them.

I could picture myself using them more if the camera app could read them. Having the ability to quickly scan them without unlocking my phone would help too.
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Using QR for wifi password is genius. How would one create the QR that it'll recognize as a password?

The QR includes SSID, Password and encryption type. There is already a standard for android, which now can be used for iPhone also. With the other QR scan apps it was not possible to directly input this into the system, but with the new native integrations its possible. I tried it today with the beta (before that, you had to create a custum profile which you have to download and install for iOS)

See also for example
#2 - At least it's coming at all. During the keynote it was only mentioned on a Chinese specific features slide, so I thought it would be handled like Emojis were initially, where it was limited to specific regions for no technical reason.
I think it was mentioned on that Chinese-centric slide because QR codes are still a HUGE thing in China. Mobile payments in China reached US$5.5 trillion <--(that's a 't' btw) in 2016 and the majority of that was done using, you guessed it, QR codes. So to say they stopped being a thing is entirely dependent upon the perspective in which it's viewed. US consumer perspective - QR codes aren't as pervasive anymore. From Apple's business and Chinese consumer's perspective - QR codes are the bee's knees.

I assume from Apple's view, it's much more efficient to just enable QR code reading overall instead of making it regional.
Why did Apple have to do this? As a designer on a marketing team, I detest those things in my designs. I've been able to justify leaving them out for years because iOS doesn't support them natively, so most people don't use them. Nobody has asked me for years to incorporate one into a design. Now we might end up with this robot vomit everywhere! Hopefully QR codes continue to slowly die as most people don't realize their phone can do this now. I thought Apple was all about forcing crappy technology to go extinct? I always figured that's why they didn't support them. What changed? Probably something to do with China, no doubt.
Using QR for wifi password is genius. How would one create the QR that it'll recognize as a password?
There are plenty of apps available that generate QR codes from almost anything.

I'm really glad this is finally becoming a standard feature of the iPhone. It's something I like using, but I haven't been satisfied with the QR reader apps available.
On the one hand, that's one less random app we can delete that we never use.

On the other, we never use.
It always amazed me that the iPhone, the most popular brand in the world, didn't natively support QR codes and I needed a 3rd party app. Finally, after all these years, it's a new "feature".
It always amazed me that the iPhone, the most popular brand in the world, didn't natively support QR codes and I needed a 3rd party app. Finally, after all these years, it's a new "feature".

And the faithful are dismissive of just how crazy it is that it has taken 10 years. I guess when you pretty much miss the life cycle for a feature, it could be considered to be innovating to add it.
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