Some guy just sold me a lost or stolen iPhone, just found out when I got my micro sim earlier today and tried to make a call. The iPhone is also factory unlocked , my question is can my friend use my iPhone on t-mobile network ?
Have you considered taking it to Verizon or Sprint? They could tell by the numbers on the phone who it belongs to. Sorry, but just because you paid for it doesn't mean it belongs to you. Someone stole my phone once and sold it for $10. So excuse me if I sound like I'm on a high horse. I'm only putting myself in the shoes of the true owner. Must suck for them right now.
Wanna know how I knew it was sold for $10? Because I called my number and a girl answered. I heard someone say "don't answer" and hung up. I kept calling until she answered. I gave her $20 to get it back.
But as a rule, if someone is selling a valuable item for dirt cheap, there's usually a reason.
To answer your question, it won't work if its a Verizon or Sprint iPhone.
It's an AT&T iPhone that is factory unlocked, from what I know I did buy it from the owners the thing was like brand new... Now I no longer have there contact or anything.. So your saying it will work on t mobile ???
Some guy just sold me a lost or stolen iPhone, just found out when I got my micro sim earlier today and tried to make a call. The iPhone is also factory unlocked , my question is can my friend use my iPhone on t-mobile network ?
What did you do, buy the phone then immediately delete any record of buying it? Come on, do the right thing and hand it in...
Hand it into who??the cops have no record of it, AT&T will not give out anyones info and want to have nothing to do with the iPhone. The gay guys I bought it from we're moving and sold me the iPhone they looked like te og owner. The must I'm thinking what's going on is insurance fraud, they lied to apple care that it was lost or stolen just read an online article bout this crap
hand it into who??the cops have no record of it, at&t will not give out anyones info and want to have nothing to do with the iphone. The gay guys i bought it from we're moving and sold me the iphone they looked like te og owner. The must i'm thinking what's going on is insurance fraud, they lied to apple care that it was lost or stolen just read an online article bout this crap
Have you considered taking it to Verizon or Sprint? They could tell by the numbers on the phone who it belongs to. Sorry, but just because you paid for it doesn't mean it belongs to you. Someone stole my phone once and sold it for $10. So excuse me if I sound like I'm on a high horse. I'm only putting myself in the shoes of the true owner. Must suck for them right now.
I'm thinking what's going on is insurance fraud, they lied to apple care that it was lost or stolen just read an online article bout this crap
They were telling me they just got it a month ago and are looking to sell it to make some extra money on their free upgrade. They had the box they had the charge, the outlet pieces and booklets, they had the whole shabang. The imei match the one on the back of the box as well, they even seemed sad to sell it.How exactly does being gay & moving tie into to them "looking" like the original owner? Just curious how you put that all together.
They were telling me they just got it a month ago and are looking to sell it to make some extra money on their free upgrade. They had the box they had the charge, the outlet pieces and booklets, they had the whole shabang. The imei match the one on the back of the box as well, they even seemed sad to sell it.
Have you considered taking it to Verizon or Sprint? They could tell by the numbers on the phone who it belongs to. Sorry, but just because you paid for it doesn't mean it belongs to you. Someone stole my phone once and sold it for $10. So excuse me if I sound like I'm on a high horse. I'm only putting myself in the shoes of the true owner. Must suck for them right now.
yeah it would be a good idea to return a phone to the original owner if you pay $300 so god doesn't send you to hell.
Some guy just sold me a lost or stolen iPhone, just found out when I got my micro sim earlier today and tried to make a call. The iPhone is also factory unlocked , my question is can my friend use my iPhone on t-mobile network ?....
....They were telling me they just got it a month ago and are looking to sell it to make some extra money on their free upgrade. They had the box they had the charge, the outlet pieces and booklets, they had the whole shabang. The imei match the one on the back of the box as well, they even seemed sad to sell it.
Who said anything about God sending anyone to hell? I've been in the position of the original owner. Yes, I laid it down and forgot to pick it back up. We are human and at times become forgetful. So it's ok to pounce on the golden opportunity every time someone forgets? This is why I speak out for the true owner. I know there are so many people who stand around like vultures, waiting for someone to screw up, then grab the spoils before they are noticed they are missing. I'm thankful there are still people like the person who returned my bank card to customer service when I dropped it.
Good thing nobody knows my name. People will follow me around with a catcher's mitt. LOL