This is crap. They may know nothing and are just using this to drive people to their site and as free promotion of their stores by signing people up for the newsletter, or they may know something.
I'm skeptical, and hoping we get a CDMA version of the iPhone here in Canada so we don't have to deal with Rogers' RIDICULOUS data rates. Even if it does come to Rogers I will get it, but I'd prefer not to.
As for Rogers... they're playing hardball and rightfully so. As much as I love Apple and hate Rogers, they are the only GSM provider, and they can hold out for some of their own terms if they so choose. All I know is, if I can get my iPhone unlocked (yea I already got one on iDay I'm addicted), then I'll be happy and won't have to wait for Rogers and Apple to come to an agreement (whch may lead to the iPhone not coming to Canada for a very long time).