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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Jun 9, 2009
I have a 6+ back when it first came out. It has been great and it still is.

I have been getting the new phone itch lately and almost considered an s8+ for a complete change, but decided against it as I feel that would wear off (plus, no iMessage).

With the iPhone 8 only a few months away this might come off as a pointless thread.

My only argument would be the better camera, improved water resistance, faster processor.

With that said, I would most definitely be selling it for the iPhone 8+.

Anyone in the same boat?


macrumors regular
Jun 7, 2010
If you need a phone now, get one. Best Buy has deals all the time. You can get $100 or more off.

Or buy a used one. Compared to a 6+, you won't be disappointed in a 7.

It will be hard to get an 8 until the end of the year, per the rumors.


Jul 11, 2006
You said your 6+ still works fine and you'd sell the 7 for this years new phone. I wouldn't get it and would stick with your current phone for a few more months.
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macrumors 68020
Feb 22, 2015
Want variety, but not two phone person?

S8+ is still in infancy and shakedown cruise. Too soon. Consider Note 8 instead.

The 6S Plus has done well. Even the 7S Plus could be nice option and less than ~$999 of an 8.

And, I'm loving the Huawei offerings right now.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2014
Just gonna throw the rest of my two cents in...

I have 7+ and S8+ and the S8+ is a very solid device. Samsung has failed to redeemed their self, YET, but the effort, it's there. I have been using S8+ as daily device and kept 7+, too. The iPhone 7+ feels so big and old when I pick it up after having been using my S8+. They both have a ton of pros and cons which I could list all day. I'll note a couple to maybe help in your decision: 1- biggest thing I miss is icloud/imessage and FaceTime. Googles versions of FaceTime and imessage is nothing short of a Mess. Duo for video, allo for chat, messages for text, hangouts for voice plus the voice app itself. Facepalm LOL. 2- battery life on S8+ far exceeded my expectations and in my particular usage case gets me further through the day before looking for a charger(depending on day I've managed to squeeze 5/6 hours of SOT in) . When I find a charger S8+ QUICKLY takes a charge. 3- I love that Android lets me do what I want with files, no limitations on where I can put them or how. Makes it a ton easier to back up everything to my NAS. 4- S8+ screen is BEAUTIFUL considering its packed into a device the same size as my 7+. 4- a last note probably more specific to me... The speaker on S8 doesn't hold a candle to sound quality of 7+ but my ears tell me it's quite a bit louder. I do a lot of conference calls and louder works better for me.


Jul 12, 2016
Just gonna throw the rest of my two cents in...

I have 7+ and S8+ and the S8+ is a very solid device. Samsung has failed to redeemed their self, YET, but the effort, it's there. I have been using S8+ as daily device and kept 7+, too. The iPhone 7+ feels so big and old when I pick it up after having been using my S8+. They both have a ton of pros and cons which I could list all day. I'll note a couple to maybe help in your decision: 1- biggest thing I miss is icloud/imessage and FaceTime. Googles versions of FaceTime and imessage is nothing short of a Mess. Duo for video, allo for chat, messages for text, hangouts for voice plus the voice app itself. Facepalm LOL. 2- battery life on S8+ far exceeded my expectations and in my particular usage case gets me further through the day before looking for a charger(depending on day I've managed to squeeze 5/6 hours of SOT in) . When I find a charger S8+ QUICKLY takes a charge. 3- I love that Android lets me do what I want with files, no limitations on where I can put them or how. Makes it a ton easier to back up everything to my NAS. 4- S8+ screen is BEAUTIFUL considering its packed into a device the same size as my 7+. 4- a last note probably more specific to me... The speaker on S8 doesn't hold a candle to sound quality of 7+ but my ears tell me it's quite a bit louder. I do a lot of conference calls and louder works better for me.

Excellent points you made. The Stereo speakers is my favorite feature on the 7+. They sound amazing and I primarily use the speakerphone for all my calls. And the overall tone and depth of the speakers is very good.
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macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2014
Excellent points you made. The Stereo speakers is my favorite feature on the 7+. They sound amazing and I primarily use the speakerphone for all my calls. And the overall tone and depth of the speakers is very good.
Absolutely mate

Frankly after owning both devices I'm not entirely sure one could make a wrong choice. They both have a ton of pros and cons with good hardware and quality to boot. My recommendation, go with what platform your already comfortable with


Jul 12, 2016
Absolutely mate

Frankly after owning both devices I'm not entirely sure one could make a wrong choice. They both have a ton of pros and cons with good hardware and quality to boot. My recommendation, go with what platform your already comfortable with

Out of Curiosity do use the S8+ As a work phone or the 7+ is a personal line?


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2014
Out of Curiosity do use the S8+ As a work phone or the 7+ is a personal line?
For work I use a lot pdf and MS Office files and so much easier manage them on Android. Send them to SD card, and my Documents folder on SD card auto backs up to NAS at home and another remote location. Backing up files with iPhone and even sharing between apps was always cumbersome for me.
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macrumors 68030
Feb 15, 2015
iPhone 8 will be backordered for 6-8 months. If you need a phone now/sooner than later then it's a fabulous choice
Well you just have to sleep a bit later, make sure you order in the first minute when the pre-order opens... Shouldn't be really hard if you want it.. Especially if you REALLY want it.


macrumors 68020
Nov 14, 2014
Well you just have to sleep a bit later, make sure you order in the first minute when the pre-order opens... Shouldn't be really hard if you want it.. Especially if you REALLY want it.
They shouldn't make it that hard. They know what size and colors, generally will be popular. They should have enough inventory on hand and be prepared.


Apr 29, 2017

This is why I don't like Android very much. I enjoy using it for it's openness, but it has major flaws and this is one of them.

Android malware spreads like wildfire: 350 new malicious apps every hour


New Android security report is alarming, but not because of the amount of malware
A new security report says that more than 3.5 million instances of malware will land on Android this year, with most phones unequipped to stop them.


May 7, 2017
If you need it now, buy it now. If you don't absolutely need it right this second and can wait, then wait. If you have money pouring out your eyeballs, then it doesn't really matter. You seem pretty content with your 6+ ... and if your phone is working fine, then I don't see the need to upgrade. If it were me, I'd wait. I'm upgrading from my iPhone SE. Once the novelty and nostalgia wore off (and that terrible front facing camera), it made me realize I need a bigger phone. So ... I'll be upgrading this year.
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macrumors 65816
Aug 24, 2013
Anytime is the right time to buy a phone if you need it...

Yes a 7plus or iPhone 7 is still worth it... They're only 7 months old. They are and will be great devices...


macrumors G4
Mar 24, 2010
Any place but here or there....
Bought a 7+ 5 weeks ago and love it (save a for a couple of minor bugs in the tv app but what else is new.)

Tried to quit Apple for a few months and literally threw my Moto Z droid across the room, I was so fed up with Android/google and having to be online all the time despite their promises of offline usage. The security factor is huge for me so that was another reason why I went back to Apple.


macrumors 68040
Oct 22, 2011
Newcastle, England.
I have a 6+ back when it first came out. It has been great and it still is.

I have been getting the new phone itch lately and almost considered an s8+ for a complete change, but decided against it as I feel that would wear off (plus, no iMessage).

With the iPhone 8 only a few months away this might come off as a pointless thread.

My only argument would be the better camera, improved water resistance, faster processor.

With that said, I would most definitely be selling it for the iPhone 8+.

Anyone in the same boat?
I've just upgraded from a 6+ to a 7+ and it shows you just how underpowered the 6+ was. I was sick of the constant stuttering. The 7+ is so smooth. I do not regret it.


macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
My 6+ was feeling quite slow, and resprung when I was trying to make a call and check something in Safari, and that was sort of the last straw. I really wanted to hold out for the '8' this year, but found quite a good deal on a very lightly used 7+.

Should be arriving tomorrow, and hopefully if it's all alright can use it for the rest of the year. Shouldn't lose too much reselling it when the 8 is out either.


macrumors 68040
Oct 22, 2011
Newcastle, England.
My 6+ was feeling quite slow, and resprung when I was trying to make a call and check something in Safari, and that was sort of the last straw. I really wanted to hold out for the '8' this year, but found quite a good deal on a very lightly used 7+.

Should be arriving tomorrow, and hopefully if it's all alright can use it for the rest of the year. Shouldn't lose too much reselling it when the 8 is out either.
You'll notice a HUGE improvement from the 6+. It's like night and day. I love how the 7+ just doesn't stutter or has to reload tabs, or apps etc. The extra RAM (which the 6+ should have had) really makes this phone fly!


macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
You'll notice a HUGE improvement from the 6+. It's like night and day. I love how the 7+ just doesn't stutter or has to reload tabs, or apps etc. The extra RAM (which the 6+ should have had) really makes this phone fly!
I hope so - I have forgotten what animations in iOS actually look like, was shocked when I used a friend's 6s and the home screen icons actually scrolled when pressing the home button! My 6+ has been a great phone but honestly think the 1GB RAM limited it from the start.

Fingers crossed the 7+ arrives and is all fine tomorrow, am always slightly nervous buying second hand, but couldn't justify a brand new one at this point.
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macrumors 604
Feb 3, 2010
United Kingdom
You'll notice a HUGE improvement from the 6+. It's like night and day. I love how the 7+ just doesn't stutter or has to reload tabs, or apps etc. The extra RAM (which the 6+ should have had) really makes this phone fly!
Yep, just got mine today. Massive difference. Really enjoying using my phone again, everything just works! Never used Quick Reply on my 6+ as the lag would make it unusable. Definitely a good upgrade, especially if buying second hand (but in very good condition).
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