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macrumors 603
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
Like many other iPhone 6 owners, I have been struggling with the phone since updating to iOS11. Anyways, I just changed my battery and I have some before and after benchmarks for comparison.

Original Battery (62% health)

Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 9.52.52 AM.png

New Battery (98% Health - although I expect this to go up after the first couple of charges)

Screen Shot 2017-12-31 at 10.50.21 AM.png

Geekbench4 Results Before

IMG_0718.PNG IMG_0721.PNG IMG_0722.PNG

Geekbench4 Results After


As you can see, the battery makes a huge difference on benchmarks. Feel wise, the difference is even more pronounced. Apps that used to take 5 seconds to load take only 1 or 2 seconds. The camera app is faster. Screenshots are faster. It's totally worth swapping the battery for. I can probably go one more year before upgrading to the iPhoneX S2.

I will say that iOS10 is still much faster than my newly renovated iOS11 device. I accept that the 1GB of RAM is limiting and that I should expect some slowdown. But I needed wOS4, so I had to update. The battery swap at least makes the iOS11 experience bearable.



macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2008
Like many other iPhone 6 owners, I have been struggling with the phone since updating to iOS11. Anyways, I just changed my battery and I have some before and after benchmarks for comparison.

Original Battery (62% health)

View attachment 744575

New Battery (98% Health - although I expect this to go up after the first couple of charges)

View attachment 744576

Geekbench4 Results Before

View attachment 744577 View attachment 744578 View attachment 744579

Geekbench4 Results After

View attachment 744580

As you can see, the battery makes a huge difference on benchmarks. Feel wise, the difference is even more pronounced. Apps that used to take 5 seconds to load take only 1 or 2 seconds. The camera app is faster. Screenshots are faster. It's totally worth swapping the battery for. I can probably go one more year before upgrading to the iPhoneX S2.

I will say that iOS10 is still much faster than my newly renovated iOS11 device. I accept that the 1GB of RAM is limiting and that I should expect some slowdown. But I needed wOS4, so I had to update. The battery swap at least makes the iOS11 experience bearable.

I'm curious if Apple told you what your actual battery capacity was prior to it being replaced. It'd be interesting to see how far off, or spot on, coconut battery is capable of testing.

Also, how long did the swap take?


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
I'm curious if Apple told you what your actual battery capacity was prior to it being replaced. It'd be interesting to see how far off, or spot on, coconut battery is capable of testing.

Also, how long did the swap take?
I didn't take it to Apple. I had ordered a 3rd party battery two days before Apple announced the $30 replacements. I was gonna wait for next week to have Apple do it, but I got impatient, so I did it myself.

It took me 30 minutes to do it. If I were a little younger and had better eyes, it would have taken 15.

I've gotten batteries replaced at the Apple Store before. They take forever. At least an hour, sometimes more. It's a busy store (Suburban Square Apple Store - Ardmore, PA), so I suspect they have lots of repairs going on.
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macrumors 6502
May 4, 2011
Like many other iPhone 6 owners, I have been struggling with the phone since updating to iOS11. Anyways, I just changed my battery and I have some before and after benchmarks for comparison.

Original Battery (62% health)

View attachment 744575

New Battery (98% Health - although I expect this to go up after the first couple of charges)

View attachment 744576

Geekbench4 Results Before

View attachment 744577 View attachment 744578 View attachment 744579

Geekbench4 Results After

View attachment 744580

As you can see, the battery makes a huge difference on benchmarks. Feel wise, the difference is even more pronounced. Apps that used to take 5 seconds to load take only 1 or 2 seconds. The camera app is faster. Screenshots are faster. It's totally worth swapping the battery for. I can probably go one more year before upgrading to the iPhoneX S2.

I will say that iOS10 is still much faster than my newly renovated iOS11 device. I accept that the 1GB of RAM is limiting and that I should expect some slowdown. But I needed wOS4, so I had to update. The battery swap at least makes the iOS11 experience bearable.

50% throttling. How is that even justifiable.


Feb 11, 2008
50% throttling. How is that even justifiable.

You were not suppose to find out. Assume that your phone was just getting old with time. Like that old computer you had, over decades we have been trained to update slow computers , smartphone is just a computer
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macrumors 6502
May 4, 2011
You were not suppose to find out. Assume that your phone was just getting old with time. Like that old computer you had, over decades we have been trained to update slow computers , smartphone is just a computer
I still have my AMD Athlon XP 2400 overclocked to 2800. And still runs at 2800 MHz. Does Apple think most of us are simply stupid?

My sandy bridge 3770k from 5-7 years ago runs so good, I never had to upgrade. That’s what is gonna happen to the iPhone soon enough. The iPad effect will eventually catch up to the iPhones and Apple is resorting to cheap tricks to keep the upgrade cycle going.

50% is downright malicious, and reducing refresh rate on the screen is probably equivalent to a drop from 60 FPS to 30 FPS. Enough to lag you right into an upgrade.
Last edited:


macrumors 68020
Sep 24, 2014
This battery war never really bothered me. But, out of curiosity I checked my wife's 6 battery health. A hand-me-down from our son. The 6 was still at 99%. Kinda of surprising. I doubt she will have to worry about throttling.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast
This battery war never really bothered me. But, out of curiosity I checked my wife's 6 battery health. A hand-me-down from our son. The 6 was still at 99%. Kinda of surprising. I doubt she will have to worry about throttling.
My wife’s iphone6, which was bought the same day as mine is on the original battery (92% health). It runs fine. Im in my third battery now.

Some people just use their phones more.
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macrumors 6502
Oct 30, 2007
Silicon Valley
My wife’s iphone6, which was bought the same day as mine is on the original battery (92% health). It runs fine. Im in my third battery now.

Some people just use their phones more.

yep, tested my wife's 3-year old 6 as well, 91% and her GB4 single-core scores are above 1500. she doesn't need a new battery (and she doesn't want a new phone either).


macrumors 68000
Apr 8, 2010
This has to be said. If Steve Jobs were alive this definitely won’t happen. Tim Cook really is greedy bastard.


macrumors regular
Jul 21, 2008
This has to be said. If Steve Jobs were alive this definitely won’t happen. Tim Cook really is greedy bastard.

I wonder how much Tim really knows. He spends too much time being a social justice warrior and worrying too much about Apple's employees feelings than running the company day to day.


macrumors 65816
Mar 14, 2014
Its good to know that hopefully this will not be a problem in the future. Throttling my X in a few years would stink!!!


macrumors 6502
Jun 19, 2011
This has to be said. If Steve Jobs were alive this definitely won’t happen. Tim Cook really is greedy bastard.
You have no idea what decisions Jobs would make today, none whatsoever. Time has moved on but you’ve remained in the past. This Jobs hero worship is unhealthy.

Michael Goff

Jul 5, 2012
This has to be said. If Steve Jobs were alive this definitely won’t happen. Tim Cook really is greedy bastard.

You’re right. Apple wouldn’t have apologized. Steve Jobs would have gotten on stage to tell everyone about how great it is that they’re slowing down the phone to preserve the battery health.

Then everyone would get a cheaper battery replacement maybe. Like they gave bumpers out to deal with Antennaegate.


macrumors 603
Original poster
Jan 23, 2002
East Coast

Correction: Battery Design Capacity at 88.5%. Geekbench scores: 1004/1794. 66% CPU Capped. Outrageous.
Those lawsuits seem very reasonable now.
Apple hasn’t indicated what constitutes an affected battery. They’ve only said that when a battery can’t provide peak current, the cpu throttles.

Battery health may not be the only indicator of affected batteries. Perhaps apple’s diagnostics check for more than just battery capacity.
Impressive gains for just $30
It was actually $26. I got a 3rd party battery from amazon. Didn’t want to wait until next week to have Apple do it.
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