Unfortunately, science and political topics don’t seem to be mutually exclusive. Like vaccines.
We try to limit discussion of these highly debated topics to certain sections, because it can get heated. Whether that’s good or bad, that’s where things stand.
With respect,
@arn, this really isn't good enough.
Not now, and not in the face of a global pandemic.
And - again, with respect, - I would expect that someone who trained as a medical doctor to be more than perfectly aware of the efficacy of vaccines.
In fact, to be quite candid, and this has been the case ever since the times of Edward Jenner, this shouldn't even be a subject matter for serious debate, least of all from a medical perspective.
And if it does become one, might I respectfully suggest that the site (and site owner) make clear that while the expression of differing opinions on such matters may be welcome, the mere expression of such opinions does not confer equal validity on them, as one is proven scientific fact while the other is not.
For that matter, it is one thing to offer differing views equal online space on an online platform, (First Amendment, and commercial imperatives perhaps serving to spur such a stance), but quite another to suggest that they may have equal merit as a matter of fact, or, as a matter of fact based evidence.
Just because two views, or opinions, may differ - or may "become heated" in discussion, debate and argument, does not mean that both should be accorded equal online space and afforded equal respect as opinions, or perspectives.
Not when one has been scientifically and factually proven, such proofs confirmed and validiated in credible sources, - in other words, is an example of fact based (and supported) evidence - while the other is simply a differing opinion, one that expresses disagreement.
In history, something either happened or it didn't; the post-modernist perspective ("it depends on how you look at it") doesn't really work when addressing with the standard questions (what, who, where, when) of historical fact.
And likewise, this also applies with a discussion on matters that pertain to scientific - evidence based - fact.