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This looks interesting. From what I read in the "about the game" section of the game link, it appears that the campaign is a conflict between factions in a dynamic, destructible world, RPG style toon development, and for a set period of time and/or victory conditions are achieved, which looks like developmental/ territorial conquest. From there, a wipe, and a new world, new campaign is started, but what about toon development? That starts over too I assume or there could be significant imbalances betwwe established and new players. And how big will this be, I assume multiple servers with a campaign on each one and up to 1000 players? I don see on giant game landscape like Eve.

How is this like Eve- is there space based conflict? :)

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Please give this one consideration you guys. ArtCraft are friends of ours in Austin, and EXTREMELY talented. If anyone can pull of something new in the MMO space, its these folks.


damn I wanted to pledge 30$ but kickstarter doesn't allow paypal... and i don't own a credit card... :rolleyes:

They will be adding additional funding options once the Kickstarter is closed. While not confirmed yet, that will likely mean paypal directly to the company (ala StarCitizen).
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This looks interesting. From what I read in the "about the game" section of the game link, it appears that the campaign is a conflict between factions in a dynamic, destructible world, RPG style toon development, and for a set period of time and/or victory conditions are achieved, which looks like developmental/ territorial conquest. From there, a wipe, and a new world, new campaign is started, but what about toon development? That starts over too I assume or there could be significant imbalances betwwe established and new players. And how big will this be, I assume multiple servers with a campaign on each one and up to 1000 players? I don see on giant game landscape like Eve.

How is this like Eve- is there space based conflict? :)

View attachment 531596

The giant landscape is the "Eternal Kingdoms" which is entirely player driven. The campaigns (of which there could be many going on at any point in time) are the only place where players can gather resources in order to build in the Eternal Kingdoms. It really is a strategy game mixed with a MMO. Genius IMO

Toon development is persistent as well, just like a normal MMO BUT there are no XP bars, levels, etc. Its all skill based.

So their thing is "Eternal Heroes, Dying Worlds". They have a great narrative about the universe where that mechanic plays into it.
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This actually looks pretty neat, but without a Mac version I won't be backing it. Looks like they are already nearing their funding goal after just a few days, so I'm glad to see that. Will be keeping an eye on this as it develops.
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How is this like Eve- is there space based conflict? :)
View attachment 531596

read the faq and watch kickstarter video.

characters have no levels or xp... skill system is similar to eve
territorial conquest
all items have to be crafted
player run economy
players will build castles next to mines (good asteroid belts)

etc, there's more but why ruin the fun
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This actually looks pretty neat, but without a Mac version I won't be backing it. Looks like they are already nearing their funding goal after just a few days, so I'm glad to see that. Will be keeping an eye on this as it develops.

Awww cmon...shoot them $30 in hopes it hits Mac. Who knows...maybe Aspyr will be the ones to do the work ;)
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Interesting. Definitely has my attention. Might be the first thing I ever throw money at on Kickstarter.

The campaign reset system looks like it'll avoid a pitfall of Anarchy Online, an MMO with a strategy aspect between the competing factions, resulting in a slight XP% bonus and access to org-wide (guild) and individual benefits. Sometimes it was basically 50-50, other times one side owned 95% of the tower spots. After a while, the losing side would inevitably stop fighting. Some people would then switch side - the losers to the winners, looking to gain an advantage, or the losers to the winners, looking for a challenge. Not many, though, because it was difficult to switch and impossible after a certain level. More often, people would make new characters if they felt like swapping sides.

The campaign system seems like it would avoid that pitfall. I'm intrigued.
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Interesting. Definitely has my attention. Might be the first thing I ever throw money at on Kickstarter.

The campaign reset system looks like it'll avoid a pitfall of Anarchy Online, an MMO with a strategy aspect between the competing factions, resulting in a slight XP% bonus and access to org-wide (guild) and individual benefits. Sometimes it was basically 50-50, other times one side owned 95% of the tower spots. After a while, the losing side would inevitably stop fighting. Some people would then switch side - the losers to the winners, looking to gain an advantage, or the losers to the winners, looking for a challenge. Not many, though, because it was difficult to switch and impossible after a certain level. More often, people would make new characters if they felt like swapping sides.

The campaign system seems like it would avoid that pitfall. I'm intrigued.

It's not the same, but that description reminds me of Planetside, an online assault game composed of infantry, tanks and flying vehicles, where even if all the facilities on an island was controlled completely by another faction, there were safe zones that you could land on the island to organize and mount an assault, facility by facility. You could spend hours trying to take over or defend.

I played The original Planetside for over a year, but bailed on PS2 in favor of World of Tanks. I realize that Crowfall is more like a traditional MMORPG.
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Crowfall looks interesting. It certainly has the feel of Eve's Nullsec Sov warfare with resetting warfare areas. However, it seems that your clan/guild/organization (whatever they call it) will have some sort of private instanced homeworld. If it turns out to be something that people can retreat to and carebear it up without a worry then it might be kind of lame. Eve is nice because in the large wars you can actually displace an entity and remove them from their space and take over. The combat also looks pretty lame. I did not like Wildstar or GW2s combat at all. The whole action RPG just turns into a mess of people piling in an area and aoeing the hell out of each other.

If both of these things change I might give it a shot.
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They just announced Travian Games as their European (also Brazilian etc.) publisher; EU/ex-USSR folks likely know Travian well, that highly addictive FTP browser MMO. Somewhat strange marriage, since Crowfall should be much less casual (again, think: EVE) and goes with box price + optional sub.

Crowfall looks interesting. It certainly has the feel of Eve's Nullsec Sov warfare with resetting warfare areas. However, it seems that your clan/guild/organization (whatever they call it) will have some sort of private instanced homeworld. If it turns out to be something that people can retreat to and carebear it up without a worry then it might be kind of lame. Eve is nice because in the large wars you can actually displace an entity and remove them from their space and take over. The combat also looks pretty lame. I did not like Wildstar or GW2s combat at all. The whole action RPG just turns into a mess of people piling in an area and aoeing the hell out of each other.

If both of these things change I might give it a shot.

Meantime they pretty much peeled off the Wildstar part (all those telegraphs clearly visible in Kickstarter videos) and the actual combat inspiration of their design lead is TERA. Not low level TERA (30 and below) that everyone tried and disliked or just left due to slow/locked animations and unbearable grindy grind, but it's high end when things actually get better.

Speaking of private instances aka Eternal Kingdoms (EKs for short), spending any significant time there will be pointless due to extremely scarce resources combined with fees/taxes and item decay, buildings included. Getting mats for building and crafting (so that taxes and decay could actually start ticking on something) is another problem. Best one can do is get, say, a castle foundation from a cash shop (won't be cheap + will require mats to finish the building or upgrade) and then watch it slowly rot to it's decayed state, then to ruin.

In other words, EKs are designed as a lobby, with some cosmetics/vanity/social elements + frequent hopping in and out of Campaigns will gain you nothing but penalties and waiting in queues that can last for days or weeks. Now, big wars can actually happen in bigger EKs due to monarchs (likely alliance/guild leaders) having controll over PvP on/off switch - likely together with things such as friendly fire or full body loot. That will require previous victories in Campaigns and significant accumulation of resources, due to explained absence of these in EKs.

That is, with some luck we might have occasional EVE-like wars with hundreds of thousands at stake - difference being that these will be happening on "only" continent-sized maps (say, WoW continent for rough comparison), will end after couple weeks or months and the victor will be declared.
Couple new videos, starting with TheLazyPeon's alpha test preview. If you know about the game, skip first ~100 seconds - that's where he uses old footage to explain Crowfall to his subscribers:

...then some combat by ItsZiz (yea, it's still raw and alpha-ey, but clearly improving):

...and this is what you get by mixing Van Helsing with guinea pig (!) and giving it stealth:

The studio has now started working on the final milestone of the game.

This milestone includes:
  • the Frostweaver (final class)
  • the Dregs (GvG campaign)
  • caravans
  • mounts
  • refineries
  • ability to create, move and destroy buildings
  • remaining disciplines
  • etc.
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