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macrumors regular
Oct 16, 2006
Cant wait to see what the new OS brings to the iphone. The beta 4 iphone OS was very buggy for me. 20 more minutes left for download...


macrumors 603
With all the carrier announcements, have people found graphic resources for all of them yet? It seems Steve is about to realize his childhood dream. WORLDWIDE domination by a consumer product that is for all purposes the evolution of the Mac+ (with a Lisa like OS).

You (and everyone else planet-wide) have been ascimilated.



macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2007
Well downloading now. Not much use on my PPC as i havent been able to get them to work since the third one. Any help on this would be great. Anyone have it yet? Anyone see anything new?


macrumors 6502
Mar 28, 2005
PPC iphone sdk

This has worked for me with every beta so far, haven't tried 5 yet, im sure it still works though, dunno about the signature stuff though, simulator defiantly works:

1. Make the iPhone SDK.dmg read/write-able with Disk Utility using convert -> to read/write.

2. Mount the R/W dmg.

3. You need to delete some unneccessary file so that you can modify the installer config file, because the image is completely full. I choose the PDF in the root of the dmg.

4. Modify in text edit /iPhone SDK.mpkg/Contents/iPhoneSDK.dist :
- Line 71 ( in function agreedToSLA() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”
- Line 81 ( in function SDKPresent() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”

That’s it. Now you can double-click the iPhone SDK package and install as usual. The Aspen SDK will show up and get installed.

Thanks to gigeamircearaul for the method.


macrumors 68000
Jun 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
This has worked for me with every beta so far, haven't tried 5 yet, im sure it still works though, dunno about the signature stuff though, simulator defiantly works:

1. Make the iPhone SDK.dmg read/write-able with Disk Utility using convert -> to read/write.

2. Mount the R/W dmg.

3. You need to delete some unneccessary file so that you can modify the installer config file, because the image is completely full. I choose the PDF in the root of the dmg.

4. Modify in text edit /iPhone SDK.mpkg/Contents/iPhoneSDK.dist :
- Line 71 ( in function agreedToSLA() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”
- Line 81 ( in function SDKPresent() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”

That’s it. Now you can double-click the iPhone SDK package and install as usual. The Aspen SDK will show up and get installed.

Thanks to gigeamircearaul for the method.
What is this for again? Can't anyone run the simulator for free anyway? :confused:

In other news, does anyone have a link to the 4 -> 5 API Delta?

Edit: My stupid, didn't see the title of your post. :)

Edit 2: Link to the API Delta, just compiling my Beta 4 code again produced 26 new errors... Here we go again. :rolleyes:


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2007
This has worked for me with every beta so far, haven't tried 5 yet, im sure it still works though, dunno about the signature stuff though, simulator defiantly works:

1. Make the iPhone SDK.dmg read/write-able with Disk Utility using convert -> to read/write.

2. Mount the R/W dmg.

3. You need to delete some unneccessary file so that you can modify the installer config file, because the image is completely full. I choose the PDF in the root of the dmg.

4. Modify in text edit /iPhone SDK.mpkg/Contents/iPhoneSDK.dist :
- Line 71 ( in function agreedToSLA() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”
- Line 81 ( in function SDKPresent() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”

That’s it. Now you can double-click the iPhone SDK package and install as usual. The Aspen SDK will show up and get installed.

Thanks to gigeamircearaul for the method.

Thanks man, trying it right now. I'll tell you how it goes.


macrumors 68040
Feb 6, 2007
This has worked for me with every beta so far, haven't tried 5 yet, im sure it still works though, dunno about the signature stuff though, simulator defiantly works:

1. Make the iPhone SDK.dmg read/write-able with Disk Utility using convert -> to read/write.

2. Mount the R/W dmg.

3. You need to delete some unneccessary file so that you can modify the installer config file, because the image is completely full. I choose the PDF in the root of the dmg.

4. Modify in text edit /iPhone SDK.mpkg/Contents/iPhoneSDK.dist :
- Line 71 ( in function agreedToSLA() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”
- Line 81 ( in function SDKPresent() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”

That’s it. Now you can double-click the iPhone SDK package and install as usual. The Aspen SDK will show up and get installed.

Thanks to gigeamircearaul for the method.

I don't understand step three. Can you explain that one more in detail please?


macrumors regular
Oct 16, 2006
The new iPhone OS allows .Mac email accounts to be "Push" instead of "Fetch" through a separate entry in the settings app for Push settings


macrumors 6502a
Apr 17, 2006
Las Vegas
Bah! My B4 code wont even display now (I just get a white screen). Looks like I get to build it from the ground up (again) to figure out whats wrong.

Still haven't got my dev cert either - c'mon Apple.


macrumors 68020
Dec 25, 2006
Can someone please tell me the size of the iPhone OS 2.0 versus the latest 1.0 version? It seems like it might be getting big with all the new stuff.



macrumors newbie
Jan 25, 2008
Couple of things i noticed:

-iTunes no longer moans at me about some of my items not being able to sync because i have an old version of iPhone software.

-When i dont have an edge signal, standard GPRS has a different logo


-Problem with SMS messages where multiple instanses of conversation for one person would appear

-New 'Fetch New Data' in Settings has appeared, which alows you to change from diret push to fetch. You can also specify this on a per account level.

-Import SIM contacts has been moved to 'Mail, Contacts, Calender'

Thats all so far! :apple:


macrumors 6502a
May 13, 2005
Couple of things i noticed:

-iTunes no longer moans at me about some of my items not being able to sync because i have an old version of iPhone software.

-When i dont have an edge signal, standard GPRS has a different logo


-Problem with SMS messages where multiple instanses of conversation for one person would appear

-New 'Fetch New Data' in Settings has appeared, which alows you to change from diret push to fetch. You can also specify this on a per account level.

-Import SIM contacts has been moved to 'Mail, Contacts, Calender'

Thats all so far! :apple:

What does the new GPRS logo look like? Can you show us a piccy?


macrumors newbie
Apr 8, 2008
SDK 5 Question

My current project which compiled with NO errors and TWO warnings with SDK 4 now has something like 10 errors and many many warnings. I tried one of Apple's demo code programs and the same thing is going on.

As an example, this is what I get:

1.05/Classes/Blu_1_05AppDelegate.m:135: error: 'UIProgressBar' undeclared (first use in this function)
1.05/Classes/Blu_1_05AppDelegate.m:135: error: 'progressBar' undeclared (first use in this function)
1.05/Classes/Blu_1_05AppDelegate.m:136: error: 'UIButtonTypeGlass' undeclared (first use in this function)
'UITextFieldBorderStyleLine' undeclared (first use in this function) ETC. ETC....

These are properly declared so it seems as if my compiler does not recognize, for instance, UIProgressBar or other functions.

As an example:
UIProgressBar *progressBar = [[UIProgressBar alloc] initWithFrame:framePR];
worked before...

1) What is going on here?
2) Is there a trick that I am missing?



macrumors newbie
Apr 8, 2008
Found out why...

Apple has renamed and or removed some classes in its latest release.

This info is to be found in the release notes.


macrumors newbie
Jan 29, 2005
This has worked for me with every beta so far, haven't tried 5 yet, im sure it still works though, dunno about the signature stuff though, simulator defiantly works:

1. Make the iPhone SDK.dmg read/write-able with Disk Utility using convert -> to read/write.

2. Mount the R/W dmg.

3. You need to delete some unneccessary file so that you can modify the installer config file, because the image is completely full. I choose the PDF in the root of the dmg.

4. Modify in text edit /iPhone SDK.mpkg/Contents/iPhoneSDK.dist :
- Line 71 ( in function agreedToSLA() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”
- Line 81 ( in function SDKPresent() ) - modify “return false;” to “return true;”

That’s it. Now you can double-click the iPhone SDK package and install as usual. The Aspen SDK will show up and get installed.

Thanks to gigeamircearaul for the method.

I followed these instructions and got it to work after changing the isIntel() method a little bit. I changed the last line from: return res; to return true; and it worked...
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