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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 15, 2008
Found a new apple "think different" watch selling for $299 on ebay. The seller claims it is genuine part. The question is: is this stuff worth $299?


  • whitewatchblack.jpg
    51 KB · Views: 2,418
No way. Its just an old $30 watch with a logo on it, but i guess it depends on what sort of collector you are.
Yeah you can probably find that cheaper somewhere else. But I've got no idea where.
No way, I bought the White and the Black one for about £30 each, they are pretty good quality and come in a nice tin but not at that price!
Definetly not 300$ worthy. I think he's gouging you. Try talking him down. At most I'd pay 150$ as a serious collector (if I were one).
Give some consideration to this. Then tell me $300 for a watch that may be "vintage" is worth it. Save your money for a real watch.
Apple most likely doesn't make that watch. Which is why they can back it for a lifetime. ;)
Mmm... have a feeling that that amount for it is thinking a little bit too different (pun intended). Its nice but I think it's probably available for far less.
Will be interesting if it sells at that price. This would indicate a bullish economy.
Give some consideration to this. Then tell me $300 for a watch that may be "vintage" is worth it. Save your money for a real watch.

But does this watch run backwards like the ebay one? At first I thought the numbers were just backwards with the watch running as a regular one. I'm not sure I could get used to a watch that actually ran backwards, so the seller was probably able to pick them up for a song on clearance, wait a year or two, then jack the price way up and make a killing! The ebay dream!
I ran across this while doing a search on google. I have this watch I think when I bought it it was about 80-90$. It does run backwards, which is pretty neat.

I gotta say that picture doesn't look like the actual watch. I have the black faced one and it is not chrome around (it is black) and the band looks completely wrong.

This looks to be a copy. I got mine from i think, they don't sell 'em anymore.
I ran across this while doing a search on google. I have this watch I think when I bought it it was about 80-90$. It does run backwards, which is pretty neat.

I gotta say that picture doesn't look like the actual watch. I have the black faced one and it is not chrome around (it is black) and the band looks completely wrong.

This looks to be a copy. I got mine from i think, they don't sell 'em anymore.

The one your thinking about a different one, made by Apple Watch, these where made for the Asian market I believe, came with a white face also.
Found a new apple "think different" watch selling for $299 on ebay. The seller claims it is genuine part. The question is: is this stuff worth $299?

What makes you happier: $300 in your pocket, or this watch on your arm?

I challenge anyone to find the original Apple Think Different Watch anywhere in Brand New condition!! IF you can find one I'll bet they want at least $300 for it. Why, because it is a rare collectible that was part of the greatest Ad Campaign ever conceived of by modern man. Even Bill Gates has said that the ad campaign was a sheer stroke of Genius that literally saved Apple. After all, who can forget the 1984 Superbowl Ad that still sets the standard for television marketing.

Now, about the watch itself. Believe it or not, because this watch runs backwards, it forces your mind to "think different" about telling time. Studies are showing that rote and repetitive actions are actually mind numbing and that intelligence can be improved by breaking routines and doing new behaviors. So, take a different way home from work, don't always take your meals at the same time, do new hobbies and sports, get out of your comfort zones and you will be amazed at how much your life will improve.

So how much is a watch that can improve your IQ and creativity worth to you?
Studies are showing that rote and repetitive actions are actually mind numbing and that intelligence can be improved by breaking routines and doing new behaviors. So, take a different way home from work, don't always take your meals at the same time, do new hobbies and sports, get out of your comfort zones and you will be amazed at how much your life will improve.

So how much is a watch that can improve your IQ and creativity worth to you?

What absolute utter rubbish. Having a watch that runs backwards is not going to measurably improve your IQ or creativity. Especially since you are suggesting wearing this full time, which then becomes routine, so even if what your claiming is true, if you are always looking at your watch, your just going to sink into a new routine and the benefits would thus disappear.
As far as the rest goes - link to the studies please, since I haven't seen anything about that being even remotely true, and Id like to read the scientific papers myself, since I consider most of that to be utter twaddle until I see data which proves it otherwise.
What absolute utter rubbish. Having a watch that runs backwards is not going to measurably improve your IQ or creativity. Especially since you are suggesting wearing this full time, which then becomes routine, so even if what your claiming is true, if you are always looking at your watch, your just going to sink into a new routine and the benefits would thus disappear.
As far as the rest goes - link to the studies please, since I haven't seen anything about that being even remotely true, and Id like to read the scientific papers myself, since I consider most of that to be utter twaddle until I see data which proves it otherwise.

I don't have the time to Google this topic, but if you really wish to learn something new try this link:
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