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macrumors 65816
Original poster
Feb 24, 2020
IOQuake3 is an open source Quake 3 engine for many platforms. It supports PPC/Intel Mac OS X, BSD, Linux, and many other platforms.

For the *BSD’s, PowerPC was never supported. I’ve figured out how to get it to work however, and thanks to Macintosh Garden free hosting a compiled package and source are now available.

OpenBSD 6.7 is required for this. To just install the already compiled pkg run the following commands

export PKG_PATH=""
pkg_add -D unsigned ioquake3
export PKG_PATH=

You need to put the game files in either /usr/local/share/ioquake3 or ~/.q3a . No different from any other IOQuake3 supported OS.

For my machine I have an OpenGL 1.3 accelerated card on OpenBSD. The default IOQuake3 renderer is the OpenGL2 one. Before IOQuake3 will launch successfully with an OpenGL 1 card you have to specify to use the opengl1 renderer in q3cfg.cfg.

The file q3cfg.cfg needs to be at ~/.q3a/baseq3/q3cfg.cfg or /usr/local/share/ioquake3/baseq3/q3cfg.cfg

To specify the renderer, set this in q3cfg.cfg

seta cl_renderer "opengl1"

Then run the

You can alternatively compile the modified port. Make sure the 6.7 ports are in /usr/ports, then run these commands

curl -L -o ioquake3.tgz
rm -rf /usr/ports/games/ioquake3
tar zxvf ioquake3.tgz -C /usr/ports/games
cd /usr/ports/games/ioquake3
make install
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