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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Aug 22, 2006
There is this wicked jazz guitar solo I want to transcribe but it is so fast that I could only get this solo right if I had some program that would slow the tempo without changing the pitch of the track. Anyone know of any free audio players that do this?
not a freebie, but I just noticed on my PC that the sound card came with some software that does this and many other neat (but not very useful) things.
Chaszmyr said:
Should be able to do it in Garageband, if you have a new mac.

Um, some people don't use Garageband all that often. I've ever only used it once or twice. Really, unless your into that sort of thing, it's not worth the 2 GB to just keep it on your computer.
Originally Posted by Chaszmyr
Should be able to do it in Garageband, if you have a new mac.

Um, some people don't use Garageband all that often. I've ever only used it once or twice. Really, unless your into that sort of thing, it's not worth the 2 GB to just keep it on your computer.

Wow. Thanks for being so helpful.
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slow tempo

now i know you're going to laugh but......

i have the same need - to be able to slow down a guitar break (without changing the pitch) soi can learn a solo. i've done this a couple of times, but i'll be danged if i know how i did it. someone out there knows.........

also - i'd like to know if there's a way to display the written music as it plays on garageband (like band in a box)
now i know you're going to laugh but......

i have the same need - to be able to slow down a guitar break (without changing the pitch) soi can learn a solo. i've done this a couple of times, but i'll be danged if i know how i did it. someone out there knows.........

also - i'd like to know if there's a way to display the written music as it plays on garageband (like band in a box)

quote - "where am i going and why am i in this handbasket?"
audacity on the mac works!

open the file in audacity (it's free... google for it, windoze version also)
select the whole file
goto the effects menu and choose "Change Tempo"
decide how slow you wanna go- click preview to hear a snippet
click "OK"

export your file to another mp3 (or wav or whatever) so it will play on your player. audacity has it's own saved file project structure you can only play in audacity.

you can trim off the parts you don't need, or export only the slowed down selection, so that you only save the riff or lead you want. easier to repeat to listen and practice. rock on!
I just downloaded Vox, played an mp3, and adjusted the speed several times but I didn't get any changes... am I doing something wrong?

MS MediaPlayer has the slowdown feature built in which can be manipulated with JavaScript.
I have built a player that you can download

Any body knows how to use the same commands for QuickTime, or why Quicktime did not bother to put the slow-down commands in their standard version like Microsoft did?
To hear adjustments in Vox

I just downloaded Vox, played an mp3, and adjusted the speed several times but I didn't get any changes... am I doing something wrong?

Dear Hazyb - Make sure you have checked the box next to "Time Stretch" or whatever other parameter you've adjusted. While it's visible, somehow it's not immediately obvious that the check box is there. Actually helpful in that you can instantly hear the difference between adjusted and non-adjusted. (very useful for the other effects like flange and phaser).
audacity on the mac works!

open the file in audacity (it's free... google for it, windoze version also)
select the whole file
goto the effects menu and choose "Change Tempo"
decide how slow you wanna go- click preview to hear a snippet
click "OK"

export your file to another mp3 (or wav or whatever) so it will play on your player. audacity has it's own saved file project structure you can only play in audacity.

you can trim off the parts you don't need, or export only the slowed down selection, so that you only save the riff or lead you want. easier to repeat to listen and practice. rock on!
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