Put it this way … if you don’t get a few scratches here and there, it’d be a crying shame.
Imagine you’re a freshly-made Rolex in the early 1940s. Chuck Yeager comes into the store looking to buy a new watch, along with a lawyer. Would you rather that the lawyer buys you and you remain pristine for decades, or would you rather Chuck buys you, you get rather beat up … but you’re also the first watch to break the sound barrier?
My Ultra arrived on release day. I’ve worn it non-stop since, save to charge. I haven’t done anything particularly adventurous … some hiking, that sort of thing. But I wear it in the garden, even when I’m up to my elbows in dirt pulling out Bermuda grass roots from underneath rose bushes.
The case has a couple barely-visible scratches here and there. The crystal is perfect.
But that’s okay. I’ve only just begun … plenty of time for a great adventure, or even just lots of little ones.