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macrumors newbie
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Feb 11, 2016
so I have an iPhone 6 under contract with AT&T. I'm looking to get it unlocked so I can use it on other networks. After some reading, this seems possible. Can anyone explain the process to me and recommend a reputable unlock?
To add - you can go find an online unlocking service. You will find conflicting reports on if they work or not. And which one works "well". That is your gamble to make.
I want to keep my contract for when I'm home. I only want the unlock in order to avoid roaming charges when I'm gone. Ill see what I can find on the unlocks on the internet.
To add - you can go find an online unlocking service. You will find conflicting reports on if they work or not. And which one works "well". That is your gamble to make.
From what little I know, I think most of those unlocking sites are scams at this point. ATT made changes to how it handles this a while ago and thus inhibiting most of those services. I could be wrong, but as I mentioned the little I do know, most people haven't had a lot of luck
From what little I know, I think most of those unlocking sites are scams at this point. ATT made changes to how it handles this a while ago and thus inhibiting most of those services. I could be wrong, but as I mentioned the little I do know, most people haven't had a lot of luck

You are correct. They are a scam. But we will randomly come across someone who swears on their future mother in laws grave that "site xyz" works. Maybe they just wanna kill the MIL....:p
I've always wondered how these companies stay in business and don't get taken down. The only way they can work is having insiders within the carrier I presume?
For the record, they are not a scam. I went with swift unlocks. I ordered their AT&T Premium service for $12.99 at 12pm on Friday and my phone was unlocked by 9pm Friday evening. I tried other SIM cards and everything works perfectly. Also, every question I asked prior to ordering was answered very quickly.
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I've always wondered how these companies stay in business and don't get taken down. The only way they can work is having insiders within the carrier I presume?
Correct they pay insider for login access to carriers computer. Watson articles back in September I believe.
So OP has used Swift and they worked. But OP started the thread asking for options on "what to do" and asking for a "reputable unlock".

You're right. I made all of this up just to give a shoutout to Swift.

For the record, they are not a scam. I went with swift unlocks. I ordered their AT&T Premium service for $12.99 at 12pm on Friday and my phone was unlocked by 9pm Friday evening. I tried other SIM cards and everything works perfectly. Also, every question I asked prior to ordering was answered very quickly.
Scam may not be the right word. Shady as hell, absolutely. All of the unlocking companies are shady, especially once you figure out how they're able to do it.
Scam may not be the right word. Shady as hell, absolutely. All of the unlocking companies are shady, especially once you figure out how they're able to do it.
Correct. AT&T is suing some former employees that were involved with a similar company. I also know of a handset manufacturer that has fired employees for selling codes on a forum.
It gets denied because I am under contract

there is a way around that but you have too due it be for you turn on your phone and activate the phone you would need too fill out the request 1st i tryed it when i 1st had my 950 be for i ended up returning it and it work i was able too get the phone unlocked
I upgraded 4 contracts in January (All iPhone 6s Plus) before AT&T did away with them, unlimited data on all 4 lines. I always used swift unlocks but the prices are much higher now and there's no guarantee. Instead I went on eBay and offered $8 per unlock and paid $32. They were all unlocked the same day and I was able to verify with different SIM cards. I don't remember the name of the seller but it was like $15 per unlock (make sure you read the fine print because this auction said unlock while still under contract and others don't offer this). The auction also had a "Make Offer" button.
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if you unlock your phone before you pay off you contract, your phone will be blacklisted and carrier restricted here in usa , and possibly europe and other places that adhere to the imei blacklist agreement. best to talk to att , and tell them what it is you are trying to achieve, most cases they will help , they dont want to lose customers.
This is not true. I've been unlocking my phones since the services started with the iPhone 5 I think. In fact, I've already traveled internationally with my phone and it still works AND I checked it on Swappa's ESN Check and it comes up as completely clean. None of my phones have ever been blacklisted. The blacklisting is mostly for phones reported lost/stolen.
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if you unlock your phone before you pay off you contract, your phone will be blacklisted and carrier restricted here in usa , and possibly europe and other places that adhere to the imei blacklist agreement. best to talk to att , and tell them what it is you are trying to achieve, most cases they will help , they dont want to lose customers.
Unlocked by whom? Or, what method are you talking about?
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