i can easily and definately say that all the models which i personally checked for this issue on my friends and retail stores have this issue and i do not believe there is a correct one about this problem. (Personally checked more than three for each 13 and 15 inches 2018, 2019 models, MacBook Air retina my friend bought a few weeks ago, iMac 5K on 2 different reseller, more than 3 16 inches mbp)
Hi all, Received my 16" yesterday. After some playing around last night and today I've noticed a potential issue I'd like to compare. When using the launch pad and moving between apps, the display seems to have ghosting - its not smoothly transitioning between each page of apps. Ive noticed the...
also it is told that 2015 or below retina displays are better than 2016-2020 touchbar models
i wish i have loved mine but the ghosting text smearing issue made me hate my laptop. If i had not checked mine for this and noticed the problem, i would love it because it was a dream for me to own a MacBook Pro but my dream transformed into a nightmare because of bad pixel response time of these devices like cheaper displays...