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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jun 10, 2011
Scotland, UK
hey guys,

my macbook 2010 is on its last legs, I'm looking at the base model rMBP to last me the next 2-4 years. i do basic task and nothing more, so to clarify will the 8gb be enough for the modest of tasks for this timeframe?

or am i better going through apple and maxing out at 16gb?

cheers, RTJ
I think you should be asking that question for the HD space not the RAM. /suggestion from experience

8 GB is fine for 95% of people. While the guy is right about SSD space you can upgrade this in the future. It's proprietary but user replaceable. OWC usually sells these ssd or you can get them on eBay.
thanks of the replies guys, i currently have 64gb in my MB, i never use a lot of space...

but good to know that it can be upgraded if absolutely necessary.

Nothing is guaranteed. Within the year most likely. Possibly at WWDC in June. There is also rumors of a April release for the Macbook. From the sound of your usage a Macbook may be enough.

yeah, i use internet, e-mail, spotify, messages and some poker, i was wondering if the rMB would be enough, as i don't use any ports or Cd's etc..the only thing I'm a bit disappointed in is no magsafe adapotor.

if you were in my shoes would you go for the rMB or the rMBP?

AGGGHH, I'm torn between these decisions!! i tried the rMB and i do like it and can see myself getting used to the keyboard! WHAT TO DO (first world problem i know)

I was tossing up between the two too. I'm going to wait and see what the next release looks like, be it rMB or MBPro, whatever they release will likely trigger a sale on the current items too. So win/win. New laptop, or current series at reduced pricing.
yeah, i use internet, e-mail, spotify, messages and some poker, i was wondering if the rMB would be enough, as i don't use any ports or Cd's etc..the only thing I'm a bit disappointed in is no magsafe adapotor.

if you were in my shoes would you go for the rMB or the rMBP?

AGGGHH, I'm torn between these decisions!! i tried the rMB and i do like it and can see myself getting used to the keyboard! WHAT TO DO (first world problem i know)

I think the keyboard you would get used to after a bit. Heck, buy it try it for 2 weeks then return it if you don't like it. I personally wouldn't be opposed to the rMB but the CPU and GPU are so week I think I would still go with the 13" MBP. I could be wrong, but I heard the HD 5300 graphics is actually more on par with the Intel 4000 graphics from 2012. It essentially has the same performance as a 2011/2012 MBA. However for your uses that should be enough. I do light gaming and have a 15" 2012 Retina so I personally couldn't go to a Macbook yet.
hey guys,

i think i might try it out for a few weeks, there is a good deal on the rMB in one of the stores here in the UK, can i return only if bought through apple? and if not, can i return to apple with it or where i bought from, (sorry for if the q seems silly.)

If you want to know the store return policy you should check with the store. If you get it wrong do you think they're going to say "oh, a bunch of strangers on the Internet said we'd allow you to return it? Ok, that trumps our store policy". :) No, that's not going to happen. Check with the store.
hey guys,

my macbook 2010 is on its last legs, I'm looking at the base model rMBP to last me the next 2-4 years. i do basic task and nothing more, so to clarify will the 8gb be enough for the modest of tasks for this timeframe?

or am i better going through apple and maxing out at 16gb?

cheers, RTJ

I would only buy a 16gb system. Remember up to 2gb might be allocated to video so that 8gb isn't so much.
Well I haven't owned a new Mac yet but I am using a 2010 Pro with 8 gigs. Today I was running my virtual machine for class, doing some remote desktop for a friend all while still streaming music and surfing the web and I didn't experience a hiccup. I would think it should be fine especially being a brand new Pro. I personally think the Macbook is to small and cramped but thats just my opinion.
I am in the same predicament, and 8GB isn't enough on me for my iMac. And at any given time that can mean multiple web browser tabs open, spotify, and maybe Photoshop or Illustrator in the background.

I am beginning to think 16GB is the way to go, even if you don't use many tasks at once.
Was trying to wait until next update but my 2011 MPB bit the dust a week ago. Went ahead and got the MBP 15 and got fastest processor and 16g of RAM. DO a lot of streaming from multiple sites and it flies..

Had my doubts but after using this baby I have no regrets... Only disappointment is I had the 17" and knew it was not replaceable. Still getting accustomed to the smaller real estate but still miss it..
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