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macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2015
i do not know which device to buy the ipad has a battery life of about 10 hours i dont know if this is with no programs open or during normal use or video watching for example but the stated battery life is 10 hours and the iphone has a battery life of 24 hours so this is a better device for battery life however the ipad has a bigger screen so it requires more power to power the screen which will drain the battery faster but the ipad is also a larger device so they should have been able to fit more battery in the device to make it last for a longer period of time i think the ipad has a better processor as well so maybe this uses more power the ipad mini is also a good device is seems to be the same in terms of power but it is slightly smaller which means it is more portable and it can be stored in a pocket if a coat with large pockets is worn however the iphone is better because it can make phone calls and it can send text messages the ipad is unable to do this the iphone 6 plus also has a larger screen size so it is almost like an ipad mini that is able to make phone calls but it is still slightly smaller than the ipad mini if i decided to purchase the ipad i would go with the cellular model because it is useful to be able to connect to the internet when out of the house or workplace this is something the iphone can do but for the ipad it needs to be selected as an optional extra which will add more cost so in terms of cost the ipad and iphone will cost the same for me almost so the cost is not really a consideration as there will not be a large saving either way the iphone has a small screen which is useful for using with one hand and it is also useful because the device can fit in a pocket easily whereas the ipad is almost as large as some laptops and so it needs to be carried in the hand or in a bag unless you are wearing something with very large pockets this is an inconvenience if you would not otherwise be carrying a bag and if you were carrying a bag you would be taking your laptop with you anyway so this kind of defeats the reason for buying an ipad anyway although the laptop does not have the option to connect to the internet when away from a wifi hotspot which is where the ipad or iphone will be useful also i have been told that the ipad and iphone can be used to create a wifi hotspot using its cellular capability so you can connect your iphone or ipad to the internet and then connect your laptop to the wifi hotspot and use your laptop when away from work or home this sounds quite useful but i dont know if it will consume a lot of battery life from the phone or ipad also if the phone or ipad is connected to the internet is is kind of pointless connecting the laptop to the wifi hotspot anyway because you can just use the phone or ipad to use the internet this is even more the case with the ipad because the size of the screen is comparable to a laptop and the keyboard is almost as large as a normal keyboard many people even use the ipad as a laptop replacement the ipad also has a touch screen and it has a longer battery life than most laptops so there is really no need to use a laptop at all so the ipad will make a laptop obsolete so i dont know why you would be carrying a laptop and an ipad at the same time anyway in the case of the iphone i can possibly understand carrying an iphone and a laptop because the laptop has a much larger screen and a full size keyboard neither of which the iphone is able to offer however in that case you should have not purchased the iphone and just purchased an ipad then you can carry the ipad on its own instead of an iphone and a laptop because as i said earlier you can get rid of the laptop if you have an ipad if you need phone capabilities as well it is cheaper to even carry an iphone and an ipad than an iphone and a laptop but this is kind of pointless so the ipad is better in these areas however another area the iphone excels in is that is supports apple pay however on the other hand apple pay is not very good and this is not really a reason to buy an iphone if you are buying an iphone solely to use apple pay and will not be using it for any other reason then you should just use a credit card or even just a wad of bank notes because this will be thinner and lighter than the iphone even if you are carrying thousands of dollars in cash there is also an update coming soon to the iphone and the ipad i am not sure if i should wait for this as it will come in about a month but even then it will be a while before the devices are sold in stores and for the first month or two the supplies will be limited so it is probably fair to assume that the deices will not be easily available for at least a few months one other positive aspect to the iphone is that it is required to be used with an apple watch however i am not planning on buying an apple watch so this is not relevant in my case however it may be relevant because an apple watch may be useful and if i purchased an iphone i may decide to go on to purchase an apple watch however i do not think this on its own is enough of a reason to sway the decision towards purchasing the iphone instead of the ipad i think i prefer the ipad because it has a larger screen and almost a full size keyboard however the iphone is still useful because it can make and receive calls so i am not sure which of these devices to purchase please can anyone offer any assistance to help me make this decision thank you in advance i am also considering purchasing a macbook which may affect whether the iphone or the ipad is the best device for me i am not sure if this is relevant but i thought it is worth mentioning in case it is i think a macbook and an iphone would be a good combination but a macbook and an ipad would be kind of stupid because of the reasons i stated earlier i am interested to hear whether or not you agree with this and which device i should purchase out of an iphone or an ipad with cellular connectivity also i would like you to help me decide which size of iphone or ipad to get and also which memory capacity and i am not sure which colour to choose although i dont think the final choice makes a difference apart from aesthetics thank you in advance


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2011
Boston, MA
Woah. I don't think I've ever seen a longer sentence in my life. Jesus. Here's what you should do: Get an iPhone and a MacBook (specifically a retina Macbook Pro) OR if money is no object, get an iPhone, an iPad and a MacBook.

Next time please space your paragraphs because god damn that was a lot to read and not only that, but the lack of spacing made it very difficult to follow along each line to identify where I was. Seriously man, learn some punctuation.


macrumors member
Original poster
Aug 17, 2015
do you think having a macbook and an ipad and an iphone is kind of pointless because the macbook and the ipad are the same size or are there reasons to own both i can understand having an iphone and 1 other device because the other device does not make phone calls but i think the other devices are very similar i agree if money is no object just own them all but it is in my case and i would rather have the money to spend on something else unless owning all of the ipad and iphone and macbook is required


macrumors 68020
Aug 1, 2008
Woah. I don't think I've ever seen a longer sentence in my life. Jesus. Here's what you should do: Get an iPhone and a MacBook (specifically a retina Macbook Pro) OR if money is no object, get an iPhone, an iPad and a MacBook.

Next time please space your paragraphs because god damn that was a lot to read and not only that, but the lack of spacing made it very difficult to follow along each line to identify where I was. Seriously man, learn some punctuation.
You deserve an award for being able to read that and then respond with an actual recommendation.

To the OP, welcome to the forums but please if you are going to write a lot, use some spacing it makes it much easier for us to read and reply.


macrumors 68020
Aug 1, 2008
do you think having a macbook and an ipad and an iphone is kind of pointless because the macbook and the ipad are the same size or are there reasons to own both i can understand having an iphone and 1 other device because the other device does not make phone calls but i think the other devices are very similar i agree if money is no object just own them all but it is in my case and i would rather have the money to spend on something else unless owning all of the ipad and iphone and macbook is required
Each has different uses. I personally couldn't recommend owning 2 devices running iOS if money doesn't allow for it. I think the MacBook and iPhone is the best suggestion here. Also keep in mind depending on where you're located most carriers allow your iPhone to be used as a personal hotspot for the MacBook or other wifi capable devices.

Edit: after you decide what to do and before you buy I would highly recommend reading the buyers guide located here:
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macrumors 68040
Apr 20, 2009
Wow, for some reason I feel dizzy. iPhone or iPad. Clearly there is a difference. If you need a phone then get the iPhone.

The first person that claims to have read every word of this novel ..... is lying.


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2011
Boston, MA
You deserve an award for being able to read that and then respond with an actual recommendation.

To the OP, welcome to the forums but please if you are going to write a lot, use some spacing it makes it much easier for us to read and reply.

Haha thanks. I was bored at work so I figured I'd kill some time and read the whole thing. Took a while though since it's so damn hard to read without spacing. Kept losing my place.

Wow, for some reason I feel dizzy. iPhone or iPad. Clearly there is a difference. If you need a phone then get the iPhone.

The first person that claims to have read every word of this novel ..... is lying.

I'm actually not lol. I was bored at work so I had time to kill and read the whole thing. I'm not saying it wasn't painful; it was. I lost my place at least ten times because of the lack of line spacing.


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
I found it very very difficult to get Siri to read that to me but boy oh boy was it worth it...

To answer your question, I think you should just get what you want and need.
I had Alex read it to me on my MBA, and my head is literally spinning trying to keep up with it because there are no breaks.

OP - It really comes down to what you will need, not want. Incase you didn't mention it in your text (because I lost track), whats the primary purpose of the device going to be?


macrumors 6502
May 29, 2015
Leicestershire, UK
China called... etc etc

If you have money for one get a 6 Plus, if you can afford both. I'm not even going to try reading that in depth but I have skimmed it over.

EDIT: Wow, congratulations, you actually filled the whole screen top to bottom with that.


macrumors member
Jul 29, 2015
OP is probably having a hearty laugh at our reactions and attempts to answer seriously.
Looking at his actual wording, he has no problem at all with grammer or language in general. He's just pulling a prank.
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