Hi Udflyer,
I will tell you this, I am the general Manager of a company and I replaced my notebook for an iPad over 2 years ago and have never looked back! And subsequently i did the same for all our salesmen. The problem I see ALLOT on the forums is that people who doubt the IPP or iPad in general, are those who do not fully understand the apps that's have been developed to replace current notebook programs and they don't understand how powerful and capable the iPad really is.
The only limiting factor is your use case, if you work on a program that is not available YET, then naturally you will not be able to do it on iPad. I say YET because IPP changes the game completely, now there is the screen size and sheer powder to run programs like Final Cut Pro etc, so just wait they are coming.
I switched to IPad because I travel allot! The iPad gives me;
- Unparalleled Security
- Unbeatable portability
- Best mobile opperating system (most sophisticated and enjoyable)
- The opperating system (IOS) is easy to understand but very complex and sophisticated
- Powerful apps (with the Air 2) I create all our adverts for website, email campaigns, signage, flyers etc on Pixelmator, numbers, pages are brilliant and very powerful once you understand them, and the functions that are not initially apparent become obvious once you know how to access them. Keynote is the best presentation software I have ever used, and I present straight from my iPad with just a lightning to VGA/HDMI cable which is tiny and use my iPhone to control the presentation.
-Multi-tasking, this is a controversial topic on iPad simply because those who contest the iPad's ability to multi-task to not understand or have never committed to using iPad as thier only device (for longer than a month), I find I can multi-task much quicker and get more done fast on iPad than I ever could on PC.
- The apps store makes you iPad the most powerful and capable tool your own. I have over 200 apps and they each do something great, but as a whole they give me the flexibility to cherry pick software that does something better than an app that try's to do it all, and I feel confident to never get stuck.
- Battry life is beyond all day, so not cables ect
- Boot time is instant, so if I quickly need to pull something up it is simply like opening a book
As Tim Cook said, all he takes on his business trips is his iPad Pro and his phone,
Bottom Line is - Use case, learn the apps, desire!