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Original poster
Jun 8, 2018
I have been looking at getting a Samsung Galaxy S10e, but am wondering if it will have a slow/choppy UX. I have heard some bad things about Samsung's UI, such as TouchWiz being sloppy and unstable (Don't know if this newest round of phones is still based on TouchWiz.) but have they sorted these problems out?


macrumors 6502a
Jun 3, 2014
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.


macrumors P6
Aug 7, 2011
I have the S10+ and Xs Max and Pixel 3XL and have experienced some slowness or hesitation in all 3.
I don't think there is a phone on the market that does not hiccup from time to time.
The new One UI on the S10+ is the best Android skin I have used. It is every bit as fluid and smooth and my Pixel and iPhone.


Sep 11, 2014
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.
Maybe it was Package Disabler Pro that caused your problems. In the settings you're able to go in and disable apps without PDP, unless that ability is from an integrated version of Package Disabler Pro--i don't know for sure, I had assumed it was now built into the One UI.

Actually, I think it was on Samsung S9+ that I was warned to not use Package Disabler Pro anymore. It is also possible you disabled something you thought was bloat but was an essential app. They've got a few apps like that on there. I disabled only FB and a sports app and a couple of AT&T apps I didn't need. I didn't touch anything I haven't looked up, yet and so far, so smooth. Of course I'll have to revisit this thread after a few weeks in order to give a fair evaluation of performance degradation over time.


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2016
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.

You likely caused your own problems by messing with Package Disabler without knowing what you were disrupting in the background. I've heard nobody complain of lag on the s10 series besides you.


macrumors 601
Jan 24, 2013
Johannesburg, South Africa
Maybe it was Package Disabler Pro that caused your problems. In the settings you're able to go in and disable apps without PDP, unless that ability is from an integrated version of Package Disabler Pro--i don't know for sure, I had assumed it was now built into the One UI.

Actually, I think it was on Samsung S9+ that I was warned to not use Package Disabler Pro anymore. It is also possible you disabled something you thought was bloat but was an essential app. They've got a few apps like that on there. I disabled only FB and a sports app and a couple of AT&T apps I didn't need. I didn't touch anything I haven't looked up, yet and so far, so smooth. Of course I'll have to revisit this thread after a few weeks in order to give a fair evaluation of performance degradation over time.
Package Disabler absolutely ruined my Galaxy S7 Edge back in 2016 the phone began rebooting and not waking up sometimes, it absolutely broke the user experience on the phone. Had to delete it.

I have not touched that app again. I would hate to know what it does on newer devices, don't know why people still use it.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 9, 2017
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.

PD is the issue here
Learn how to use Android properly and stop disabling everything.


Sep 11, 2014
Package Disabler absolutely ruined my Galaxy S7 Edge back in 2016 the phone began rebooting and not waking up sometimes, it absolutely broke the user experience on the phone. Had to delete it.

I have not touched that app again. I would hate to know what it does on newer devices, don't know why people still use it.
I think you might have been the person who warned me not to use it. It was somebody on this forum who had a disaster with it.
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The Game 161

macrumors Nehalem
Dec 15, 2010
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.
I'm sorry but that is not normal

It's as smooth as my max for sure


macrumors 601
Oct 2, 2011
Not a scratch of lag on my S10. Granted I didn't have it long.
I am now noticing slowing down with my XR though. Apps loading slowly, swapping between apps sometimes is a little laggy.

It happens to every phone.

macrumors 68020
Jun 17, 2009
Fort Worth, TX
my S10+ has been the most fluid, consistently fast Samsung phone I have ever used. I'd say it's on the Pixel / iPhone level for me, maybe even better. Definitely faster / more fluid than my P3XL, I had a lot of issues with that phone (it wasn't bad but not what I come to expect from a pixel device)
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macrumors 68000
Jun 20, 2009
Triple wielding an iPhone XS, Pixel 3 XL, and S10e. I've not experienced any lag or stutter on the S10e. Nothing like the Samsung of old. My biggest issue with One UI / Samsung is the extra steps needed to do simple tasks. It takes several steps sometimes to access settings or menus that are simple on the Pixel and iPhone. I use an unlocked model with no carrier bloat, so maybe that is partly behind my lag and stutter free experience.

Opening and using the camera app is much faster on the S10e than it is on my Pixel. Especially when using the camera app and rotating the phone. There is a good amount of lag / delay on the Pixel whereas the S10e instantly rotates and adjusts.
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Sep 11, 2014
I can’t speak for all carrier experiences but so far AT&T bloat is pretty minimal and some can be uninstalled and the rest stay quietly disabled.

However I am utterly shocked I can’t uninstall some Game of Thrones game. I can only disable it. What the what?!!!!:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad:


macrumors G3
Oct 5, 2008
Yes, I get stutters and hiccups on my S9+.

The only Android phone that was as fluid as the iPhone was the OnePlus 6/6T. That phone was solid as hell when I had it even better performed than my Pixel.


macrumors 68020
Sep 18, 2016
my S10+ has been the most fluid, consistently fast Samsung phone I have ever used. I'd say it's on the Pixel / iPhone level for me, maybe even better. Definitely faster / more fluid than my P3XL, I had a lot of issues with that phone (it wasn't bad but not what I come to expect from a pixel device)

My s10 plus has been miles ahead of my Pixel 3 XL in terms of performance and fluidity. Tons more lag in the Pixel and much slower to open apps.


macrumors 6502
Feb 24, 2019
Yes. Just switched back to a XS Max last week. The S10+ is a beautiful phone with a great camera, but there were constant lags and stutters everywhere. I hated it after a while. I had all the bloatware and junk turned off with Package Diasbler Pro and still ran horribly. My son has a OnePlus 6T and his phone is much more fluid at performing everyday tasks. No matter how much beef Samsung puts in their phones they still can't get software right.

I have not had any lag on any Samsung phone since the Note 9 or S9. My S10+ is the best phone I have ever owned even over my XS Max which did stutter and lag. The S10 doesn't at all and is snappy. I question you even had one since this is the first post I have seen on all the sites of someone complaining about lag.
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Sep 11, 2014
I have not had any lag on any Samsung phone since the Note 9 or S9. My S10+ is the best phone I have ever owned even over my XS Max which did stutter and lag. The S10 doesn't at all and is snappy. I question you even had one since this is the first post I have seen on all the sites of someone complaining about lag.
I believe he had one, but I think he messed it up disabling something he should not have with Package Disabler Pro. Even using the built in disabling option, I am treading very carefully. There are some apps that are integral parts of the One UI and you don't want to disable anything willynilly that might be tied into the function of something important. Some people assume anything and everything that's installed by Samsung is just useless "bloat." If you're going into it with that kind of prejudice against the manufacturer, just get an iPhone or a Pixel because you're not going to be happy with what you have to work with.
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Jun 22, 2007
Personally, if you have a Samsung phone with at least 4GB of RAM (ideally 6 though), then you should be fine.
I have the Galaxy A5 2017 and the Galaxy A8. Both have similar chip, but the A8 has 4GB RAM, while the A5 has only 3. The difference is night and day. My A5 runs like a dog, even launching the camera lags. The app drawer itself can lag. It’s ridiculous. Meanwhile, the A8 feels a lot smoother overall. Both are still on Samsung Experience 9, so it makes me think Samsung RAM management is not that great, with devices having more RAM able to perform much better.
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